by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Bell, Clara
by Ebers, Georg
by Alencar, José Martiniano de
by Connolly, James B. (James Brendan)
by Selow-Serman, K. E.
by Jarry, Alfred
by Bunsen, Marie von
by Bunsen, Marie von
by Hübner, Heinrich
by Heiberg, J. L. (Johan Ludvig)
by Lubowski, Käte
by Hahnemann, Samuel
by Gelpke, August Heinrich Christian
by Beneke, F. W. (Friedrich Wilhelm)
by Hehn, Victor
by Leitzmann, Albert
by Schiemann, Theodor
by Klein, Felix
by Power, S. D. (Susan Dunning)
by Chiarini, Giuseppe
by Szemere, György
by Bazzero, Ambrogio
by Kara, Jalmari
by Kupiainen, Alpo
by Sabatini, Rafael
by Frenzel, Karl
by Kindler, Fintan
by Leino, Eino
by Railo, Eino
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Kouta, Aarni
by Anttila, Selma
by Schippers, W.
by Snijders, A. J. C. (Anthony J. C.)
by Wallace, Alfred Russel
by Struyf, Ivo
by Casimir, R. (Rommert)
by Casimir, R. (Rommert)
by Berens, Fred.
by Mens, Is. van (Isidorus Maria Cornelis)
by Braakensiek, Joh. (Johan Coenraad)
by Kieviet, Cornelis Johannes
by Genthe, Siegfried
by Andriessen, P. J. (Pieter Jacob)
by Veth, Pieter Johannes
by Louwerse, Pieter
by Blommaert, W. (Willem)
by Blommaert, W. (Willem)
by Gie, S. F. N. (Stefanus François Naudé)
by Gie, S. F. N. (Stefanus François Naudé)
by Roland Holst-Van der Schalk, Henriette
by Anonymous
by Kesäniemi, Paavo
by White, Stewart Edward
by Buysse, Cyriel
by Jókai, Mór
by Jókai, Mór
by Jókai, Mór
by Ács, Géza
by Hamsun, Knut
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Hagfors, Johan Fridolf
by Thomasson, Pehr
by Rudnytskyi, Stepan
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Borrow, George
by Wise, Thomas James
by Halonen, Maija
by Lie, Jonas
by Ruotsalo, Sakari
by Lempiranta, Arvo
by Mellin, G. H. (Gustaf Henrik)
by Swan, Anni
by Carr, John F.
by Clark, John D. (John Drury)
by Piper, H. Beam
by Piper, H. Beam
by Lemoine, Gustave
by Scribe, Eugène
by Törmänen, C. Edv.
by Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert
by Stoddard, William O.
by Sternheim, Carl
by Gwynn, Stephen Lucius
by Williams, Alexander
by Andrews, Elizabeth, F.R.A.I.
by McNeill, Ronald
by Pimentel, Alberto
by Memini
by Grimké, Archibald Henry
by Effron, H. Sanford
by DeKy, Thornton
by Holmdale, Herbert W.
by Miller, P. Schuyler (Peter Schuyler)
by Annas, Hal
by Terry, W. E.
by Bond, Nelson S.
by Paul, Frank R. (Frank Rudolph)
by Campbell, John W., Jr. (John Wood)
by Murphy, C. A. (Cornelius Anthony)
by Walton, Bryce
by Reynolds, Mack
by Schoenherr, John
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Campos, Alvaro de
by Quental, Antero de
by Veloso, Rodrigo
by Carrera, Valentino
by Sohl, Jerry
by Joyce, James
by Becker, Karl Friedrich
by Homer
by Upton, George P. (George Putnam)
by Allen, Walter
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Sangster, William
by Hirschberg, J. (Julius)
by Dalrymple, Julia
by McDonald, Etta Blaisdell
by Pirandello, Luigi
by Wuori, Martti
by Müller, Willi
by Hesse, Hermann
by Swettenham, Frank Athelstane, Sir
by Dummer, Ethel S.
by Thomas, William Isaac
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Peard, Frances Mary
by Saki
by Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy)
by Marks, Winston K. (Winston Kinney)
by Vidmer
by Boothby, Ben
by Hornung, E. W. (Ernest William)
by Freas, Kelly
by Reynolds, Mack
by Dunbar, Paul Laurence
by Boschère, Jean de
by Sinclair, May
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Various
by Clinedinst, B. West (Benjamin West)
by Page, Thomas Nelson
by Morse, Katharine Duncan
by Wood, J. G. (John George)
by Wood, J. G. (John George)
by Gissing, George
by Andrew, John
by Optic, Oliver
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by McElroy, John
by Brabourne, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, Baron
by Griset, Ernest Henry
by Stewart, Cal
by Stooke, Eleanora H.
by Carey, Rosa Nouchette
by Dalrymple, Leona
by Janvier, Thomas A. (Thomas Allibone)
by Smedley, W. T. (William Thomas)
by Harris, Joel Chandler
by Harris, Joel Chandler
by Harris, Joel Chandler
by Helm, Nellie Lathrop
by Parker, Francis W. (Francis Wayland)
by Mathews, Joanna H. (Joanna Hooe)
by Matthews, Albert
by Conner, Jacob Elon
by Newman, Clyde J.
by DuPuy, William Atherton
by Megargee, S. Edwin
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving)
by Preston, Effa E. (Effa Estelle)
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Whishaw, Frederick
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Higginbotham, Helena
by Munn, Charles Clark
by Brooks, Louise
by Spyri, Johanna
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Spencer, Len
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by Mason, Walt
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Bloomfield, Edward
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Bloomfield, Edward
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Bloomfield, Edward
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Campbell, Lang
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Wisa, Louis
by Lee, Jennette
by De Quincey, Thomas
by Hogg, James
by De Quincey, Thomas
by Hogg, James
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Prince, Morton
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Butler, Samuel
by Spooner, Lysander
by Neill, John R. (John Rea)
by Wright, Harold Bell
by Grier, Sydney C.
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Swenson
by Frohnmeyer, Ida
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Snaith, J. C. (John Collis)
by Tyrrell, Christina
by Werner, E.
by Tyrrell, Christina
by Werner, E.
by Tyrrell, Christina
by Werner, E.
by Bates, Harry
by Baker, George M. (George Melville)
by Roberts, Randal H. (Randal Howland), Sir
by Witt, Otto
by Wells, Douglas
by Brigham, Sarah Jeannette Lathbury
by Ames, Joseph Bushnell
by Louderback, Walt
by Colby, Henry Francis
by Douglas, Alan, Captain
by Kirkpatrick, William Arber-Brown
by Martyn, Wyndham
by Megrue, Roi Cooper
by Grant, Robert
by Yohn, F. C. (Frederick Coffay)
by Repplier, Agnes
by Smith, Francis Hopkinson
by Azuela, Mariano
by Munguía, E. (Enrique)
by Browne, Gordon
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Boothby, Cecilia Elizabeth
by Boothby, Charles
by Boothby, Martha Serena
by Sergeant, Adeline
by King, Charles
by Munsey, Frank Andrew
by Fiske, James
by Furman, E. A.
by Barbusse, Henri
by Wray, W. Fitzwater
by Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir)
by Paget, Walter
by Straus, Oscar S. (Oscar Solomon)
by Converse, Florence
by Dragoume, Ioulia D.
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Assange, Julian
by Dreyfus, Suelette
by Brereton, Cloudesley
by Tarde, Gabriel de
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Engle, Robert
by Lang, Allen Kim
by Still, William
by Siebert, Wilbur Henry
by Orton, James
by Knox, Thomas Wallace
by Gregory, Jackson
by Evison, G. Henry
by Lisle, Eric
by Trask, Katrina
by Campbell, J. F. (John F.)
by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
by Speight, T. W. (Thomas Wilkinson)
by Speight, T. W. (Thomas Wilkinson)
by Speight, T. W. (Thomas Wilkinson)
by Cronk, Katharine Scherer
by Singmaster, Elsie
by England, George Allan
by Rasmussen, Knud
by Marsh, Richard
by Holt, Emily Sarah
by Munroe, Kirk
by Snyder, W. P.
by Avery, Harold
by Wylie, I. A. R. (Ida Alexa Ross)
by Tooker, L. Frank (Lewis Frank)
by Colcord, Lincoln
by Riesenberg, Felix
by Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred)
by Hansen, L. Taylor (Lucile Taylor)
by Wessolowski, Hans Waldemar
by Le Queux, William
by Campbell, Gilbert, Sir
by Hugo, Victor
by Davis, M. E. M. (Mollie Evelyn Moore)
by McConnell, Francis John
by Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
by Dowling, Richard
by Davis, Stanley
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Renouard, Auguste
by Martin, Frank A.
by Stout, Rex
by Dery, Desiderius George
by Collingwood, Harry
by Rainey, W. (William)
by Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir)
by Sheldon, Charles Mills
by Richmond, Grace S. (Grace Smith)
by Rogers, Frances
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Koester, Frank
by Van Benscoten, L. C.
by Allan, James
by Collingwood, Harry
by Lumley, Savile
by Ker, David
by Wood, Stanley L.
by Bourcier, Emmanuel
by Holt, George Nelson
by Holt, Mary Roxy Wilkins
by Giles, Howard
by Munroe, Kirk
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Grant, Julia Dent
by Wittenmyer, Annie
by Beardsley, Aubrey
by Randolph, Henry F. (Henry Fitz)
by Babcock, Edwina Stanton
by Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen)
by Otis, James
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Burroughs, John
by Marshall, Emma
by Collingwood, Harry
by Shute, A. B.
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Adams, Nehemiah
by Rockwood, Roy
by Bennett, Mark Herbert Joseph
by Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope)
by Weldon, Dwight
by Cannon, Frank J.
by O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold
by Neufeld, Charles
by Sheldon, Charles Mills
by Ryan, Charles S. (Charles Snodgrass)
by Sandes, John
by Grant, James
by Weyman, Stanley John
by Harte, Bret
by Isham, Frederic Stewart
by Dole, Nathan Haskell
by Verga, Giovanni
by Engle, Robert
by Perri, Leslie
by Fuller, Henry Blake
by Rae, John
by Robins, Elizabeth
by Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray)
by Clark, Walter A. (Walter Augustus)
by Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir)
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Carter, Nicholas (House name)
by Roberts, Elizabeth Madox
by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
by Abbott, G. F. (George Frederick)
by Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Pearson
by Hodgson, E. S. (Edward Smith)
by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
by Greenaway, Kate
by Gallizier, Nathan
by Kinney, Margaret West
by Kinney, Troy
by Taylor, Bert Leston
by Thoits, Alvin T.
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Norris, Kathleen Thompson
by Ouida
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Paget, Walter
by Conrad, Joseph
by Conrad, Joseph
by Walker, Rowland
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Contor, Roger J.
by Welsh, James C.
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Mills, Arthur Wallis
by Finlay, Virgil
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Schieber, Anna
by Bunnett, F. E. (Fanny Elizabeth)
by Cameron, Katharine
by La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de
by La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de
by La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de
by Macgregor, Mary
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Optic, Oliver
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Hutsko, Joe
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Marshall, Beatrice
by Sudermann, Hermann
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Jaakkola, Väinö
by Zola, Émile
by Hahnsson, Theodolinda
by Volkmann, Richard von
by Salmela, Marja
by Hasenclever, Walter
by Drey, Arthur
by Chambers, Ernest J.
by Chaffee, Allen
by Van Dresser, William
by Buck, Walter John
by Caldwell, E. (Edmund G.)
by Chapman, Abel
by Crawhall, Joseph
by Wright, Almroth
by Taylor, James Hudson
by Griggs, Sutton E. (Sutton Elbert)
by Lee, Jennette
by Roberts, Richard
by Anderson, George Wood
by Shoghi, Effendi
by Lamoreaux, Antoinette Abernethy
by Scott, John Reed
by Underwood, Clarence F.
by Morlock, Frank J.
by Regnard, Jean-François
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Palmer, Samuel M.
by Wallace, Dillon
by Topelius, Zacharias
by Wassermann, Jakob
by Greene, Homer
by Dunsany, Lord
by Raimund, Ferdinand
by Freud, Sigmund
by Natsume, Soseki
by Takahashi, Kazutomo
Uni (Finnish)
by Hytönen, Sulo M.
by Gregory, Lady
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Huneker, James
by Dryfoos, Dave
by Palais, Rudolph
by Kara, Jalmari
by Riddell, J. H., Mrs.
by Guptill, Elizabeth F. (Elizabeth Frances)
by Taylor, James Hudson
by Johnson, Allen
by Warton, Thomas
by Bancroft, Caroline
by Peterson, Daniel K.
by Anonymous
by Benton, Joel
by Tarrant, W. G. (William George)
by Giles, Henry
by Martineau, James
by Thom, John Hamilton
by Cooke, George Willis
by Wallace, W. Stewart (William Stewart)
by Wallace, W. Stewart (William Stewart)
by Rogers, Robert W. (Robert Wells)
by Latané, John Holladay
by Murray, Gilbert
by United States
by United States. Bureau of the Census
by United States
by Jefferson, Thomas
by Hickcox, John H.
by Smith, Uriah
by McClellan, Edwin North
by United States. Marine Corps
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Stirling, Yates
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Stirling, Yates
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Stirling, Yates
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Stirling, Yates
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Stirling, Yates
by Sparks, Edwin Erle
by United States. Presidents
by Lingley, Charles Ramsdell
by Cotter, Arundel
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Gwyther, James Henry Alexander
by Marvin, Francis Sydney
by Neresheimer, E. August
by Tingley, Katherine Augusta Westcott
by Various
by Neresheimer, E. August
by Tingley, Katherine Augusta Westcott
by Various
by Coalition for Networked Information
by Foote, Henry C.
by Falconer, William
by Smith, Robert (Rat-catcher)
by Moore, J. Howard (John Howard)
by Suttner, Bertha von
by Various
by Warder, Geo. W. (George Woodward)
by Moldeven, Meyer
by Hamilton, Edmond
by Morey, Leo
by Wessolowski, Hans Waldemar
by Coppi, Ettore
by Teichmann, Albert
by Haughton, Samuel
by University of California (1868-1952). Library
by Parlette, Ralph Albert
by Shaw, Wilfred Byron
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Jókai, Mór
by Wainio, Niilo E.
by Wichmann, Julie
by Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)
by Patmore, Coventry
by Maeterlinck, Maurice
by Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander
by Notovitch, Nicolas
by Vaizey, George de Horne, Mrs.
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Lumholtz, Carl
by Davis, Stanley
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Van Dyke, Henry
by Housman, Clemence
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred)
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Jones, Raymond F.
by Grant, Robert
by Hall, Radclyffe
by Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay
by Austin, Caroline
by Oliver, Stephen
by Houdini, Harry
by Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh)
by Garrett, Randall
by Martinez
by Montizambert, Elizabeth
by Ottolini, Vittore
by Gardener, Helen H. (Helen Hamilton)
by Heyse, Paul
by Parker, Gilbert
by Berkeley, Reginald
by Lynch, Bohun
by Squire, John Collings, Sir
by Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh)
by Kales, Albert Martin
by Various
by Holt, Henry
by Various
by Holt, Henry
by Various
by Various
by Cranston, Ruth
by Trollope, Anthony
by Sturgis, Melvin
by Herford, Oliver
by Rosenbach, A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf)
by Leland, Charles Godfrey
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Howard, Hayden
by Wood, Wallace
by Van Dyke, Henry
by Asenijeff, Elsa
by Bester, Alfred
by Morey, Leo
by Fleming, May Agnes
by Lincoln, Natalie Sumner
by Kellogg, Elijah
by Snyder, W. P.
by Stewart, Balfour
by Tait, Peter Guthrie
by Fiske, John
by Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
by Hemy, Charles Napier
by Zell, Th.
by Claren, Jenny
by Christen, Ada
by Stout, H. R. (Henry Rice)
by Krzyzanowski, Otfried
by Franzos, Marie
by Lagerlöf, Selma
by Walker, John Bernard
by Shaw, Bernard
by Leacock, Stephen
by Marquand, John P. (John Phillips)
by Adams, Samuel Hopkins
by Crosland, T. W. H. (Thomas William Hodgson)
by Freas, Kelly
by Yaco, Murray F.
by MacDonald, George
by Larin-Kyösti
by Brand, Max
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Jones, Haydon
by Pattullo, George
by Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion)
by Clinton, Ed M.
by Wood, Joanna E. (Joanna Ellen)
by Achleitner, Arthur
by Heilborn, Adolf
by Theilhaber, Felix A. (Felix Aaron)
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Hamsun, Knut
by Sandmeier, J. (Julius)
by Schoetensack, Otto
by Fontane, Theodor
by Hesse, Hermann
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Güthling, Otto
by Nicolai, W.
by Quintilian
by Curie, Marie
by Kaufmann, Walter
by Collin, J. (Josef)
by Mann, Heinrich
by Domville-Fife, Charles W. (Charles William)
by Langenberg, Hanns
by Phillips, Rog
by Terry, W. E.
by Phillips, Rog
by Terry, W. E.
by Moore, George
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Marks, Winston K. (Winston Kinney)
by Bourne, Randolph Silliman
by Oppenheim, James
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Ruskin, John
by Douglas
by Kallis, Stephen A.
by Ellison, Harlan
by Freas, Kelly
by Hall, Herbert J. (Herbert James)
by Krohn, Helmi
by Lagerlöf, Selma
by Lagerlöf, Selma
by Gyp
by Soini, Elsa
by Mackay, William
by Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz
by Merchant, Ella
by Candler, Edmund
by Wright, Henry Clarke
by Samachson, Joseph
by Frank, Waldo David
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Lincoln, Jeanie Gould
by Luros, Milton
by Porges, Arthur
by White, Edward Lucas
by Garrett, Randall
by Averette, Annie
by Brooks, A. M. (Abbie M.)
by Emerson, Nathaniel Bright
by Lockett, Hattie Greene
by Beltramelli, Antonio
by Lombroso, Cesare
by Della Valle, Ángel
by Salgari, Emilio
by Pirandello, Luigi
by Nervander, Emil Fredrik
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Paramananda, Swami
by Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa)
by Daniel, Lucius
by Docktor, Irv
by Asbury, Herbert
by Washington, Booker T.
by Goodwin, Wilder
by Grunwald, Charles
by Bower, B. M.
by Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion)
by Chatelain, Clara de
by Barrett, Michael
by Day, Holman
by Littlefield, Charles E. (Charles Edgar)
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Ranger, Robin
by Beard, James Carter
by Miller, Olive Thorne
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Conant, Thomas
by Skrine, John Huntley
by Thesleff, Wilhelm
by Atra, Kaarlo
by Booth, Mary L. (Mary Louise)
by Gasparin, Agénor, comte de
by Stone, William L. (William Leete)
by Daum, P. A. (Paul Adriaan)
by Harmon, Jim
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Marshall, Archibald
by Dillon, Diane
by Dillon, Leo
by Stecher, L. J., Jr.
by Read, Opie Percival
by Mathews, Edward D. (Edward Davis)
by Optic, Oliver
by Knapp, Shepherd
by Eden, Emily
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone
by Hyde, John N.
by Leslie, Madeline
by La Varre, William
by Zahm, J. A. (John Augustine)
by Optic, Oliver
by Melson, Charles D.
by Eaton, Seymour
by Benson, Arthur Christopher
by Grey, Zane
by Moton, Robert Russa
by Ovington, Mary White
by Pritchard, Myron T. (Myron Thomas)
by Heyer, Artúr
by Tolnai, Lajos
by Kauppis-Heikki
by De Bieler
by Flammarion, Camille
by Gambard
by Myrbach-Rheinfeld, Felician, Freiherr von
by Stetson, Augusta Rice
by De Bieler
by Flammarion, Camille
by Gambard
by Myrbach-Rheinfeld, Felician, Freiherr von
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Harte, Bret
by Schopenhauer, Arthur
by Wijck, B. H. C. K. van der (Bernard Hendrik Cornelis Karel)
by Karikko, Kaarle
by Bourke, John Gregory
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Kingsley, Charles
by Noponen, Alpo
by Frank, Leonhard
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Kafka, Franz
by Koebel, W. H. (William Henry)
by United States. Air Force
by Price, Edith Ballinger
by Crane, Walter
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Sand, George
by Blunt, Walter
by Nation, Carry Amelia
by Fang, Irving E.
by Orban, Paul
by Anonymous
by Bingley, William
by Bingley, William
by Bingley, William
by McIntosh, Gilbert
by Lely, Hugh Vandervaes
by Stamers, James
by Willson, Harry, active 19th century
by Army War College (U.S.)
by Dana, Homer J. (Homer Jackson)
by Pearl, W. A. (William Armour)
by Smith, Southwood
by Linton, Ralph
by Everett, Edward
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Hamilton, Frederick W. (Frederick William)
by Kellogg, John Harvey
by Høffding, Harald
by Södermann, Anto
by Hagfors, Edvin
by Lamennais, Félicité Robert de
by Canzona, Nicholas A.
by Montross, Lynn
by United States. Marine Corps
by Canzona, Nicholas A.
by Montross, Lynn
by United States. Marine Corps
by Canzona, Nicholas A.
by Montross, Lynn
by United States. Marine Corps
by Hicks, Norman W.
by Kuokka, Hubard D.
by Montross, Lynn
by United States. Marine Corps
by Meid, Pat
by United States. Marine Corps
by Yingling, James M.
by Stull, Bertram O.
by United States. Presidents
by Jones, Virgil Carrington
by Peterson, Harold L. (Harold Leslie)
by Alger, Abby Langdon
by Gautier, Judith
by Elliott, Calvin
by Crittenden, S. H.
by Mabey, Charles Rendell
by Wigström, Eva
by Eötvös, Károly
by Eötvös, Károly
by Beöthy, Leo
by Verne, Jules
by Beöthy, Leo
by Verne, Jules
by Gaal, Mózes
by Montaut, H. de (Henri de)
by Verne, Jules
by Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore)
by Deeping, Warwick
by Mill, John Stuart
by McAulay, Alex. (Alexander)
by More, Thomas, Saint
by More, Thomas, Saint
by Morley, Henry
by Disch, Thomas M.
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Kalma, Douwe
by Fornaro, Carlo de
by Lowndes, Marie Belloc
by Freeman, R. Austin (Richard Austin)
by Zilliacus, Konni
by Ganander, Christfrid
by Marryat, Frederick
by Swan, Anni
by Numers, Gustaf von
by Helkiö, Onni E. (Onni Elias)
by Asp, Hilda Maria
by Gripenberg, Alexandra, friherrinna
by Alkio, Santeri
by Favorin, Hanna
by Thoresen, Magdalene
by Forssman, Edith
by Pakkala, Teuvo
by Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti)
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Rissanen, Santeri
by Nuormaa, Severi
by Rydberg, Viktor
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö
by Pohjanpää, Lauri Henrik
by London, Jack
by Järventaus, Arvi
by Ahlqvist, August
by Jalava, Antti
by Jókai, Mór
by Lassinen, Emil
by Nortamo, Hjalmar
by Kataja, Väinö
by Järnefelt Rauanheimo, Akseli
by Benedek, Elek
by Mühlbeck, Károly