by Rizal, José
by Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand
by Suppanen, Aatto
by Salmelainen, Eero
by Krohn, Minna
by Leino, Eino
by Niemi, Herman
by Jalava, Antti
by Mellin, G. H. (Gustaf Henrik)
by Pennell, Joseph
by Quevedo, Francisco de
by Vierge, Daniel
by Watts, Henry Edward
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Saltus, Edgar
by Marryat, Frederick
by Marryat, Frederick
by Doin, Ernest
by Pereda, José María de
by Crosthwaite, C. H. T. (Charles Haukes Todd)
by Morris, James Edwin
by Morris, James Edwin, Mrs.
by Greenbie, Sydney
by Brinton, Howard Futhey
by Fritch, Charles E.
by Wallace, Dillon
by Cool, Catherina
by Lek, Hendrik Adrianus Abraham van der
by Robins, William
by Steele, Thomas Sedgwick
by Mandat-Grancey, E. (Edmond), baron de
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Webb, Archibald
by Page, Gertrude
by Wister, Owen
by Birmingham, George A.
by Daly, Loraine
by Reumert, Pat
by Pereira, Alberto Feliciano Marques
by Asscher, Eva Wilhelmina
by Gunning, J. H.
by Beskow, Elisabeth Maria
by Carpenter, Edward
by Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo
by Moore, Clifford Herschel
by Lewis, Abram Herbert
by Koerner, W. H. D. (William Henry Dethlef)
by MacGrath, Harold
by Buck, Charles Neville
by Gage, George W.
by Pitrat, John Claudius
by Grahame, Kenneth
by Garrett, Randall
by Janifer, Laurence M.
by Stanley, Robert
by Bates, Arlo
by Hume, Fergus
by Morris, Gouverneur
by Rae, John
by Haddon, Alfred C. (Alfred Cort)
by Hose, Charles
by McDougall, William
by Parrott, Edward
by MacDonagh, Michael
by Jefferies, Richard
by Zola, Émile
by Mallarmé, Stéphane
by Barrucand, Victor
by Eberhardt, Isabelle
by Unknown
by White, William Hale
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Sevilla, Jose N.
by Pereira, Félix Alves
by Machado, Antonio
by Palacio Valdés, Armando
by Chaves Rey, Manuel
by Gestoso y Pérez, José
by Phipps, Helen
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by Payró, Roberto Jorge
by Melckebeke, Raymond van
by Seynaeve, Maurice
by Castro, Modesto de
by Kiljander, Robert
by Kajander, Kalle
by Hoffmann, E. T. A. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus)
by Setälä, Salme
by Garborg, Arne
by Frich, Øvre Richter
by Ilmoni, W. F. (William Frithiof)
by Inha, Into Konrad
by Lie, Jonas
by Coburn, Walt
by Tailhade, Laurent
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Leiber, Fritz
by Spyri, Johanna
by Worde, Wynkyn de
by Claudel, Paul
by Jennings, Arthur Seymour
by Wilson, Margaret
by Bibesco, Elizabeth
by Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)
by Huneker, James
by Peattie, Elia Wilkinson
by Begbie, Harold
by Lake, Kirsopp
by Verpilleux, Emile
by Parkhurst, Daniel Burleigh
by Jennings, Arthur Seymour
by Gardner, Henry A. (Henry Alfred)
by Leino, Eino
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Walton, Amy
by Howells, William Dean
by Brazil, Angela
by Campbell, John W. (John William)
by Copeland, Charles
by Raymond, Evelyn
by Moraes, Wenceslau de
by Salaverría, José María
by France, Anatole
by Onerva, L.
by Löfgren, Elisabeth
by Löfving, Stefan
by Järnefelt, Arvid
by Laitio, Ape
by Vilde, Eduard
by Elster, Kristian
by Käkikoski, Hilda Maria
by Salmela, Marja
by Gyulai, Pál
by Pákh, Albert
by Becke, Louis
by London, Jack
by Uotila, Ilmari
by Deledda, Grazia
by Hahl, Jalmari
by Jókai, Mór
by Linnankoski, Johannes
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Kivimäki, Urho
by Salmela, Marja
by Kirwan, Daniel Joseph
by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
by Forbes, Edward
by Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon)
by Owen, Richard
by Phillips, Samuel
by Scharf, George
by Shenton, F. K. J. (Francis Kingston John)
by Meade, L. T.
by Bennett, H. M. (Harriet M.)
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Bradley, Mary Hastings
by Frederick, Edmund
by Stoughton, John
by Haslewood, Joseph
by Jacobs, Joseph
by Painter, William
by Haslewood, Joseph
by Jacobs, Joseph
by Painter, William
by Haslewood, Joseph
by Jacobs, Joseph
by Painter, William
by James, Juliet Helena Lumbard
by Markham, Clements R. (Clements Robert), Sir
by Peacock, Ralph
by Quaritch, Bernard
by Osborn, Henry Fairfield
by Scott, William Berryman
by Speir, Francis
by Barbieri, Ulisse
by Barbieri, Ulisse
by Hildén, Kaarle August
by Conder, C. R. (Claude Reignier)
by Russell, Michael
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Ferrero, Guglielmo
by Ferrero, Leo
by Saltus, Edgar
by Brightwell, C. L. (Cecilia Lucy)
by Kailas, Uuno
by Cajander, Paavo Emil
by Shakespeare, William
by Pennanen, Ain'Elisabet
by Timmermans, Felix
by Palmer, A. N. (Austin Norman)
by Palmer, Joel
by Spalding, Henry Harmon
by Thwaites, Reuben Gold
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Cheiro
by Callcott, Maria, Lady
by Shepard, William Edward
by Strang, Herbert
by Webb, Archibald
by Wright, Alan
by Wallace, Alfred Russel
by Robins, Edward
by Pap, Gyula
by Banda de Zapadores de Mexico
by Yradier, Sebastián
by Giesy, J. U. (John Ulrich)
by Bowes, Joseph
by Macfarlane, John
by Molnár, Ferenc
by Anonymous
by Alkio, Santeri
by Browne, Gordon
by Cowper, E. E. (Edith Elise)
by Anonymous
by Batten, Charles
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Richardson, Samuel
by Castle, Agnes
by Castle, Egerton
by Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö
by Richardson, Samuel
by Richardson, Samuel
by Bishop, Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel Holmes)
by Samuels, Edward A. (Edward Augustus)
by Cruikshank, George
by Hone, William
by Ford, Paul Leicester
Pan (English)
by Björkman, Edwin
Pan (English)
by Hamsun, Knut
Pan (Finnish)
by Hamsun, Knut
Pan (Finnish)
by Lehtonen, Joel
Pan (English)
by Worster, W. J. Alexander (William John Alexander)
by Bán, Ferenc
by Hamsun, Knut
by Abbot, Willis J. (Willis John)
by Boardman, Harry Clow
by Haskin, Frederic J. (Frederic Jennings)
by McKinlay, Duncan E.
by Mills, J. Saxon (John Saxon)
by Cornish, Vaughan
by Oppenheim, L. (Lassa)
by Pepper, Charles M. (Charles Melville)
by Musgrove, Charles Hamilton
by Kennedy, Sinclair
by Ignacio, Cleto R.
by Ignacio, Cleto R.
by MacKaye, Harold Steele
by Bone, Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin)
by James, Henry
by Eliot, Samuel A. (Samuel Atkins)
by Wedekind, Frank
by Orban, Paul
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Coelho, J. M. Latino (José Maria Latino)
by Kluga, Richard
by Mason, David
by Chéradame, André
by Bevan, Edwyn Robert
by Chéradame, André
by Lemercier, Népomucène-Louis
by Bury, G. Wyman (George Wyman)
by Douie, James McCrone, Sir
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Koskimaa, Juho
by Anttila, Selma
by Leino, Eino
by Curtin, Jeremiah
by Sienkiewicz, Henryk
by Hedman, Valfrid
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Sandre, Thierry
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Various
by Pansy
by Mickiewicz, Adam
by Mickiewicz, Adam
by Noyes, George Rapall
by Dufay, Pierre
by Silvestre, Armand
by Picton, J. Allanson (James Allanson)
by Véron, Pierre
by Champollion, Jean-François
by Dubois, Léon Jean Joseph
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Marie Madeleine
by Dolorès, D.
by Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, Ritter von
by Soyer, Alexis
Panu (Finnish)
by Aho, Juhani
by Mabini, Apolinario
by Aho, Juhani
by Farjeon, Eleanor
by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
by Glackens, William J.
by Seawell, Molly Elliot
by Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
by Holmsen, Bjarne P. (Bjarne Peter)
by Howland, Marie Stevens
by Machado de Assis
by Palacio Valdés, Armando
by Ford, John Sawtelle
by Serkoff, Vera, Countess
by Barr, Amelia E.
by Mulford, Stockton
by Haslam, John (of Dublin)
by Gray, Niel, Jr.
by Hirst, Francis W. (Francis Wrigley)
by Croly, George
by Herring, Richard
by American Library Association. General Meeting
by American Library Association. General Meeting
by American Library Association. General Meeting
by Choate, Joseph Hodges
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Schurz, Carl
by Choate, Joseph Hodges
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Schurz, Carl
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Lapsley, Arthur Brooks
by Lincoln, Abraham
by Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton)
by Beasley, Frederic W.
by Keystone Pecan Company
by Cromwell, John Wesley
by Grimké, Archibald Henry
by Hershaw, Lafayette M.
by Pickens, William
by Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso
by Steward, T. G. (Theophilus Gould)
by Kirk, Edward Bruce
by Kirk, John
by Colden, Cadwallader
by Great Britain. Board of Trade
by Great Britain. Privy Council
by New York (Colony). Council
by Maurik, Justus van
by Herzberg, Wilhelm
by Canth, Minna
by Aho, Juhani
by Aho, Juhani
by Wuori, Martti
by Davis, Katherine Wallace
by Juuti, Kustaa
by Dauncey, H. M.
by Petőfi, Sándor
by Sulju, Meri
by Le Braz, Anatole
by Santiago Vela, Gregorio de
by Santiago Vela, Gregorio de
by Dyer, Gertrude P.
by Parker, Gilbert
by Arnot, William
by Trotter, I. Lilias (Isabella Lilias)
by Trotter, I. Lilias (Isabella Lilias)
by Anonymous
by Mille, Pierre
by Ruyra, Joaquín
by Jammes, Francis
by Rheinhardt, Emil Alphons
by Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen)
by White, William Patterson
by Gibbs, George
by Milton, John
by Milton, John
by Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith)
by Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith)
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Shaver, Richard S.
by Milton, John
by Thoreau, Henry David
by Parkinson, John
by Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de
by Milton, John
by Donne, John
by Keynes, Geoffrey
by Benson, Robert Hugh
by Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
by Doré, Gustave
by Milton, John
by Rosell, Cayetano
by Vaughan, Robert
by Capuana, Luigi
by Rolleston, T. W. (Thomas William)
by Matos, Júlio de
by Haapakoski, Kalle
by Bordes, Charles
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Assmuss, Eduard Philibert
by Cobbold, T. Spencer (Thomas Spencer)
by Picard, L.-B. (Louis-Benoît)
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Larin Paraske
by Neovius, Adolf
by Antona-Traversi, Camillo
by Tuulio, Tyyni
by Webster, Jean
by Gautier, Judith
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Zévaco, Michel
by Zévaco, Michel
by Zévaco, Michel
by Zévaco, Michel
by Zévaco, Michel
by Zévaco, Michel
by Boutet, Frédéric
by Beach, Rex
by Crothers, Samuel McChord
by Hall, Mosiah
by Saleeby, C. W. (Caleb Williams)
by Bierce, Ambrose
by Bierce, Ambrose
by Mason, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Maria)
by Edgeworth, Maria
by Edgeworth, Maria
by Fraser, Francis Arthur
by Hammond, Christine M. Demain, active 1886-1910
by Ritchie, Anne Thackeray
by Kuncz, Aladár
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Leroux, Gaston
by Bourgette, Paul
by Sonolet, Louis
by Boylesve, René
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Finlay, Virgil
by Leinster, Murray
by Gaïl, François de
by Twain, Mark
by Hugo, Victor
by Jalkanen, Huugo
by Zola, Émile
by Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir
by Kimball, Katharine
by Okey, Thomas
by Ward, O. F. M.
by Trollope, Frances Milton
by Trollope, Frances Milton
by Sanborn, Alvan F. (Alvan Francis)
by Trowbridge, Vaughan
by Belon, José
by Monselet, Charles
by Privat d'Anglemont, A. (Alexandre)
by Blagdon, Francis William
by Béjot, Eugène
by Robida, Albert
by Robida, Albert
by Laboulaye, Édouard
by Mansilla, Lucio V.
by Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
by Walton, William
by Walton, William
by Allen, Grant
by Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson)
by Gasquet, Francis Aidan
by Macleod, Norman
by Cutts, Edward Lewes
by Crabbe, George
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Halévy, Ludovic
by Matthews, Brander
by Matthews, Edith Virginia Brander
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Waring, James
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Belot, Adolphe
by Dunstan, H. Mainwaring
by Belot, Adolphe
by Dunstan, H. Mainwaring
by Belot, Adolphe
by Dunstan, H. Mainwaring
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Boutet, Henri
by Montorgueil, Georges
by Banville, Théodore Faullain de
by Tcheng, Ki-tong
by Bennett, Arnold
by Rickards, Edwin Alfred
by Fournel, Victor
by Brown, Barbara Haven
by Brown, Beatrice Bradshaw
by Boulenger, Jacques
by Trollope, Frances Milton
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by ʻAbdu'l-Bahá
by Noriac, Jules
by Leighton, John
by Gibbons, Helen Davenport
by Hornby, Lester G. (Lester George)
by Barnard, Charles Inman
by Bartlett, D. W. (David W.)
by Ramstedt, Maria
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Da Silva, Venancio
by Parker, Richard Green
by Reed, Talbot Baines
by Loomis, Noel M.
by Various
by Maurois, André
by Fontanarosa, Vincenzo
by Dionne, N.-E. (Narcisse-Eutrope)
by Howells, William Dean
by Perkins, Henry
by Wells, David Dwight
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Martín de la Cámara, Eduardo
by Braga, Teófilo
by Morley, Christopher
by Newman, John Henry
by Newman, John Henry
by Boase, Henry S. (Henry Samuel)
by Gilbert, Davies
by Hals, William
by Tonkin, Thomas
by Boase, Henry S. (Henry Samuel)
by Gilbert, Davies
by Hals, William
by Tonkin, Thomas
by Boase, Henry S. (Henry Samuel)
by Gilbert, Davies
by Hals, William
by Tonkin, Thomas
by Boase, Henry S. (Henry Samuel)
by Gilbert, Davies
by Hals, William
by Tonkin, Thomas
by Freire, Manuel Luiz
by Valle de Moura, Manuel do
by Varela, Bartolomeu, active 1589-1619
by Vasconcelos, Luís Mendes de, active 1608
by Veth, Cornelis
by Canning, George
by Wagstaffe, William
by Wimsatt, William K. (William Kurtz)
by Hamilton, Walter
by Hamilton, Walter
by Hamilton, Walter
by Hamilton, Walter
by Hamilton, Walter
by Hamilton, Walter
by Wells, Carolyn
by Dalziel, D. (Davison)
by McVickar, H. W. (Harry Whitney)
by Anonymous
by Hood, Thomas
by Dalziel, D. (Davison)
by McVickar, H. W. (Harry Whitney)
by Dalziel, D. (Davison)
by Roth, Herb
by Stewart, Donald Ogden
by Raspe, Rudolf Erich
by Suomalainen, Samuli
by Bower, B. M.
by Johnson, Frank Tenney
by Castaigne, J. André
by MacGrath, Harold
by Huckel, Oliver
by Wagner, Richard
by Kilpi, Volter
by Haweis, H. R. (Hugh Reginald)
by Menant, Delphine
by Vakil, Ratanbai Ardeshir
by Lang, Andrew
by Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley)
by Fenn, George Manville
by Trollope, Anthony
by Parsons, Samuel Browne
by Anderson, Jay (Jay Allan)
by Deetz, James
by La Mazière, Pierre
by Heeres, J. E. (Jan Ernst)
by Shindler, Mary Dana
by Wilson, Benjamin Franklin
by Smith, Francis Hopkinson
by James, Henry
by Gautier, Théophile
by Scudo, Paul
by Giacosa, Giuseppe
by Murri, Romolo
by Godwin, H. G.
by Werner, E.
by John W. Masury & Son
by Oliver, Eda A.
by Knibbs, Henry Herbert
by Bindloss, Harold
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Baxter, Beverley
by Matthews, Brander
by Tarkington, Booth
by Townley, James
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by Garnett, Constance
by Bowers, Claude G. (Claude Gernade)
by Preston, Effa E. (Effa Estelle)
by Blake, Mary
by Carnation Milk Products Company
by Albertazzi, Adolfo
by Weston, Jessie L. (Jessie Laidlay)
by Wolfram, von Eschenbach
by Weston, Jessie L. (Jessie Laidlay)
by Wolfram, von Eschenbach
by Omelka, František
by Valera, Juan
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Tulloch, John
by Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns)
by Pascal, Blaise
by Bothén, Gustaf Herman
by Barcia, Roque
by Suppanen, Aatto
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Fagus
by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
by Chantepleure, G. (Guy)
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Babbage, Charles
by Aleramo, Sibilla
by Plan, Pierre-Paul
by Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan)
by Hasse, Henry
by Pious, Robert S. (Robert Savon)
by Aleramo, Sibilla
by Leighton, Marshall Ora
by Prince, John Dyneley
by Ramstedt, Maria
by Clemenceau, Georges
by Herrick, Myron T. (Myron Timothy)
by Williams, Wythe
by Young, Lafayette
by Corsi, Mario
by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
by Corsi, Mario
by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
by Corsi, Mario
by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
by Corsi, Mario
by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
by Corsi, Mario
by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
by Costa, Floriano Alves da
by Connell
by Harmon, Kenneth
by Griffiths, Arthur
by Mershon, Wm. B. (William Butts)
by Baring, Maurice
by Fielding, H. (Harold)
by Gilmore, Anthony
by Wilkinson, Marguerite
by Moore, Frederick Ferdinand
by Langton, H. H. (Hugh Hornby)
by Wood, William
by Wrong, George McKinnon
by Hough, Emerson
by Corelli, Marie
by Grant, Madison
by Osborn, Henry Fairfield
by Martin, Frederick Townsend
by King, Alfred Castner
by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka)
by Baker, B. Granville (Bernard Granville)
by Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert)
by MacKenzie, Compton
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by James, Henry
by Shakespeare, William
by Kotzky, Alex
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Hilton, James
by Hocking, Joseph
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Dowson, Ernest Christopher
by Bagot, Richard
by Carlyle, Thomas
by Carlyle, Thomas
by Garnet, Henry Highland
by New York Female Benevolent Society
by Huxley, Thomas Henry
by Christy, Howard Chandler
by Morris, Clara
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Bourget, Paul
by Walkley, Arthur Bingham
by Proust, Marcel
by Hawes, Stephen
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Gairdner, James
by Francis, Dick
by Stearns, Charles A.
by Gibson, W. Hamilton (William Hamilton)
by Amyot, Jacques
by Courier, Paul-Louis
by Jannet, Pierre
by Longus
by Breton, Nicholas
by Browne, William
by Kempling, William Bailey
by Wither, George
by Greg, W. W. (Walter Wilson)
by Cooper, Claud C. Du Pré
by Francis, M. E.
by Basile, Domenico, active 17th century
by Guarini, Battista
by Geijerstam, Gustaf af
by Klett, Gertrud Ingeborg
by Harvey, H. (Hezekiah)
by Latham, Henry
by Porter, Jane
by Porter, Jane
by Porter, Jane
by Porter, Jane
by Walter, William W.
by Litle, Arthur
by Von Arnim, Elizabeth
by Baker, George M. (George Melville)
by Alencar, José Martiniano de
by Pérez de Ayala, Ramón
by Latini, Brunetto
by James, Henry
by Anonymous
by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
by McWilliams, Al
by Shedenhelm, William
by Grose, Helen Mason
by Myers, Anna Balmer
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Neill, John R. (John Rea)
by Thurston, E. Temple (Ernest Temple)
by Hawaii
by United States. Department of Commerce
by Busch, Wilhelm
by Pomés, Ramón
by Theuriet, André
by Du Veuzit, Max
by McFall, J. V.
by Walk, Charles Edmonds
by Weijola, Yrjö
by Jókai, Mór
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Douglas, Alan, Captain
by Burpee, Lawrence J. (Lawrence Johnstone)
by Laut, Agnes C.
by Laughlin, J. E.
by McDougall, John
by Dargan, Olive Tilford
by Friel, Arthur O. (Arthur Olney)
by Duncan, Sara Jeannette
by Giltner, Leigh Gordon
by James, Henry
by Caswell, Harriet S. (Harriet Sophia)
by Fish, Carl Russell
by Leach, Ethel Pennewill Brown
by Rush, Olive
by Stevenson, Burton Egbert
by Streuvels, Stijn
by Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander
by Buchan, John
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Littré, Emile
by McNamara, Frank P.
by Wason, Isabel M.
by Winternitz, M. C. (Milton C.)
by Healy, Mary Tenney
by Healy, William
by Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury)
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Sedgwick, Anne Douglas
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Guest, Edgar A. (Edgar Albert)
by Grier, Sydney C.
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Judge, William Quan
by Various
by Record, Robert
by Alexander, James W. (James Waddel)
by Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn
by Fenn, George Manville
by Yost, Casper S. (Casper Salathiel)
by Eberhart, Mignon G. (Mignon Good)
by Strunsky, Simeon
by Tuason, Joaquín
by Busk, Rachel Harriette
by Corbould, Edward Henry
Pátria (Portuguese)
by Junqueiro, Abílio Manuel Guerra
by Corradini, Enrico
by Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry)
by Bellett, J. G. (John Gifford)
by Chavannes de la Giraudière, H. de
by Jacobs, Caroline Emilia
by Ferguson, W. B. M. (William Blair Morton)
by Matthews, Harry B.
by Snaith, J. C. (John Collis)
by Jenkins, Herbert George
by Galsworthy, John
by Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson
by Tyler, Moses Coit
by Coppée, François
by Lemaître, Jules
by Guiney, Louise Imogen
by Fontenay, Charles L.
by Orban, Paul
by DeCelles, Alfred D. (Alfred Duclos)
by Wallace, W. Stewart (William Stewart)
by Mackay, Constance D'Arcy
by Whitman, Walt
by Brazil, Angela
by Salmon, Balliol
by Stanley, Arthur
by Welldon, J. E. C. (James Edward Cowell)
by Carter, Russell Gordon
by Pitz, Henry C. (Henry Clarence)
by Agnetti, Mary Prichard
by Fogazzaro, Antonio
by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
by Hamling, William L.
by Connor, Ralph
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Stephenson, Henry Thew
by Haveri, Arvo
by Sigurd
by Turunen, Armas E.
by Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford)
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Chase, Josephine
by Owen, Robert Emmett
by Adkins, Dan
by Rohrer, Robert H.
by Kildale, Malcolm
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Everett-Green, Evelyn
by Flint, Timothy
by Malte-Brun, Conrad
by Pattie, James O. (James Ohio)
by Thwaites, Reuben Gold
by Willard, Dr.
by Stewart, Effie
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Webster, Jean
by Ylermi, Arne
by Wells, Carolyn
by Caswell, Edward C.
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Bates, Arlo
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by Wells, Carolyn
by David, Jules
by Sue, Eugène
by Town, Charles H.
by Sue, Eugène
by Sue, Eugène
by Kock, Paul de
by Kock, Paul de
by Bassett, Sara Ware
by Scott, A. O. (Arthur Orange)
by Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de
by Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de
by Williams, Helen Maria
by Lebon, Ernest
by Lecomte, Eva
by Lewis, Allen
by Stevens, James
by Howd, Cloice R.
by Howd, Otis T.
by Coquiot, Gustave
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by MacDonald, George
by Fletcher, John Gould
by Gerhardt, Paul
by Kelly, John
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Lever, Charles James
by Anonymous
by Sagarra, Josep Maria de
by Sand, George
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Dumur, Louis
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Joutsen, O. A. (Otto Aleksanteri)
by Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de
by Davidson, Julian Oliver
by Hapgood, Hutchins
by Murphy, Hermann Dudley
by Seawell, Molly Elliot
by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka)
by Krohn, Aune
by Langenskjöld, Margareta
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Holmes, Mary Jane
by Harben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel)
by Quiller-Couch, Mabel
by Benson, Arthur Christopher
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Theis, O. F. (Otto Frederick)
by Zweig, Stefan
by Tallgren, Anna-Maria
by Le Queux, William
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Pausanias, active approximately 150-175
by Shilleto, A. R. (Arthur Richard)
by Pausanias, active approximately 150-175
by Shilleto, A. R. (Arthur Richard)
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of
by Dindorf, Ludwig August
by Pausanias, active approximately 150-175
by Ségur, Sophie, comtesse de
by Ducrocq, Georges
by Bourget, Paul
by Cust, Robert H. Hobart (Robert Henry Hobart)
by Bocage, Manuel Maria Barbosa du
by Packard, Frank L. (Frank Lucius)
by Grinnell, George Bird
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
by Arnoldson, K. P. (Klas Pontus)
by Drummond, Henry
by Lugones, Leopoldo
by Gissing, George
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Owen, Will
by Faure, Gabriel
by Séché, Alphonse
by Vibert, P.-E. (Pierre-Eugène)
by Franc-Nohain
by Conscience, Hendrik
by Verne, Jules
by Lima, S. de Magalhães (Sebastião de Magalhães)
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de
by Bracco, Roberto
by Aristophanes
by Arkawy, Norman
by Henig, Stanley
by Bell, Kenneth (Kenneth Norman)
by Edwards, A. C. W. (Alfred Cecil Wall)
by Winbolt, S. E. (Samuel Edward)
by Ewing, Juliana Horatia
by Hunt, Bernice Kohn
by Onyshkewych, Zenowij
by Gale, Zona
by Nitti, Francesco Saverio
by Coppel, Alfred
by Ebel, Alex
by Martin, Bob
by Nourse, Alan Edward
by Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva)
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Lansing, Robert
by Kestell, J. D. (John Daniel)
by Velden, D. E. van
by Velden, D. E. van
by Koerner, W. H. D. (William Henry Dethlef)
by Van Schaick, George
by Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell
by Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell
by Angell, Norman
by Grier, Sydney C.
by Pearse, Alfred
by Gallatin, Albert
by Tao, Qian
by Tao, Qian
by Hedrick, U. P.
by Howe, G. H. (George Henry)
by Taylor, O. M. (Orrin Morehouse)
by Tubergen, C. B. (Charles Burton)
by Eyerman, John
by Unknown
by Dorset, Catherine Ann Turner
by Roscoe, William
by Dorset, Catherine Ann Turner
by LM (Leslie Moore)
by Hume, Fergus
by De la Mare, Walter
by Fuller, Anna
by Moore, Emma G.
by Gilchrist, Murray
by Haslehust, E. W.
by Cobbe, Frances Power
by Piper, Anna W. Ford
by Lane, Rose Wilder
by Jones, B. W.
by Paine, Albert Bigelow
by Jewett, Sophie
by Graetz, Anna
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
by Stables, Gordon
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Cattelle, Wallis Richard
by Fischer, Anton Otto
by Nordhoff, Charles
by Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
by Leslie, Madeline
by Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray)
by Verne, Jules
by Wilbur, Anne T.
by Leslie, Madeline
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Leslie, Madeline
by Leslie, Madeline
by Oxenham, John
by Aimard, Gustave
by St. John, Percy B. (Percy Bolingbroke)
by Goodman, Walter
by Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray)
by Shipley, A. E. (Arthur Everett), Sir
by Colman, Mrs. (Pamela Chandler)
by Skinner, Ada M. (Ada Maria)
by Skinner, Eleanor L. (Eleanor Louise)
by Pearse, Ebenezer
by Francis, E. H. (Edward H.)
by Hedrick, U. P.
by Howe, G. H. (George Henry)
by Taylor, O. M. (Orrin Morehouse)
by Tukey, H. B. (Harold Bradford)
by Kronheim, Joseph Martin
by Martineau, Harriet
by Field, Claud
by Harbour, Jennie
by Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasilii Ivanovich
by Johnson, Samuel W. (Samuel William)
by Chevalier, H. Emile (Henri Emile)
by Gardiner, A. G. (Alfred George)
by Farina, Salvatore
by Hoyos y Vinent, Antonio de
by Hume, H. Harold (Hardrada Harold)
by King, D. R.
by Rosburg, David W.
by Boccardi, Alberto
by Hornung, E. W. (Ernest William)
by Sand, George
by Sand, George
by Loti, Pierre
by Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, Ritter von
by Groesbeck, Dan Sayre
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Taylor, R. W.
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Smith, Gean
by Lederer, Charles
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Peck, George W. (George Wilbur)
by Sargent, Epes
by Glazier, Willard W.
by Cooper, Frederic Taber
by Montessori, Maria
by Brackett, Anna C. (Anna Callender)
by Rosenkranz, Karl
by Thayer, George B. (George Burton)
by Belo, Francesco
by Sanesi, Ireneo
by Woodworth, Francis C. (Francis Channing)
by Hamilton, W. J.
by Thom, Walter
by Bennett, G. J. (George John)
by Clint, Alfred
by Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot
by Pereda, José María de
by Walton, O. F., Mrs.
by Beerbohm, Max, Sir
by Burslem, Rollo Gillespie
by Mortimer, Favell Lee
by Allen, Phoebe
by Baikie, Constance N.
by Baikie, James
by Fox, Frank
by Spence, Percy F. S. (Percy Frederick Seaton)
by Forestier, A. (Amédée)
by Omond, George W. T. (George William Thomson)
by Kelly, R. Talbot (Robert Talbot)
by Bealby, J. T. (John Thomas)
by Norbury, Edwin A. (Edwin Arthur)
by Young, Ernest
by Kelly, R. Talbot (Robert Talbot)
by Finnemore, John
by Finnemore, John
by Menpes, Mortimer
by Tynan, Katharine
by Walker, Francis Sylvester
by Du Cane, Ella
by Finnemore, John
by Fairford, Ford
by Lowther, C. G.
by Cooper, A. Heaton (Alfred Heaton)
by Jungmann, Nico
by Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (Augustus Ferryman)
by Goodall, Agnes M.
by Norbury, Edwin A. (Edwin Arthur)
by Young, Ernest
by Larsson, Carl
by Liddle, William
by Liddle, William, Mrs.
by Zorn, Anders
by Goble, Warwick
by Van Millingen, Julius R.
by Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. (Ethel Mary)
by Duncan, Walter Jack
by Holliday, Robert Cortes
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Penfield, Edward
by Johnson, Stanley C. (Stanley Currie)
by Home, Beatrice
by Phillips, E. C. (Edith Caroline)
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Manninen, Otto
by De Caston, Herbert
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fuller, J. F. C. (John Frederick Charles)
by Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt
by Barry, Etheldred B. (Etheldred Breeze)
by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe
by Byrne, Mary Agnes
by Craig, Anna B.
by Hughes, Virginia
by Leone, Sergio (Illustrator)
by Lewis, Martin
by Meade, L. T.
by Hughes, Virginia
by Leone, Sergio (Illustrator)
by Preston, Alice Bolam
by White, Eliza Orne
by Barton, Helen M.
by Marshall, Archibald
by Hutt, Henry
by Lewis, Alfred Henry
by Hughes, Virginia
by Leone, Sergio (Illustrator)
by Madison, Lucy Foster
by Peck, H. J. (Henry Jarvis)
by Madison, Lucy Foster
by Peck, H. J. (Henry Jarvis)
by Madison, Lucy Foster
by Peck, H. J. (Henry Jarvis)
by Sharp, Annabel
by Sharp, Annabel
by Hughes, Virginia
by Leone, Sergio (Illustrator)
by Smith, Harriet L. (Harriet Lummis)
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Smith, Harriet L. (Harriet Lummis)
by Kelly, Mary D. Maitland
by Jackson, Gabrielle E. (Gabrielle Emilie)
by Jackson, Gabrielle E. (Gabrielle Emilie)
by Manners, J. Hartley
by Reade, Charles
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Anonymous
by Apollinaire, Guillaume
by Gouirand, André
by Aira
by La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold)
by Barzini, Luigi
by Borghese, Scipione
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Tuulio, Tyyni
by Lassila, Maiju
by Nordlund, Kustavi
by Szomory, Dezső
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Pispa, Hanna
by Emerson, Nathaniel Bright
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Loti, Pierre
by Gourmont, Remy de
by Gaal, József
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Loch, Sydney
by Delafield, E. M.
by Elvestad, Sven
by Elvestad, Sven
by Hovey, Richard
by Maeterlinck, Maurice
by Debussy, Claude
by Maeterlinck, Maurice
by Lorrain, Jean
by Normandy, Georges (Georges Ch.)
by Rapeño, Armand
by Andersen Nexø, Martin
by Miall, Bernard
by Muir, Jessie
by Andersen Nexø, Martin
by Muir, Jessie
by Andersen Nexø, Martin
by Miall, Bernard
by Andersen Nexø, Martin
by Miall, Bernard
by Andersen Nexø, Martin
by Muir, Jessie
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Carvalho, Maria Amalia Vaz de
by Hårdh, Emil
by Thucydides
by Pereira, Gabriel
by Aimard, Gustave
by Goeverneur, J. J. A. (Johan Jacob Antonie)
by Rochussen, Charles
by Hale, Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Claiborne)
by Jones, Elmo
by Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins
by Hornibrook, Isabel
by Bickford, Nana French
by Hornibrook, Isabel
by Alomar, Gabriel
by Garrett, Randall
by Figueiredo, Cândido de
by Ives, George Burnham
by Christy, Howard Chandler
by Morris, Gouverneur
by Chase, J. Smeaton (Joseph Smeaton)
by Linton, W. J. (William James)
by Ólafur Pálsson
by Symington, Andrew James
by Hutcheson, John C. (John Conroy)
by Pereda, José María de
by Willis, Nathaniel Parker
by Talbot, William Henry Fox
by Leslie, Eliza
by Maginnis, Charles Donagh
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)
by Brooke, L. Leslie (Leonard Leslie)
by Walton, Amy
by Lee, Vernon
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Bernard, Augustin
by Lacroix, Napoléon
by France, Anatole
by Eaton, Walter Prichard
by Laveleye, Emile de
by Kidder, Daniel P. (Daniel Parish)
by Ahlborn, Richard E.
by Hiles, Leta Severance
by Elenius, Emil
by Tomlinson, Everett T. (Everett Titsworth)
by Holtz, Anton
by Ellis, Alexander John
by Haldeman, Samuel Stehman
by Gibbons, Phebe Earle
by Unknown
by Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau
by Irving, Washington
by Irving, Washington
by Rauch, E. H. (Edward H.)
by Rauch, E. H. (Edward H.)
by Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
by Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
by Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
by Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by McKechnie, Jean L. (Jean Lyttleton)
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Taylor, John
by Clark, Joan
by Clark, Joan
by Clark, Joan
by Clark, Joan
by Lyford, Philip
by Maniates, Belle Kanaris
by Douglas, O.
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Sibley, Don
by Various
by Craig, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin)
by Cone, Helen Gray
by Gilder, Jeannette L. (Jeannette Leonard)
by Cone, Helen Gray
by Gilder, Jeannette L. (Jeannette Leonard)
by Tarkington, Booth
by Tarkington, Booth
by Tarkington, Booth
by Pirandello, Luigi
by Drew, Benjamin
by Halpérine-Kaminsky, E. (Ely)
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Barney, Natalie Clifford
by Veber, Pierre
by Picabia, Francis
by Tzara, Tristan
by Marshall, Emma
by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
by James, Henry
by Cowles, Henry
by Wister, Owen
by Kleist, Heinrich von
by Ettinger, R. C. W. (Robert C. W.)
by Justh, Zsigmond
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Tull, Ödön
by Hershaw, Lafayette M.
by Warner, Charles Dudley
by Bosher, Kate Langley
by Gallun, Raymond Z. (Raymond Zinke)
by How, Edith A.
by Gibbs, Philip
by Grant, Elihu
by Boehm, H. Richard
by Hyatt, Stanley Portal
by London, Jack
by Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)
by Austin, Neil
by Beaumont, Charles
by Murphy, R. K.
by Norton, Andre
by Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
by Shanks, Edward
by Rennell of Rodd, Francis James Rennell Rodd, Baron
by Wright, Mabel Osgood
by Pierce, Ray Vaughn
by Geographical Publishing Co.
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
by Fleure, H. J. (Herbert John)
by Anderson, J. D. (James Drummond)
by Arkin, Alan
by Johnson
by Layman
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Ade, George
by Valera, Juan
by Valera, Juan
by Pyle, Howard
by Spyri, Johanna
by Hawkes, Clarence
by Van Dresser, William
by Coloma, Luis
by Keable, Robert
by Järvi, K. A. (Kaarlo August)
by Sandham, Elizabeth
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Anet, Claude
by Freas, Kelly
by Stockham, Richard
by Du Hays, Charles
by Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn
by Marryat, Frederick
by A. L. O. E.
by More, Hannah
by Symonds, John Addington
by Frederickson, Charles William
by Sotheran, Charles
by Guernsey, Lucy Ellen
by Louderbach, James W.
by Betten, Francis S. (Francis Sales)
by Finn, Francis J. (Francis James)
by Boirac, Emile
by Perdue, Mitzi
by Fracchia, Umberto
by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Carrera, Valentino
by Bromet, William
by Farnol, Jeffery
by Orléans, Henri d', Prince
by Claudel, Paul
by Aicard, Jean
by Illinois. Department of Conservation
by Coloma, Luis
by Moreton, Lady
by Vyse, George Howard
by León, Luis de
by Francis, Dick
by Stecher, L. J., Jr.
by Barton, Ralph
by Stewart, Donald Ogden
by McGreevey, John
by Raymond, Ramon
by Hunter, Mel
by Stockham, Richard
by Jacobs-Bond, Carrie
by Jaudas' Society Orchestra
by Warden, Florence
by Bergengren, Ralph
by Orpen, Adela E. (Adela Elizabeth Richards)
by Castle, Arnold
by Summers, Leo
by Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman
by Shaw, Bernard
by Scrymsour, Ella M.
by Bracco, Roberto
by Saltus, Edgar
by Leroux, Gaston
by Simont
by Askinson, George William
by Furst, Isidor
by Mulazzi, Virginia
by Lie, Jonas
by Bremer, Fredrika
by Hahnsson, Theodolinda
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Avellanus, Arcadius
by Cahun, David-Léon
by Shakespeare, William
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August)
by Fenn, George Manville
by Piffard, Harold
by Novikov, Yakov Aleksandrovich
by Abernathy, Robert
by Graef, Robert A.
by Neville, Kris
by Terry, W. E.
by Wedlake, C. J.
by Snedeker, Caroline Dale
by Reade, Charles
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Brisson, Pierre-Raymond de
by Dard, Charlotte-Adelaïde
by Godin des Odonais, Jean
by Maxwell, Patrick
by Adams, H. C. (Henry Cadwallader)
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Goddard, Charles
by Lehtimäki, Konrad
by Leivo, Anna
by Schickele, René
by United States. Department of Agriculture
by Gummerus, K. J. (Kaarle Jaakko)
by Janson, Kristofer
by Löfgren, Elisabeth
by Lawson, Thomas William
by Pispa, Hanna
by Centlivre, Susanna
by Butler, Ellis Parker
by Mayer, Henry
by Van Zile, Edward S. (Edward Sims)
by Pyrker, János László
by Poore, Benjamin Perley
by Andriessen, Simon Jacob
by Uminski, Wladyslaw
by Daiber, Albert
by Visser, Cath. A.
by Vlaanderen, André
by Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge)
by Harva, Uno
by Brandão, Zephyrino
by Grimm, Jacob
by Grimm, Wilhelm
by Marques Junior, Henrique
by Osório, Ana de Castro
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Benét, William Rose
by Dircks, Henry
by Verance, Percy
by Kant, Immanuel
by Smith, Mary Campbell
by Kant, Immanuel
by Huxley, Thomas Henry
by Nichols, James Moses
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Owen, Will
by Dieulafoy, Jane
by Harris, Clare Winger
by Stokes, H. F. Scott (Henry Folliott Scott)
by Frazar, Douglas
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Lehtonen, J. V. (Johannes Vihtori)
by Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de
by Reed, Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Armstrong)
by Atkinson, James
by Bicknell, Herman
by Firdawsi
by FitzGerald, Edward
by Gottheil, Richard J. H. (Richard James Horatio)
by Hafiz, active 14th century
by Omar Khayyam
by Ross, James
by Sadi
by Davis, F. Hadland (Frederick Hadland)
by Jalal al-Din Rumi, Maulana
by Davis, F. Hadland (Frederick Hadland)
by Jami
by Darrow, Clarence
by Gordon, Thomas Edward, Sir
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by Eliasberg, Alexander
by Masjutyn, Wasyl
by Pound, Ezra
by Ellis, John
by Loesch, Frank J. (Frank Joseph)
by Susag, S. O.
by Miller, J. R. (James Russell)
by Browne, Hablot Knight
by Dickens, Charles
by Galbraith, Anna M. (Anna Mary)
by Scott-James, R. A. (Rolfe Arnold)
by Hungerford, Edward
by Dixon, Royal
by Fitch, Franklyn Everett
by Ferber, Edna
by Flagg, James Montgomery
by Blaikie, William Garden
by Drayton, Daniel
by Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Lovell, William Stanhope
by Bonpland, Aimé
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Ross, Thomasina
by Bonpland, Aimé
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Ross, Thomasina
by Bonpland, Aimé
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Ross, Thomasina
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Bedford-Jones, H. (Henry)
by Charlotte Elizabeth
by Abbott, Lemuel Abijah
by Hascall, Milo S.
by Somerville, Mary
by Kidd, James Harvey
by Edwards, Eliezer
by Carnahan, James R. (James Richards)
by Shanks, William Franklin Gore
by Westgarth, William
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Butler, Pardee
by Hastings, Rosetta Butler
by Stone, James Madison
by Fuller, Charles A.
by Conrad, Joseph
by Conrad, Joseph
by Vaughan, Alfred J.
by Rockefeller, John D., Jr. (John Davison)
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Field, Stephen J. (Stephen Johnson)
by Gorham, George C. (George Congdon)
by Stoker, Bram
by Morgan, W. H. (William Henry)
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Barrington, Jonah, Sir
by Barrington, Jonah, Sir
by Barrington, Jonah, Sir
by Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur)
by Torrey, R. A. (Reuben Archer)
by Meyer-Franck, Helene
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Raleigh, Henry
by Tracy, Virginia
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Letorsay, Madame
by Krohn, Julius
by Scott, Walter
by Ruotsalo, Sakari
by Bingham, Millicent Todd
by Smith, Archibald
by Smith, Archibald
by Brinton, Selwyn
by Duffield, A. J. (Alexander James)
by Coblentz, Adrien
by Graham, Harry
by Dieulafoy, Jane
by Salgari, Emilio
by Lehtonen, Joel
by Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand
by Salgari, Emilio
by Bird, Frederic Mayer
by Shore, W. Teignmouth (William Teignmouth)
by Krúdy, Gyula
by Cusani, Francesco
by Ripamonti, Giuseppe
by Krúdy, Gyula
by Molnár, Ferenc
by Defoe, Daniel
by Steinitzer, Heinrich
by Brooks, A. M. (Abbie M.)
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by McCabe, Joseph
by Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
by Macnaughtan, S. (Sarah)
by Lucia, Rose
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Bedford, F. D.
by Smith, Francis Hopkinson
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Marshall, Archibald
by Hesse, Hermann
by Hesse, Hermann
by Railo, Eino
by Bassewitz, Gerdt von
by Bassewitz, Gerdt von
by Raymond, Rossiter W. (Rossiter Worthington)
by Holland, Rupert Sargent
by Thomson, Will
by Du Maurier, George
by Frankau, Gilbert
by Millar, H. R. (Harold Robert)
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody)
by Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody)
by Gaïl, François de
by Twain, Mark
by Ellison, Harlan
by Finlay, Virgil
by Frenssen, Gustav
by Otis, James
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Herford, Oliver
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew)
by Rackham, Arthur
by Rackham, Arthur
by Palmer, John
by Martin, William
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Williams, Samuel
by Wilson, T.
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Jackson, Leroy F. (Leroy Freeman)
by Wright, Blanche Fisher
by Bond, Nelson S.
by Milburn, Russell
by St. John, J. Allen (James Allen)
by Anonymous
by Smith, Sydney
by Bradley, Will
by Unknown
by Unknown
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
by Bely, Andrey
by Strasser, Nadja
by Lykes, Richard Wayne
by Bowring, John
by Chamisso, Adelbert von
by Chamisso, Adelbert von
by Cruikshank, George
by Morley, Henry
by Chamisso, Adelbert von
by Marryat, Frederick
by Marryat, Frederick
by De La Pasture, Henry, Mrs.
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Owen, Will
by Allies, T. W. (Thomas William)
by Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)
by Hoskins, Gayle Porter
by Worts, George F. (George Frank)
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Goodsell, Daniel A. (Daniel Ayres)
by Jókai, Mór
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Durden, James
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Amann, Paul
by Masereel, Frans
by Rolland, Romain
by Headlam, Cecil
by Seeliger, Ewald Gerhard
by Van Vechten, Carl
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Francis, Dick
by Métivet, Lucien-Marie-François
by Silvestre, Armand
by Tailhade, Laurent
by Daudet, Alphonse
by Daudet, Alphonse
by Tindall, S. (Samuel)
by Pert, Camille
by Feuillet, Octave
by Sand, George
by Derennes, Charles
by Lemonnier, Camille
by Carraud, Zulma
by Sébillot, Paul
by Montesquiou-Fézensac, Robert, comte de
by Pressensé, E. de, Mme.
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Farrère, Claude
by Bertall
by Ségur, Sophie, comtesse de
by Ségur, Sophie, comtesse de
by Lichtenberger, André
by Gourmont, Remy de
by Pilastre, Édouard
by Chouinard, Ephrem
by Quinn, David, active 1850-1869
by Liseux, Isidore
by Grenfell, Anne
by Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir
by Spalding, Katie
by Merrill, Stuart
by Bayard, Émile Antoine
by Marcel, Jeanne
by Hément, Félix
by Gaboriau, Emile
by Petőfi, Sándor
by Cosenza, Mario Emilio
by Petrarca, Francesco
by Draper, William H.
by Petrarca, Francesco
by Petrarca, Francesco
by Robinson, James Harvey
by Rolfe, Henry Winchester
by Lawson, Edith Wilhelmina
by Schwem, Leone
by Schwem, Ludwig
by Schwem, Regina
by United States. National Park Service
by Smith, Dama Margaret
by Kean, Francis John
by Lidgett, Albert
by Mesquita, Marcelino
by Ikola, Jaakko
by Kara, Jalmari
by Brandt, Johanna
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Schrage, Dorothea Auguste Gunhilde
by Gábor, Andor
by Lagerlöf, Selma
by Elder, Marc
by Derennes, Charles
by Michelet, Jules
by Haraucourt, Edmond
by Scott, Walter
by Corvin, Otto von
by Wenzel, Max
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Gerstäcker, Friedrich
by Stegmann, F. H. (Friedrich Hermann)
by Buckley, Arabella B. (Arabella Burton)
by Kriete, Fritz
by Muckley, Angelo Fairfax
by Rabes, O. (Otto)
by Bungartz, Jean
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Boswell, Robert Bruce
by Racine, Jean
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Kingsley, Charles
by Johnson, Rossiter
by Leino, Eino
by Racine, Jean
by Lehmuskoski, Niilo
by Plato
by Jennings, Hargrave
by Jennings, Hargrave
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Liebermann, Max
by Carroll, Lewis
by Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett)
by Mendelssohn, Erich von
by MacDonald, George
by Walker, Rowland
by Russell, William Clark
by McCormack, Ford
by Stallman, Emmanuel
by Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth)
by Sutton, Margaret
by Bower, B. M.
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Ayres, Ruby M. (Ruby Mildred)
by Lee, Vernon
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Yerxa, Leroy
by Leroux, Gaston
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Cummings, Ray
by Lynch, Don (Artist)
by Bond, Nelson S.
by Rubimor
by Grant, James
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Rolfe, Maro O. (Maro Orlando)
by Marryat, Frederick
by Marryat, Frederick
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett)
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Norton, Carol
by Dewey, Frederick H.
by Grove, Harriet Pyne
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Brown, Arthur William
by Stringer, Arthur
by Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
by Calmet, Augustin
by Christmas, Henry
by Curley, D.
by Norton, Carol
by Sharp, William
by Curtin, Jeremiah
by Curtin, Jeremiah
by Prus, Bolesław
by Prus, Bolesław
by Berkley, E.
by Douglass, Ellsworth
by Wirth, Michael
by Herford, R. Travers (Robert Travers)
by Bunyan, John
by Flückiger, Friedrich A. (Friedrich August)
by Hanbury, Daniel
by Beck, John B. (John Brodhead)
by Paris, John Ayrton
by "Colored Quartet" (name unknown)
by Cavafy, Constantine
by Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan)
by Valassopoulo, George
by Boothby, Guy
by Lucan
by Findlay, Alexander
by Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson
by Newman, Francis William
by Mac Neill, Eoin
by Ray, Anna Chapin
by Livermore, Edward
by Anonymous
by Carleton, William
by Flanery, M. L.
by Stephens, Ann S. (Ann Sophia)
by Riddell, J. H., Mrs.
by Riddell, J. H., Mrs.
by Riddell, J. H., Mrs.
by Herford, Oliver
by Wells, Carolyn
by Coste, Albert
by Hodgson, Mary, active 1855
by Leaming, Thomas
by Smyth, Albert Henry
by Shaw, Bernard
by Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley)
by Bacon, Josephine Daskam
by Beaumont, Francis
by Fletcher, John
by Long, William A. R. Jex
by Boone, Silas K.
by Boone, Silas K.
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by House, Edward Mandell
by Hamerton, Eugénie
by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
by Burk, John N. (John Naglee)
by Gilman, Lawrence
by Hale, Philip
by Hume, Martin A. S. (Martin Andrew Sharp)
by Cruickshank, Alfred Hamilton
by Otis, James
by Finnemore, Joseph
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Moule, H. C. G. (Handley Carr Glyn)
by Edwards, H. T.
by Various
by Miller, John Maurice
by Cole, Mabel Cook
by Bayliss, Clara Kern
by Benedict, Laura Estelle Watson
by Gardner, Fletcher
by Maxfield, Berton L. (Berton Lewis)
by Millington, W. H.
by Lala, Ramon Reyes
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Aduarte, Diego
by Alvarez de Abreu, Antonio
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Aduarte, Diego
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Aduarte, Diego
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Pigafetta, Antonio
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Pigafetta, Antonio
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Blair, Emma Helen
by Bourne, Edward Gaylord
by Robertson, James Alexander
by Foreman, John, F.R.G.S.
by Philippines. Bureau of Education
by Karsten, Gustav
by Semper, C. (Carl)
by Benitez, Conrado O.
by Craig, Austin
by Craig, Austin
by Derbyshire, Charles E.
by Rizal, José
by Worcester, Dean C. (Dean Conant)
by Worcester, Dean C. (Dean Conant)
by Thompson, Silvanus P. (Silvanus Phillips)
by Grant, James
by Grant, James
by Curwood, James Oliver
by Hungerford, Mary C. (Mary Churchill)
by Young, Virginia C.
by Stephens, Robert Neilson
by Allen, Grant
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Taber, Harry Persons
by Various
by Sidis, Boris
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Various
by Bates, Arlo
by May, Phil
by Moore, Augustus M.
by May, Phil
by May, Phil
by Seaman, Owen
by Abbott, Edwin Abbott
by Gide, André
by Butler, Ellis Parker
by Irvin, Rea
by Bentwich, Norman
by Csiky, Gergely
by McNamee, Gregory
by Sophocles
by Sophocles
by Tyson, Edward
by Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan, Sir
by Johnes, Arthur James
by Coburn, Frederick Simpson
by Drummond, William Henry
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka)
by Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. (Jules)
by Souvestre, Émile
by Quental, Antero de
by Newton, Isaac
by Proclus
by Taylor, Thomas
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Fleming, William F.
by Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon
by Morley, John
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Voltaire
by Emory, Frederick Lincoln
by Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de
by Truscott, Frederick Wilson
by Besnier, Pierre
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of
by Moore, G. E. (George Edward)
by Bosanquet, Bernard
by Oldenburg, Henry
by Various
by Royal Society (Great Britain)
by Various
by Royal Society (Great Britain)
by Various
by Hume, David
by Hume, David
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Goldberg, Isaac
by Gourmont, Remy de
by Secrétan, Charles
by Farges, Albert
by Steiner, Rudolf
by Ross, Ronald, Sir
by Lourié, Ossip
by Vorländer, Karl
by Perrier, Edmond
by Hippolytus, Antipope
by Legge, Francis
by Origen
by Hippolytus, Antipope
by Legge, Francis
by Origen
by Russell, Bertrand
by Wister, Owen
by Boole, Mary Everest
by Boole, Mary Everest
by Rashdall, Hastings
by Averroës
by Muhammad Jamil al-Rahman
by Durant, Will
by Paris, John Ayrton
by Durand, John
by Taine, Hippolyte
by Harrison, Frederic
by Klein, Kathleen Mary de Beaumont
by Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
by Gowing, Thomas S.
by Johnstone, James
by Jordan, David Starr
by Saltus, Edgar
by Stukeley, William
by Hoyle, John T. (John Thomas)
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Carpenter, Stephen H. (Stephen Haskins)
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Osmaston, Francis Plumptre Beresford
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Collingwood, R. G. (Robin George)
by Croce, Benedetto
by Smith, Southwood
by Smith, Southwood
by Robertson, James Burton
by Schlegel, Friedrich von
by Robertson, James Burton
by Schlegel, Friedrich von
by Lindsay, A. D. (Alexander Dunlop)
by Huff, Jacob K.
by Shoemaker, Henry W.
by Morrison, A. J. W. (Alexander James William)
by Schlegel, Friedrich von
by Comte, Auguste
by Gillespie, W. M. (William Mitchell)
by Jourdain, Philip E. B. (Philip Edward Bertrand)
by Dendy, Walter Cooper
by Jackson, William
by Still, A. T. (Andrew Taylor)
by Ratner, Joseph
by Spinoza, Benedictus de
by Collison, Harry
by Hoernlé, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred
by Hoernlé, Winifred
by Steiner, Rudolf
by Spencer, Herbert
by Spencer, Herbert
by Sands, Nathaniel
by Mansel, Henry Longueville
by Abercrombie, John
by Walker, James B. (James Barr)
by Bacon, Delia Salter
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Ainslie, Douglas
by Croce, Benedetto
by Butler, T. B. (Thomas Belden)
by Pasley, T. H.
by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
by Child, Lydia Maria
by Carleton, William
by Flanery, M. L.
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Trollope, Anthony
by Trollope, Anthony
by Kitton, Frederic George
by Gates, Eleanor
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Nuyttens, Josef Pierre
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Bradley, Marion Zimmer
by Finlay, Virgil
by White, Ted
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Shakespeare, William
by Holloway, Robert
by Freas, Kelly
by McConnell, James V.
by Blackton, James Stuart
by Phillips, Henry Albert
by Wilkinson, W. T.
by Wilson, Edward L. (Edward Livingston)
by Carter, Nicholas (House name)
by Fraprie, Frank Roy
by Woodbury, Walter E.
by Hubble, Edwin
by Duchochois, Peter C.
by Keeler, James Edward
by Estabrooke, Edward M.
by Adams, W. I. Lincoln (Washington Irving Lincoln)
by Blaney, Henry R.
by Fritz, Georg
by Wall, E. J. (Edward John)
by Münsterberg, Hugo
by White Sands Missile Range (N.M.). Public Affairs Office
by Johnson, Trench H.
by Kleiser, Grenville
by Combe, George
by Flourens, P. (Pierre)
by Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena)
by Sidney, Margaret
by Walcott, Jessie McDermott
by Hope, Anthony
by Daviess, Maria Thompson
by Duchess
by Johnson, Percy D.
by Gooch, Thelma
by Whitehill, Dorothy
by Moore, Frank Frankfort
by Harte, Bret
by Arvey, M. Dale (Martin Dale)
by Pinetti, Giuseppe
by Lewes, George Henry
by Somerville, Mary
by Napheys, George H. (George Henry)
by Klein, Joseph Frederic
by Chavasse, Pye Henry
by Getchell, F. H. (Frank Horace)
by Burder, Thomas Harrison
by Hooker, Worthington
by Derham, W. (William)
by Cope, Thomas D. (Thomas Darlington)
by Smith, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
by Tower, Willis E. (Willis Eugene)
by Turton, Charles M. (Charles Mark)
by Bagehot, Walter
by Chittenden, R. H. (Russell Henry)
by Bichat, Xavier
by Gold, F.
by Hayward, George
by Magendie, François
by Bourget, Paul
by Brillat-Savarin
by Hecker, Ewald
by Foster, M. (Michael), Sir
by Berger, E. W. (Edward William)
by Conant, Franklin Story
by Walters, Francis M. (Francis Marion)
by Combe, Andrew
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Brillat-Savarin
by Robinson, Fayette
by Scrici
by Martin, Ernest G.
by Gourmont, Remy de
Pi (English)
by Hemphill, Scott
by Marmontel, A. (Antoine)
by Nichols, Mary Pickering
by Wieck, Friedrich
by Shedlock, J. S. (John South)
by Kobbé, Gustav
by Brower, Harriette
by Soini, Lauri
by Hofmann, Josef
by Beethoven, Ludwig van
by Bellini Ensemble Unique
by Fischer, J. Cree (Jerry Cree)
by Cremonesi, Giovanni Battista
by Sacchi, Defendente
by Schweinfurth, Georg August
by Melville, Herman
by Burgess, Gelett
by Irwin, Will
by Doyle, Richard
by Oliphant, Laurence
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Hume, Fergus
by Peacocke, Isabel M. (Isabel Maud)
by Sand, George
by Cortazzo, Oreste
by Ives, George Burnham
by Sand, George
by Cortazzo, Oreste
by Ives, George Burnham
by Sand, George
by Jacob, P. L.
by Saintine, X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface)
by Gueldry, Ferdinand-Joseph
by Saintine, X.-B. (Xavier-Boniface)
by Bracco, Roberto
by Serao, Matilde
by Panzini, Alfredo
by Treves, Virginia
by Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot
by Montgolfier, Adélaïde de
by Lazzari-Turco, Giulia
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Serao, Matilde
by Bracco, Roberto
by Francis, Dick
by Smith, Richard Rein
by De Mille, James
by Hutcheson, John C. (John Conroy)
by Bond, W. R. (William R.)
by Greene, Homer
by Dexter, Timothy
by Lang, Andrew
by Fitzgerald, Percy
by Fitzgerald, Percy
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Eberle, Joseph
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Andrew, John
by Optic, Oliver
by Lemay, Pamphile
by Beaunier, André
by Langford, George
by Osborn, Henry Fairfield
by Mallery, Garrick
by Swan, James G.
by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
by Freeburg, Victor Oscar
by Ingram, Rex
by Hudson, J. Paul
by King, Sidney E. (Sidney Eugene)
by Poore, Henry Rankin
by Lossing, Benson John
by Lossing, Benson John
by Crowquill, Alfred
by Hall, Ansel F. (Ansel Franklin)
by Hoss, Della Taylor
by Winkler, Merrie
by Stephens, Ann S. (Ann Sophia)
by Stephens, Ann S. (Ann Sophia)
by Pictorial Photographers of America
by White, Clarence H.
by Dow, Arthur W. (Arthur Wesley)
by Moore, Henry Hoyt
by Pictorial Photographers of America
by White, Clarence H.
by Campbell, Heyworth
by Moore, Henry Hoyt
by Pictorial Photographers of America
by Sterner, Albert
by Jackson, Mason
by Spafford, Oliver
by James, Henry
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
by Harral, Horace
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Samachson, Joseph
by Pearson, A. Cyril (Arthur Cyril)
by Unknown
by Wilde, Oscar
by Wilde, Oscar
by Wilde, Oscar
by Wilde, Oscar
by Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend)
by Hiatt, Charles
by Holmes, Thomas
by Daniels, George Pond
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Unknown
by Gavarni, Paul
by May, Phil
by MacLean, Katherine
by Schneider, Martin
by Bacon, Mary Schell Hoke
by Anonymous
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Stone, Marcus
by Sassoon, Siegfried
by Jarrold and Sons
by Macquoid, Katharine S. (Katharine Sarah)
by Macquoid, Thomas Robert
by Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing)
by Freytag, Gustav
by Malcolm, Mrs. (Georgina)
by Freytag, Gustav
by Malcolm, Mrs. (Georgina)
by Freytag, Gustav
by Malcolm, Mrs. (Georgina)
by Freytag, Gustav
by Malcolm, Mrs. (Georgina)
by Mariager, Peder
by Safford, Mary J.
by Trager, Hannah
by Gibson, Charles Dana
by Russell, William Howard, Sir
by Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
by Bearne, Edward H.
by Bearne, Mrs. (Catherine Mary Charlton)
by Mackay, Thomas
by Richter, Eugen
by Wright, Henry
by Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong
by Anonymous
by Bruckmann, F.
by Nitsche, Julius
by Fitzgerald, Percy
by James, George Wharton
by Le Moine, J. M. (James MacPherson), Sir
by Miller, Thomas
by Hielscher, Kurt
by Anonymous
by Thirlwall, Connop
by Tieck, Ludwig
by Hervey, Walter Lowrie
by Mallery, Garrick
by Lehmuskoski, Niilo
by Plato
by Anderson, Karen
by Castle, William E. (William Ernest)
by Phillips, John C. (John Charles)
by Blanco, A. E.
by Le Gallienne, Richard
by Broun, Heywood
by Baker, George M. (George Melville)
by Browning, Robert
by Greenaway, Kate
by Browning, Robert
by Kummer, Frederic Arnold
by Leydenfrost, Alexander
by Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de
by Tuomi, Otto
by Various
by Pakkala, Teuvo
by Hirvonen, Simeon
by Palmqvist, Per
by Wäänänen, J.
by Granfelt, Mandi
by Spyri, Johanna
by Various
by Various
by Hahnsson, Theodolinda
by Le Feuvre, Amy
by Europaeus, D. E. D. (David Emanuel Daniel)
by Hubert van Beusekom, Anna Christina Helena
by Graves, Robert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Bell, Clara
by Maupassant, Guy de
by De Kay, Charles
by Rolland, Romain
by Curie, Marie
by Kellogg, Charlotte
by Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman)
by Meloney, Marie Mattingly
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Belot, Gabriel
by Rolland, Romain
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by France, Anatole
by Melville, Herman
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Dyer, Walter A. (Walter Alden)
by Grant, Gordon
by Pet Milk Company. Home Economics Department
by Ivalo, Santeri
by Chamisso, Adelbert von
by Lindeqvist, K. O.
by Anonymous
by Hannikainen, Pietari
by Barker, Virgil
by Bruegel, Pieter
by Niemann, August
by Meriläinen, Heikki
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Bastianelli, Giannotto
by Williamson, George C.
by Van der Post, C. W. H. (Christiaan Willem Hendrik)
by Nordström, Ester Blenda
by Spencer, Sanders
by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe
by Galsworthy, John
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Bennett, Virginia
by Hardy, E. Stuart
by Becke, Louis
by Terry, George
by Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold)
by Rainey, Dennis G.
by Greene, James Henry
by Nolan, Aretas Wilbur
by Butler, Ellis Parker
by Korhonen, Veikko
by Hemmo, Kaarlo
by Päivärinta, Pietari
by Hay, John
by Gibbs, George
by Sabin, Edwin L. (Edwin Legrand)
by Dickens, Charles
by Kesäniemi, Helena
by Dickens, Charles
by Kesäniemi, Helena
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Pakkala, Teuvo
by Peltonen, Ester
by Sand, George
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Helve, Uuno
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Pakkala, Teuvo
by Hahnsson, Theodolinda
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Päivärinta, Pietari
by Bergh, John
by Bergh, John
by Salovaara, Hannes
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Krohn, Helmi
by Sand, George
by Suppanen, Aatto
by Päivärinta, Pietari
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Hynynen, Ville
by Asp, Hanna
by Daudet, Alphonse
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Tuulio, Tyyni
by Swan, Anni
by Bergroth, Kersti
by Ring, Barbra
by France, Anatole
by Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti)
by Nervander, Emil Fredrik
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Geijerstam, Gustaf af
by Kaila, Antti
by Lehmus, Heikki
by Biart, Lucien
by Gjellerup, Karl
by Barmführ, H. (Heinrich)
by Bunyan, John
by Wylie, J. A. (James Aitken)
by Johnson, James
by Blunt, Anne, Lady
by Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
by Blunt, Anne, Lady
by Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
by Warner, Charles Dudley
by Martyn, W. Carlos (William Carlos)
by Atwood, William Franklin
by Taggart, Marion Ames
by Dutton, William
by Vega, Lope de
by Scribner, Josephine Pittman
by Morris, William
by Webb, J. B., Mrs. (Annie)
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Sylva, Carmen
by Zimmern, Helen
by Bunyan, John
by Bunyan, John
by Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
by Bunyan, John
by Aikin, Lucy
by Bunyan, John
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Young, Robert F.
by De Leon, Daniel
by Sue, Eugène
by Atwood, William Franklin
by Bradford, William
by Schreiber, Leo
by Winslow, Edward
by Cartwright, Julia
by Murray, A. H. Hallam (Alexander Henry Hallam)
by Warner, Frances Lester
by White, C. Scott (Clarence Scott)
by Bradbury, Ray
by Donel
by Ingraham, J. H. (Joseph Holt)
by Tracy, Louis
by Urquhart, David
by Urquhart, David
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Sharp, R. Farquharson (Robert Farquharson)
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Lie, Jonas
by Tottenham, G. L. (George Loftus)
by Jacobs, Sylvia
by Stone, David
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Verne, Jules
by Corbière, Edouard
by Cunningham, Francis
by Leighton, Robert
by Enright, Walter J. (Walter Joseph)
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Kurikka, Matti
by Kurikka, Matti
by Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti)
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Talvio, Maila
by Elvestad, Sven
by Rytkönen, Antti
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Wuori, Martti
by Andreyev, Leonid
by Laihia, Sandra
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Struck, Rose
by Smith, Nora Archibald
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck)
by Sullivan, Arthur
by Woodward, Alice B.
by Dorling, H. Taprell (Henry Taprell)
by Williams, C. Fleming
by Hilles, Frederick Whiley
by Kirkwood, J.T.
by Morrison, Thomas
by Harms, Louis
by Warner, Susan
by Mitchell, John Ames
by Cressey, E. K.
by Day, Holman
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Leinster, Murray
by Lang, Andrew
by Stockley, Cynthia
by Hume, Fergus
by Goldsmith, Oliver
by Pinnock, William
by Taylor, W. C. (William Cooke)
by Cherubini, Eugenio
by Patri, Angelo
by Collodi, Carlo
by Halonen, Maija
by Carsey, Alice
by Collodi, Carlo
by Davis, John W. (John Walter)
by Della Chiesa, Carol
by Mongiardini-Rembadi, Gemma
by Wilde, Florence R. A.
by Watson, Dorothy
by Nodier, Charles
by Orts-Ramos, Tomás
by Phillipps, Evelyn March
by Williamson, George C.
by Ruyra, Joaquín
by Ruyra, Joaquín
by Cox, Irving E.
by Hardy, William
by Terry, W. E.
by Bonner, Geraldine
by Fisher, Harrison
by Pioneer Auto Museum (Murdo, S.D.)
by Rathborne, St. George
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Boehm, H. Richard
by Rathborne, St. George
by Rathborne, St. George
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Rathborne, St. George
by Rathborne, St. George
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Rathborne, St. George
by Miller, Harriet Parks
by Ladies' Library Association (Schoolcraft, Mich.)
by Anonymous
by Library of Congress
by Trienens, Roger J.
by Adams, James Meade
by Herrington, Walter Stevens
by Perryman, F. M.
by White, John H.
by Garland, Hamlin
by Lafferty, Maude Ward
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Prichard, Katharine Susannah
by Wells, Basil
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
by Ball, Alec
by Johnston, Harry
by Johnston, Harry
by Wallcousins, E.
by Clodd, Edward
by Lodge, Oliver, Sir
by Adamski, George
by Johnson, Allen
by Johnston, Mary
by Johnson, Allen
by Skinner, Constance Lindsay
by Laut, Agnes C.
by Halsey, Francis W. (Francis Whiting)
by Halsey, Gaius Leonard
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Chapelle, Howard Irving
by Yandell, David Wendel
by Lambourne, Alfred
by French, Joseph Lewis
by Garland, Hamlin
by Schuyler, Remington
by Warren, George Henry
by Blackwell, Elizabeth
by Dermout, Jacob
by Hay, Ian
by Knight, Joseph
by Leiber, Fritz
by Duncan, Walter Jack
by Morley, Christopher
by McKimmey, James
by Norwood, Robert Winkworth
by Peabody, Josephine Preston
by Dick, Philip K.
by Grant, John (Pipe-Major)
by Seton, B. G. (Bruce Gordon), Sir
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by United States. National Park Service
by Mayreder, Rosa
by Bellenger, Georges
by Moore, George
by Zola, Émile
by Dalquest, Walter Woelber
by Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond)
by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe
by Arlen, Michael
by Green, Samuel A. (Samuel Abbott)
by Marryat, Frederick
by Lang, Andrew
by Scott, Walter
by Marryat, Frederick
by Sullivan, Edmund J. (Edmund Joseph)
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Bartholomew, Charles Lewis
by Bartholomew, Fred. R.
by Frisbie, W. A. (William Albert)
by Stimson, Frederic Jesup
by Collingwood, Harry
by Staniland, Charles Joseph
by Wells, Joseph Robert
by King, W. B.
by Meigs, Cornelia
by Raine, William MacLeod
by Neville, Richard
by Collingwood, Harry
by De Lacy, Charles J.
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Tilney, F. C. (Frederick Colin)
by Henderson, Daniel
by Stiel, Paul
by Sestier, Jules M.
by Fraser, Claud Lovat
by Fraser, Claud Lovat
by Johnson, Charles, active 1724-1731
by Clements, Colin
by Ehrlich, Frederick
by Herrmann, Oscar
by Heydt, Herman A. (Herman August)
by Loviot, Fanny
by Stables, Gordon
by Arting, Fred J.
by Whitney, Elliott
by Lynde, Francis
by Collingwood, Harry
by Overend, William Heysham
by Freas, Kelly
by Leinster, Murray
by Biddulph, J. (John)
by Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier)
by Williams, George Alfred
by Goodwin, Harold L. (Harold Leland)
by Schachner, Nathan
by Dow, George Francis
by Edmonds, John Henry
by Pentecost, Ernest H. (Ernest Harvey)
by Aimard, Gustave
by Wraxall, Lascelles, Sir
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Krenkel, Roy G.
by Ellms, Charles
by Calthrop, Dion Clayton
by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
by Gosse, Philip
by Avison, George
by Harris, Arthur M. (Arthur Merton)
by Dingle, Aylward Edward
by Gorfinkle, Joseph I. (Joseph Isaac)
by Gorfinkle, Joseph I. (Joseph Isaac)
by Lassila, Maiju
by Kujala, Juho
by Elenius, Emil
by Anonymous
by Pethybridge, J. Ley
by Tregarthen, Enys
by Himmelwright, A. L. A. (Abraham Lincoln Artman)
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Nathan, George Jean
by Norris, Frank
by Mathewson, Christy
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Mathewson, Christy
by Wheeler, John N. (John Neville)
by Finne, Jalmari
by Toledano, C. A.
by Toledano, C. A.
by Mullen, Stanley
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Crofts, Freeman Wills
by Wills, C. J. (Charles James)
by Wills, C. J. (Charles James)
by Wills, C. J. (Charles James)
by Dahlinger, Charles W. (Charles William)
by Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
by Olmsted, Frederick Law
by Huch, Friedrich
by D'Annunzio, Gabriele
by Dawson, Æneas MacDonell
by Sanger, Margaret
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Groome, William H. C.
by Vaizey, George de Horne, Mrs.
by Phillpotts, Eden
by Ireland, Mary E. (Mary Eliza)
by Lang, George
by Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa)
by Potter, Harry Spafford
by Mason, David
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Horsley, J. W. (John William)
by Glasse, Henry
by Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz
by Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn Lilian Hazeldine Carrington, contessa
by Le Queux, William
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by MacGrath, Harold
by Thorndike, Lynn
by Veblen, Thorstein
by Goldman, Emma
by Doctorow, Cory
by Cowles
by Harmon, Jim
by Douglas, Alfred Bruce
by P. P.
by Hunter, Evan
by Terry, W. E.
by Keller, Teddy
by Schoenherr, John
by Crawfurd, Raymond Henry Payne, Sir
by Bradley, Richard
by Jackson, Thomas Wright
by Schöbl, Otto
by Hobbes, Thomas
by Sprat, Thomas
by Thucydides
by Rosenbaum, Julius
by Rosenbaum, Julius
by Pohl, Frederik
by Ritter, Bob
by Prevost, Francis
by Norton, Andre
by Norton, Andre
by Freydier, Monsieur
by Willis, Thomas
by Wheelock, Eleazar
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir
by Cocteau, Jean
by Miller, T. A. H. (Thomas Arrington Huntington)
by Francatelli, Charles Elmé
by Wharton, Marian
by Bauman, G. A.
by Kellogg, John Harvey
by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose
by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose
by Fry, G. M. C.
by George, G. M.
by Boldrewood, Rolf
by Bennett, Arnold
by Justice, Martin
by Phillips, Henry Wallace
by Slade, James
by Cowan, James Galloway
by Cowan, James Galloway
by Reilly, Joseph
by Anonymous
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Mallet, Thierry
by Guernsey, Henry N. (Henry Newell)
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Dutton, Reginald G.
by Johnson, Douglas Wilson
by Corday, Michel
by Lemaire, Madeleine-Jeanne Coll
by Proust, Marcel
by Herrick, Henry Walker
by Kilburn, Samuel Smith
by Optic, Oliver
by Wentworth, G. A. (George Albert)
by Davis, Frederick C. (Frederick Clyde)
by Leinster, Murray
by Morey, Leo
by Norman, James
by Guth, Henry
by Evans, E. Everett (Edward Everett)
by Kennon, J. L.
by Hunter, Evan
by Geier, Chester S.
by Hardison
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Terry, W. E.
by Adkins, Dan
by Leinster, Murray
by Swain, Dwight V.
by Terry, W. E.
by McKimmey, James
by Orban, Paul
by Giunta, John
by Wollheim, Donald A.
by Fox, Matt
by Peacock, Wilbur S.
by Leinster, Murray
by Stevens, Lawrence Sterne
by Elliott, Bruce
by Finlay, Virgil
by Harrison, Harry
by Williams, Robert Moore
by Ernst, Paul
by Bradley, Marion Zimmer
by Novick, Irving H.
by Gallun, Raymond Z. (Raymond Zinke)
by Morey, Leo
by Wollheim, Donald A.
by Harmon, Jim
by Wood, Wallace
by Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles)
by Shawver, John L.
by Morgan, John (John Hamilton)
by Hart, Hastings H. (Hastings Hornell)
by Burkham, E. G. (Elzey Gallatin)
by Henderson, Elliott Blaine
by Burwell, Letitia M.
by Devereux, Margaret
by Winslow, Arthur
by Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson
by Reid, Mayne
by Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson
by Folkard, Richard
by Parsons, Frances Theodora
by Smith, Alice Josephine
by Gleason, Henry A. (Henry Allan)
by Long, Harold Cecil
by Losey's Orchestra
by Losey's Orchestra
by Losey's Orchestra
by Dewey, Alfred James
by MacKenzie, Compton
by Page, Thomas Nelson
by Marks, Percy
by Kolle, Frederick Strange
by Jiménez, Juan Ramón
by Jiménez, Juan Ramón
by Onís, Federico de
by Petersham, Maud
by Petersham, Miska
by Walsh, Gertrude M. (Gertrude Margaret)
by Tucker, T. G. (Thomas George)
by Lumb, Arthur Douglas
by Pater, Walter
by Grote, George
by Grote, George
by Grote, George
by Grote, George
by Plato
by Wolf, F. A. (Friedrich August)
by Harrison, John Smith
by Kassner, Rudolf
by Plato
by Boutens, P. C.
by Plato
by Grote, George
by Lyra, F. W. (Friedrich Wilhelm)
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Ellis, O. O. (Olin Oglesby)
by Garey, E. B. (Enoch Barton)
by Synge, J. M. (John Millington)
by Coffin, Frederick M.
by Fern, Fanny
by Cole, Everett B.
by Morley, Henry
by Baskerville, Beatrice C.
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Doughty, Sarah P. (Sarah Parsons)
by Barr, Amelia E.
by Heath, Howard
by Grant, James
by Archer, William
by Blanchard, Amy Ella
by Otis, Elizabeth
by Baldwin, Elizabeth L.
by Baldwin, James Mark
by Groos, Karl
by Cook, George Cram
by Glaspell, Susan
by Glaspell, Susan
by Noyes, George Rapall
by Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich
by Symons, Arthur
by Rice, Cale Young
by Kingsley, Charles
by Davidson, John
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by West, Julius
by Björkman, Edwin
by Strindberg, August
by Björkman, Edwin
by Strindberg, August
by Björkman, Edwin
by Strindberg, August
by Björkman, Edwin
by Strindberg, August
by Björkman, Edwin
by Strindberg, August
by Maude, Aylmer
by Maude, Louise
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Oland, Edith
by Oland, Warner
by Strindberg, August
by Galsworthy, John
by Galsworthy, John
by Galsworthy, John
by Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)
by Dunsany, Lord
by Dunsany, Lord
by Sakurai, Joji
by Stopes, Marie Carmichael
by Massinger, Philip
by Gasquet, Francis Aidan
by Hrotsvitha
by St. John, Christopher (Christopher Marie)
by Sophocles
by Storr, Francis
by Henley, William Ernest
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Galsworthy, John
by Oland, Edith
by Oland, Warner
by Strindberg, August
by Molnár, Ferenc
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Galsworthy, John
by Vanbrugh, John
by Vanbrugh, John
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Louderback, Walt
by Mitchell, Ruth Comfort
by Macbeth, Ann
by Matthews, Brander
by Thoreau, Henry David
by Lay, Wilfrid
by Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury)
by Kayll, James Leslie Allan
by Defoe, Daniel
by Drury, Robert
by López de Gómara, Francisco
by Nicholas, Thomas, active 1560-1596
by Schelling, George
by Thieme, Richard
by Leonard, Mary Finley
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Beecher, Henry Ward
by Proctor, Richard A. (Richard Anthony)
by Holmes, Charles Nevers
by Anderson, Alexander
by Babcock, Sidney
by Anonymous
by Moody, Dwight Lyman
by Dillon, John, Sir
by Pomfret, John
by Ward, Edward
by Teall, Gardner C.
by Ruskin, John
by Lynd, Robert
by Lubbock, John, Sir
by Gilbert, John
by Myrtle, Harriet
by Ellwanger, George H. (George Herman)
by Serviss, Garrett Putman
by Bersezio, Vittorio
by Bersezio, Vittorio
by Bersezio, Vittorio
by Bersezio, Vittorio
by Erckmann-Chatrian
by Quinn, Seabury
by Lennep, J. van (Jacob)
by Hayes, J. W. (Jeff W.)
by Ament, R. S.
by Pleiades Club
by Jones, J. Knox
by Hay, Oliver Perry
by Russell, Robert J.
by Findley, James S. (James Smith)
by Bogaert, Abraham
by Racine, Jean
by Lambourne, Alfred
by Orts-Ramos, Tomás
by Sue, Eugène
by Galbreath, Edwin C. (Edwin Carter)
by Brooks, Charles Timothy
by Busch, Wilhelm
by Blixen, Karen
by Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan
by Plotinus
by Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan
by Plotinus
by Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan
by Plotinus
by Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan
by Plotinus
by Shaver, Richard S.
by Smith, Malcolm
by Carter, Nicholas (House name)
by Federer, C. A. (Charles A.)
by Rolt-Wheeler, Francis
by Housman, Laurence
by North, Sterling
by Trevena, John
by Gates, Eleanor
by Rowe, Clarence
by Sabin, Edwin L. (Edwin Legrand)
by Meade, L. T.
by Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Voipio, Aarni
by Voipio, Elma
by Morley, Christopher
by Alderman, W. H. (William Horace)
by Dorsey, Maxwell Jay
by Hedrick, U. P.
by Taylor, O. M. (Orrin Morehouse)
by Wellington, R. (Richard)
by Ashe, E. M. (Edmund Marion)
by Phillips, David Graham
by Duer, Douglas
by Norton, Roy
by Oyen, Henry
by Bracker, M. Leone
by Lefevre, Edwin
by Plunkitt, George Washington
by Riordon, William L.
by James, William
by Beavan, Hugh J. C.
by Pouchet, G. (Georges)
by Hitchcock, Edward
by Whewell, William
by Kellogg Company
by Tinseau, Léon de
by Gaïl, François de
by Twain, Mark
by Buysse, Cyriel
by Clough, Arthur Hugh
by Plutarch
by Peabody, Andrew P. (Andrew Preston)
by Plutarch
by Long, George
by Plutarch
by Stewart, Aubrey
by Long, George
by Plutarch
by Stewart, Aubrey
by Long, George
by Plutarch
by Stewart, Aubrey
by Long, George
by Plutarch
by Stewart, Aubrey
by Plutarch
by Shilleto, A. R. (Arthur Richard)
by Holland, Philemon
by Jevons, F. B. (Frank Byron)
by Plutarch
by Stearns, Charles A.
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Christie, Agatha
by Davis, William T. (William Thomas)
by Phillips, Ernest George
by Batcheller, Birney C. (Birney Clark)
by John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. Life Conservation Service
by Magnay, William, Sir
by Marryat, Frederick
by Watson, John, F.L.S.
by Phillpotts, Eden
by Jones, P.
by Brandão, Raul
by Junqueiro, Abílio Manuel Guerra
by Asnyk, Adam
by Castleman, Virginia Carter
by Bailey, James H. (James Henry)
by Edmunds, Pocahontas Wight
by De Leon, Daniel
by Sue, Eugène
by Richards, William
by Richards, William
by Borrow, George
by Thomas, Edward
by Durrant, Stephen David
by Farner, Donald S. (Donald Sankey)
by Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond)
by Hoffmeister, Donald Frederick
by Munn, Charles Clark
by Lavater, Johann Caspar
by Porta, Giambattista della
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Krúdy, Gyula
by Salaverría, José María
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Darío, Rubén
by Lasplaces, Alberto
by Pérez Bonalde, Juan Antonio
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Torres, Carlos Arturo
by Cowper, William
by Milton, John
by Hull, Eleanor
by Sand, George
by Mistral, Frédéric
by Mistral, Frédéric
by Savine, Albert
by Wilde, Oscar
by Bazalgette, Léon
by Whitman, Walt
by Picabia, Francis
by Gallimard, Paul
by Keats, John
by Verhaeren, Emile
by Verhaeren, Emile
by Biddolf, John
by Lanier, Sidney
by Anderson, William
by Arnold, Matthew
by Bacon, Josephine Daskam
by Bass, Cora C.
by Bell, Clive
by Betham, Matilda
by Bridges, Robert
by Carr, John, Sir
by Cassels, Walter Richard
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Clare, John
by Coleman, Jamie Harris
by Conant, Henry Reed
by Cook, Clarence
by Crabbe, George
by Cushag
by Dearmer, Geoffrey
by Dorr, Julia C. R. (Caroline Ripley)
by Dowden, Edward
by Draper, John William
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns)
by French, Nora May
by Gale, Norman
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
by Hay, John
by Henley, William Ernest
by Hensley, Sophia Margaretta
by Herter, Albert
by Hill, Jennie Earngey
by Holley, Marietta
by Howells, William Dean
by Howells, William Dean
by Hugo, Victor
by Jenkins, Elinor
by Johnson, Lionel
by Kemble, Fanny
by Lemont, Jessie
by MacCarthy, Denis Florence
by Macy, Arthur
by Maeterlinck, Maurice
by Manning, Frederic
by Mansfield, Katherine
by Matheson, D. M. (Duncan M.)
by Maynard, Theodore
by McElroy, Crocket
by Mercer, S. C. (Samuel C.)
by Merrill, Clara A.
by Meynell, Alice
by Miall, Bernard
by Millay, Edna St. Vincent
by Moore, Marianne
by Morris, George Pope
by Owen, Wilfred
by Rilke, Rainer Maria
by Rogers, Samuel
by Rossetti, Christina Georgina
by Santayana, George
by Sassoon, Siegfried
by Seeger, Alan
by Shanks, Edward
by Shastid, Thomas Hall
by Smith, Alexander
by Smith, C. Ernest (Charles Ernest)
by Southey, Robert
by Stoddard, Elizabeth
by Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson)
by Stuart, Muriel
by Thomas, Edward
by Thompson, Francis
by Tree, Iris
by Van Vorst, Marie
by Walton, Mary Alice
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Killigrew, Anne
by Morton, Richard Everett
by Williams, Helen Maria
by Southey, Robert
by Keats, John
by Gent, Thomas
by Drinkwater, John
by Baring, Maurice
by Young, Francis Brett
by Pound, Ezra
by Heine, Heinrich
by Lazarus, Emma
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
by Ellis, Robinson
by Meredith, George
by Dowson, Ernest Christopher
by Symons, Arthur
by Baudelaire, Charles
by Huneker, James
by Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne
by Palmer, Arthur H. (Arthur Hubbell)
by Burns, Robert
by Hart, Michael
by Sumanaru, Simona
by Petrarca, Francesco
by Synge, J. M. (John Millington)
by Dickens, Charles
by Kitton, Frederic George
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
by Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop
by Gordon, Adam Lindsay
by Conkling, Hilda
by Lowell, Amy
by Brontë, Anne
by Brontë, Charlotte
by Brontë, Emily
by Dickinson, Emily
by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
by Todd, Mabel Loomis
by Dickinson, Emily
by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
by Todd, Mabel Loomis
by Dickinson, Emily
by Todd, Mabel Loomis
by Dickinson, Emily
by Binyon, Laurence
by Bottomley, Gordon
by Rosenberg, Isaac
by Ingelow, Jean
by Ingelow, Jean
by Wilde, Lady
by Morris, William
by Morris, William
by Rossetti, William Michael
by Whitman, Walt
by Bryant, William Cullen
by Baillie, Joanna
by Clare, John
by Lovell, Robert
by Southey, Robert
by Burt, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth)
by Burt, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth)
by Squire, John Collings, Sir
by Ranck, Edwin Carty
by Trench, Richard Chenevix
by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
by Hafiz, active 14th century
by Doten, Lizzie
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
by Rodd, Rennell
by Baudelaire, Charles
by Symons, Arthur
by Wordsworth, William
by Wordsworth, William
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Freeman, John
by Newbolt, Henry John, Sir
by Field, Michael
by Meynell, Alice
by Stevenson, Burton Egbert
by Matthews, Brander
by Clough, Arthur Hugh
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Field, Eugene
by Parrish, Maxfield
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
by Symons, Arthur
by Sargent, John Singer
by Strettell, Alma
by Verhaeren, Emile
by Lazarus, Emma
by Lazarus, Emma
by Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel)
by Smith, Langdon
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Hemans, Mrs.
by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
by Bridges, Robert
by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
by Leopardi, Giacomo
by Townsend, Frederick
by Carducci, Giosuè
by Sewall, Frank
by Bowring, Edgar Alfred
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Bowring, Edgar Alfred
by Heine, Heinrich
by Kendall, Henry
by Stevens, Bertram
by Timrod, Henry
by Van Dyke, Henry
by Beeching, H. C. (Henry Charles)
by Chambers, E. K. (Edmund Kerchever)
by Vaughan, Henry
by McIntyre, James
by Dole, Nathan Haskell
by Lowell, James Russell
by Donne, John
by Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir
by Donne, John
by Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir
by Ernst Browning, William
by Swift, Jonathan
by Ernst Browning, William
by Swift, Jonathan
by Cliffe, Francis Henry
by Leopardi, Giacomo
by Hamill, Katharine Forrest
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Presland, John
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Gosse, Edmund
by Pape, Eric
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Pape, Eric
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Pape, Eric
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Pape, Eric
by Cawein, Madison Julius
by Pape, Eric
by Salt, Henry S.
by Sanborn, F. B. (Franklin Benjamin)
by Thoreau, Henry David
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Evans, Edmund
by Foster, Myles Birket
by Goldsmith, Oliver
by Humphreys, Henry Noel
by Willmott, Robert Aris
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Brownell, Gertrude Hall
by McCarter, Henry
by Verlaine, Paul
by Connor, Elizabeth H.
by Freneau, Philip Morin
by Pattee, Fred Lewis
by Freneau, Philip Morin
by Pattee, Fred Lewis
by Freneau, Philip Morin
by Pattee, Fred Lewis
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Doten, Lizzie
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Corbet, Richard
by Gilchrist, Octavius
by Barnes, William
by O'Hara, John Myers
by Sappho
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
by Lanier, Sidney
by Various
by Yule, J. C., Mrs.
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Various
by Sackville-West, V. (Victoria)
by Blake, William
by Watson, William
by Cooper, Frederick
by Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
by Bartlett, Elizabeth
by Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh
by Hayley, William
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
by Leonard, R. M. (Robert Maynard)
by Wheatley, Phillis
by Kettle, Tom
by Copeland, Benjamin
by Ryan, Abram Joseph
by Barney, Natalie Clifford
by Barney, Natalie Clifford
by Squire, John Collings, Sir
by Various
by Various
by Ellet, E. F. (Elizabeth Fries)
by Howard, Hattie
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Barnet, Montrose L.
by Smith, Annie Rebekah
by Smith, Rebekah
by Smith, Uriah
by Panin, Ivan
by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
by Mudge, James
by Wilde, Oscar
by Peattie, Elia Wilkinson
by Parkerson, James
by Herculano, Alexandre
by Passos, A. A. Soares de (Antonio Augusto Soares)
by Machado de Assis
by Machado, Antonio
by Bocage, Manuel Maria Barbosa du
by Fontana, Ferdinando
by Pellico, Silvio
by Pellico, Silvio
by Lautréamont, comte de
by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
by Nerval, Gérard de
by Pellico, Silvio
by Chénier, André
by Derocquigny, Jules
by Rimbaud, Arthur
by Verlaine, Paul
by Gautier, Théophile
by Gautier, Théophile
by Charles, d'Orléans
by Lesueur, Daniel
by Rédarez Saint-Remy, Jules-Henry
by Sappho
by Anglade, Joseph
by Peire Raimon, of Toulouse
by Parny, Évariste
by Dozon, Auguste
by Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl)
by Verlaine, Paul
by Booth, Franklin
by Dwiggins, W. A. (William Addison)
by Nicholson, Meredith
by Pimentel, Alberto
by Anonymous
by Love, Harold
by Peabody, Eddie
by Suppé, Franz von
by Calcagno, Francisco
by Pimentel, Alberto
by Apollinaire, Guillaume
by Derain, André
by Josephson, Matthew
by Rouveyre, André
by Jonson, Ben
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Apollinaire, Guillaume
by Coussens, Armand
by Jammes, Francis
by Viollet, Alphonse
by Moss, Maria J.
by Dobson, William T.
by Courtenay, John
by Kelley, Robert E.
by Churchill, Charles
by Gilfillan, George
by Parkerson, James
by Addison, Joseph
by Gay, John
by Gilfillan, George
by Somerville, William
by Gilfillan, George
by Pope, Alexander
by Gilfillan, George
by Pope, Alexander
by Beattie, James
by Blair, Robert
by Falconer, William
by Gilfillan, George
by Bell, Henry Glassford
by Gray, David
by Stedman, Edmund Clarence
by Child, Francis James
by Spenser, Edmund
by Denham, John, Sir
by Gilfillan, George
by Waller, Edmund
by Young, Edward
by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
by MacDonald, George
by MacDonald, George
by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Sir
by White, Henry Kirke
by Beattie, James
by Dyce, Alexander
by Little, Janet
by Dryden, John
by Gilfillan, George
by Dryden, John
by Gilfillan, George
by Beeching, H. C. (Henry Charles)
by Milton, John
by Dyce, Alexander
by Skelton, John
by Dyce, Alexander
by Skelton, John
by Gilfillan, George
by Gray, Thomas
by Johnson, Samuel
by Parnell, Thomas
by Smollett, T. (Tobias)
by Akenside, Mark
by Gilfillan, George
by Arnold, Matthew
by Leprohon, Mrs. (Rosanna Eleanor)
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Bridges, Robert
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Campbell, Thomas
by Hood, Thomas
by Rossetti, William Michael
by Dobell, Bertram
by Traherne, Thomas
by Brydges, Egerton, Sir
by Collins, William
by Langhorne, John
by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Sir
by Bryant, William Cullen
by Stoddard, Richard Henry
by Bowles, William Lisle
by Gilfillan, George
by Bowles, William Lisle
by Gilfillan, George
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Knight, William Angus
by Wordsworth, William
by Quayle, Thomas
by Bellows, Henry Adams
by Aristotle
by Gent, Thomas
by Aristotle
by Butcher, S. H. (Samuel Henry)
by Li, Bai
by Waley, Arthur
by Various
by Oldham, Thomas
by Quiller-Couch, Arthur
by Monroe, Harriet
by Various
by Gollancz, Israel
by Green, Winifred
by Lamb, Charles
by Lamb, Mary
by Bradley, A. C. (Andrew Cecil)
by Ruskin, John
by Brooke, Stopford A. (Stopford Augustus)
by Hunt, Robert
by Wilmot, Alexander
by Canning, George
by Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of
by Edmonds, Charles
by Ellis, George
by Frere, John Hookham
by Gifford, William
by Pitt, William
by Wellesley, Richard Wellesley, Marquess
by Walbridge, Earle Francis
by Jenkins, John
by Gregory, Lady
by Johnston, George
by Oldroyd, Osborn H. (Osborn Hamiline)
by Painter, F. V. N. (Franklin Verzelius Newton)
by Atkins, Elizabeth
by Bodenheim, Maxwell
by Eminescu, Mihai
by Kate, J. J. L. ten (Jan Jakob Lodewijk)
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Dulaure, J.-A. (Jacques-Antoine)
by Bok, Hannes
by Wollheim, Donald A.
by Koskimaa, Juho
by Järviluoma, Artturi
by Gorky, Maksim
by Lattu, Iisakki
by Åberg, J. O. (Johan Olof)
by Hagfors, Johan Fridolf
by Yrjö-Koskinen, Yrjö Sakari
by Salmela, Marja
by Brehm, Alfred Edmund
by Suppanen, Aatto
by Mendelin, Irene
by Wägner, Elin
by Hannikainen, Lauri
by Various
by Gárdonyi, Géza
by Chevalier, H. Emile (Henri Emile)
by Lassinen, Emil
by Korhonen, Veikko
by Renard, Jules
by Holland, J. A.
by Fellman, Jakob Esaiaksenpoika
by Meurman, A. (Agathon)
by Treston, Hubert Joseph
by Denon, Vivant
by Richardson, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Miller)
by Douie, Marjorie
by Baker, George Augustus
by Day, Francis
by Shelton, Vaughan
by Weiss
by Conrad, Joseph
by Groesbeck, Dan Sayre
by Wells, Carolyn
by Glyn, Elinor
by James, Henry
by Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Stanley Grauman)
by United States. National Park Service
by Repplier, Agnes
by Cruikshank, George
by Cruikshank, George
by Cruikshank, George
by Cruikshank, George
by Repplier, Agnes
by Brown, Paul Cameron
by Christie, Agatha
by Starke, D.
by Haraucourt, Edmond
by Simon, Lucien
by Baker, George M. (George Melville)
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Magre, Maurice
by Meek, S. P. (Sterner St. Paul)
by Berkeley, Anthony
by Service, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin)
by Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin)
by Quiller-Couch, Arthur
by Crooks, D. M. (Donald Mundell)
by Kephart, Leonard Wheeler
by Dodge, Natt N. (Natt Noyes)
by Clarke, Robert F. (Robert Francis)
by Werler, John E.
by Oberfield, William
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Thompson, C. J. S. (Charles John Samuel)
by Blyth, Alexander Wynter
by Cattopadhyaya, Bankimacandra
by Knight, Miriam S.
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Lassila, Maiju
by Churberg, Waldemar
by Irving, Washington
by Hurston, Zora Neale
by Lydston, G. Frank (George Frank)
by Nathorst, A. G. (Alfred Gabriel)
by Stilson, Charles B. (Charles Billings)
by Stilson, Charles B. (Charles Billings)
by Hartwig, G. (Georg)
by Harben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel)
by Storm, Theodor
by Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Hutt, Henry
by Barney, Maginel Wright
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Piper, H. Beam
by Tissot, Victor
by Del Rey, Lester
by MacBeth, R. G. (Roderick George)
by Kivinen, Ilmari
by Biggs, Maude Ashurst
by Gliński, A. J. (Antoni Józef)
by Walton, Cecile
by D'Almaine, Charles
by Ross, Penny
by Smith, Laura Rountree
by Saintsbury, George
by Swift, Jonathan
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Lafferty, R. A.
by Bax, Clifford
by Calvo, Alejandro
by Cárdenas y Echarte, Raúl de
by Crispi, Francesco
by Palamenghi-Crispi, Tommaso
by Testa, Carlos
by Spurr, Josiah Edward
by Cromer, Evelyn Baring, Earl of
by Hayes, Carlton J. H. (Carlton Joseph Huntley)
by Peterson, John Victor
by Colchester, Reginald Charles Edward Abbot, 3d Baron
by Ellenborough, Edward Law, Earl of
by Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony
by Jevons, William Stanley
by Taylor, Thomas
by Lajpat Rai, Lala
by Brodrick, George C. (George Charles)
by Fotheringham, John Knight
by Alexander, De Alva Stanwood
by Russell, Bertrand
by Hammond, Basil Edward
by Blotner, Joseph
by Saintsbury, George
by Snowden, Ethel
by Julian, George Washington
by Sterne, Laurence
by Wright, Thomas
by Laski, Harold J. (Harold Joseph)
by Menzies, Sutherland, active 1840-1883
by Menzies, Sutherland, active 1840-1883
by Low, Samuel
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Aristotle
by Ellis, William
by Manning, Joseph C. (Joseph Columbus)
by Verschave, Paul
by Jókai, Mór
by Expilly, Charles
by Grosclaude, Etienne
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
by Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur
by Rahsin, E. K.
by Dakyns, Henry Graham
by Xenophon
by Anonymous
by Francis, Dick
by Van Scyoc, Sydney J.
by Castaigne, J. André
by Page, Thomas Nelson
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Dowd, Emma C.
by Meade, L. T.
by Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman)
by Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman)
by Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman)
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Dérèmeaux, Irma
by Dowd, Emma C.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Mayo, Margaret
by Dérèmeaux, Irma
by Dowd, Emma C.
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Avery, Faith
by Forrester, Izola L. (Izola Louise)
by Forrester, Izola L. (Izola Louise)
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Whitehill, Dorothy
by Wrenn, Charles L. (Charles Lewis)
by Whitehill, Dorothy
by Wrenn, Charles L. (Charles Lewis)
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
by Anderson, Isabel
by Leonhard, Rudolf
by Brandenburger, Clemens
by Constable, Thomas
by Corneille, Pierre
by Bohn, Henry G. (Henry George)
by Parker, Louis Napoleon
by Williams, J. Scott (John Scott)
by Browning, Robert
by Gibson, John Monro
by Barrett, S. A. (Samuel Alfred)
by De Selincourt, Basil
by Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett)
by Stockton, Frank R.
by Curti, Pier Ambrogio
by Curti, Pier Ambrogio
by Curti, Pier Ambrogio
by Kelsey, Francis W. (Francis Willey)
by Mau, August
by Kivimäki, Urho
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Hocking, Joseph
by Pilling, William
by Ewald, Carl
by Reynolds, Warwick
by Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander
by Craine, Frances
by Ransome, Arthur
by Verschuur, Gerrit
by De Leon, Daniel
by Sue, Eugène
by Gilbey, Walter, Sir
by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
by Dodge, Mary Mapes
by Crofts, Freeman Wills
by Appleton, R. B. (Reginald Bainbridge)
by Jones, W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel)
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Rogers, Robert
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Patchin, Frank Gee
by Remington, Frederic
by Duncan, Sara Jeannette
by Caswell, Edward C.
by Meigs, Cornelia
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Optic, Oliver
by Carrington, Edith
by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
by Bensell, Edmund Birckhead
by Stockton, Frank R.
by Norris, Kathleen Thompson
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Hogarth, C. J.
by Gordon, Cora
by Gordon, Jan
by Conscience, Hendrik
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Byrum, Isabel C. (Isabel Coston)
by Marryat, Frederick
by Marryat, Frederick
by Cabell, James Branch
by Gates, Eleanor
by Benson, Stella
by Reynolds, Stephen Sydney
by Johnson, Frank Tenney
by Sinclair, Bertrand W.
by Collins, Wilkie
by Bain, R. Nisbet (Robert Nisbet)
by Jókai, Mór
by Balzac, Honoré de
by MacKenzie, Compton
by Marriage, Ellen
by Waring, James
by Lorayne, Harry
by Orban, Paul
by Carleton, William
by Flanery, M. L.
by Anderson, Sherwood
by Rinehart, Mary Roberts
by Raby, Richard
by Hunter, Joseph
by Forbes, F. A. (Frances Alice)
by Hogan, William
by Hoare, Edward
by Walsh, James J. (James Joseph)
by Arthur, William
by Neatby, William Blair
by Fanny, Aunt
by Ballard, Edward
by Kidder, Frederic
by Poole, William Frederick
by Dom
by Pollock, John
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Tangerud, Odd
by Spence, Lewis
by Richmond, Leigh
by Richmond, Walt
by Schoenherr, John
by Kinney, Margaret West
by Kinney, Troy
by Wright, Mabel Osgood
by Edwards, Leo
by Salg, Bert
by Edwards, Leo
by Salg, Bert
by Edwards, Leo
by Salg, Bert
by Walton, O. F., Mrs.
by Stockley, Cynthia
by Livingstone, David
by Acland, Charles
by Hutton, James
by Reid, Mayne
by Crane, J. T. (Jonathan Townley)
by Janes, Edmund S. (Edmund Storer)
by Bernstein, Aaron David
by Cooke, W. Cubitt (William Cubitt)
by Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley)
by Cooke, W. Cubitt (William Cubitt)
by Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley)
by Cooke, W. Cubitt (William Cubitt)
by Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley)
by Cooke, W. Cubitt (William Cubitt)
by Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley)
by Mayhew, Ira
by Cook, Edward Tyas, Sir
by National Gallery (Great Britain)
by Ruskin, John
by Clerke, Agnes M. (Agnes Mary)
by Guizot, François
by Witt, Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth)
by Guizot, François
by Witt, Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth)
by Guizot, François
by Witt, Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth)
by Guizot, François
by Witt, Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth)
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Widger, David
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Black, Robert
by Guizot, François
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
by McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
by McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
by Mathews, W. S. B. (William Smythe Babcock)
by Howitt, Mary (Mary Botham)
by Howitt, Mary (Mary Botham)
by Stimson, Frederic Jesup
by Garnett, Thomas
by Grund, Francis J. (Francis Joseph)
by Cruikshank, Alfred Byron
by Hornaday, William T. (William Temple)
by Smith, Caroline L.
by Crooke, William
by Crooke, William
by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard)
by Hunt, Robert
by Fréchette, Annie Howells
by Premio-Real, comte de
by Brazil, Angela
by Salmon, Balliol
by Cattell, James McKeen
by Various
by Cattell, James McKeen
by Various
by Cattell, James McKeen
by Various
by Cattell, James McKeen
by Various
by Cattell, James McKeen
by Various
by Mach, Ernst
by McCormack, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph)
by Tissandier, Gaston
by Hall, John H.
by Perrault, Charles
by Anonymous
by Perrault, Charles
by Stewart, William Grant
by Mayo, Herbert
by Burke, L., Mrs.
by Guizot, Madame (Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline)
by Lang, Andrew
by Lang, Andrew
by Perrault, Charles
by Perrault, Charles
by Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen
by Dasent, George Webbe, Sir
by Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen
by Hazen, Edward
by Hazen, Edward
by Martin, Edwin Perry
by Mollinger-Hooyer, Dina
by Dillon, Edward
by Heyward, DuBose
by Nadejen, Theodore
by Cross, H. Russell
by Green, E. Curtis
by Jones, William R.
by Kotula, Anthony
by West, R. L. (Roger Lawrence)
by Molina, Enrique
by Ebers, Georg
by Walldén, Hilja
by Culverwell, Robert James
by Taxil, Léo
by Kianto, Ilmari
by Lofting, Hugh
by Pispa, Hanna
by Sinclair, Upton
by Kataja, Väinö
by United States. War Department
by Hulbert, Archer Butler
by Buck, Charles Neville
by Snapp, Frank
by Colton, Arthur
by Keen, Eliot
by Barry, Richard
by Feure, Georges de
by Schwob, Marcel
by MacDonald, George
by Level, Maurice
by Duchess
by Gervaise de Latouche, Jean-Charles
by Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins
by Hayes, J. W. (Jeff W.)
by Archard, Charles J. (Charles John)
by Stephens, Ann S. (Ann Sophia)
by Smith, Arthur D. Howden (Arthur Douglas Howden)
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by Nicholson, Meredith
by Stellman, Louis J. (Louis John)
by Hall, A. D. (Arthur D.)
by Brownlow, William Gannaway
by Savine, Albert
by Wilde, Oscar
by Savine, Albert
by Wilde, Oscar
by Holme, Charles
by Williamson, George C.
by James, Henry
by James, Henry
by Walpole, Hugh
by Peter, Grace Dunlop
by Joyce, James
by Ransome, Arthur
by Bizet, Georges
by Imbert, Hugues
by Saint-Saëns, Camille
by Hutton, Laurence
by Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
by Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
by Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
by Leech, John
by Leigh, Percival
by Anonymous
by Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain)
by James, Henry
by Raymond, E. T.
by Bradford, Gamaliel
by Clarkson, Thomas
by Clarkson, Thomas
by Clarkson, Thomas
by Couperus-Baud, Elizabeth
by Wilde, Oscar
by McFee, William
by Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)
by Creswick, Thomas
by Finden, W. (William)
by Harding, James Duffield
by Bartlett, W. H. (William Henry)
by Creswick, Thomas
by Finden, W. (William)
by Harding, James Duffield
by Harper, Charles G. (Charles George)
by Council of Women for Home Missions
by Home Missions Council (U.S.)
by Davison, T. Raffles (Thomas Raffles)
by Daudet, Alphonse
by Oliveira Martins, J. P. (Joaquim Pedro)
by Pércheiro, D. A. Gomes
by Coelho, Adolfo
by Testa, Carlos
by Costa, José Daniel Rodrigues da
by Krohn, Helmi
by Lagerlöf, Selma
by Bell, Aubrey F. G. (Aubrey Fitz Gerald)
by Quental, Antero de
by Watson, Walter Crum
by Bell, Aubrey F. G. (Aubrey Fitz Gerald)
by Bell, Aubrey F. G. (Aubrey Fitz Gerald)
by Lincoln, Joseph Crosby
by Stinde, Julius
by Rice, Cale Young
by Birkmaier, Elizabeth G.
by Kuyper, Abraham
by Kuyper, H. S. S.
by Hartley, C. Gasquoine (Catherine Gasquoine)
by Mulcaster, Richard
by Quick, Robert Hebert
by Dietzgen, Eugen
by Dietzgen, Joseph
by Dietzgen, Joseph, Jr.
by Untermann, Ernest
by Bellamy, Edward
by Ferri, Enrico
by Taine, Hippolyte
by Lemonnier, Camille
by Derély, Victor
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Moffett, Cleveland
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Garnett, Constance
by Bromfield, Louis
by Housman, Laurence
by Guthe, Carl E. (Carl Eugen)
by Bruce, Mary Grant
by Melville, Frederick John
by Philatelic Society (London, England)
by Rogers, Lindsay
by Gantz, W. H.
by O'Reilly, Joseph John Edward
by Blossom, Thomas
by Hall, Nathan Kelsey
by Jefferies, Thomas C.
by Butler, Harold Edgeworth
by Halper, B.
by Dagron, Prudent René-Patrice
by Hawkins, George Henry Edward
by Bunker, Paul D. (Paul Delmont)
by Raabe, Heinrich August
by Booth, Edward Charles
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Aldin, Cecil
by Dickens, Charles
by Aldin, Cecil
by Dickens, Charles
by Godwin, William
by Wollstonecraft, Mary
by De Quincey, Thomas
by Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay)
by De Quincey, Thomas
by Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay)
by Kiljander, Robert
by Strunsky, Simeon
by Silverberg, Robert
by Heath, Howard
by Lincoln, Joseph Crosby
by Tracy, Louis
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by MacLaurin, C. (Charles)
by Hoffmeister, Donald Frederick
by Setzer, Henry W.
by Mukherjee, Devabrata
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Bennett, Edward
by Clarke, Geoffrey
by Wilson, Richard
by Allen, Grant
by Henry, O.
by Stratton, Florence
by Hugo, Victor
by Thoma, Ludwig
by Smith, Nora Archibald
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Glass, Montague
by Glass, Montague
by Woodbury, Lucia Prudence Hall
by Chadourne, Louis
by Sinclair, Upton
by Bell, Clive
by Zola, Émile
by Pratt, Fletcher
by Reynolds, Mack
by Clausius, R. (Rudolf)
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Curtis, George William
by Capes, Bernard
by Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins
by Winnington Ingram, Arthur F. (Arthur Foley)
by Harding, Charlotte
by Peterson, Maud Howard
by Macaulay, Rose
by Binns, Charles Fergus
by Steel, Flora Annie Webster
by Elliott, Charles Wyllys
by McLaughlin, M. Louise (Mary Louise)
by Cox, George James
by Holmes, William Henry
by Bellamy, Edward
by Boylesve, René
by Piper, Hugh
by Wortley, E. J. (E. Jocelyn)
by Power, R. A. (Richard Anderson)
by Edmondson, G. C.
by Kluga, Richard
by Laborde, Chas
by Larguier, Léo
by Leroux, Gaston
by Allais, Alphonse
by Gilbert de Voisins, Auguste
by Louÿs, Pierre
by Tardivel, Jules Paul
by Corthis, André
by Lorrain, Jean
by Kataja, Väinö
by Gibson, Jon L.
by Slavici, Ioan
by Dudley, Ambrose
by Fenn, George Manville
by Duncan, Walter Jack
by Morley, Christopher
by McIntyre, T.
by St. George, R. A. (Raymond Alexander)
by Cooke, Grace MacGowan
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by Buchan, John
by Bojer, Johan
by Caine, Hall, Sir
by Muir, Jessie
by Dumont, Theron Q.
by Bedworth, Thomas
by Maude, Aylmer
by Maude, Louise
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Graham, Isabella
by Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay)
by Hilton, Warren
by Anonymous
by Darwin, Charles
by Darwin, Francis, Sir
by Anonymous
by Robinson, Marie Nyswander
by Brown, William Hill
by Littlefield, Walter
by Morton, Sarah Wentworth
by Daunou, P. C. F. (Pierre Claude François)
by Jordan, William George
by Hopkins, Ellice
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by A British officer
by Cotter, Cornelius P.
by Smith, J. Malcolm (John Malcolm)
by Bounds, Edward M. (Edward McKendree)
by Dixon, A. C. (Amzi Clarence)
by Head, Albert A.
by Call, Annie Payson
by Smith, Seba
by Barnett, S. A., Mrs.
by Barnett, S. A. (Samuel Augustus)
by Barnett, S. A., Mrs.
by Barnett, S. A. (Samuel Augustus)
by Chapman, John Jay
by Pattee, George K. (George Kynett)
by Dick, Thomas
by Gill, Anna A.
by Frazar, Douglas
by Adam, Paul
by Maw, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward)
by Lewis, G. Griffin (George Griffin)
by Hillick, M. C. (Mayton Clarence)
by Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose
by Henderson, Mary F. (Mary Foote)
by Newcomb, Harvey
by Bridges, Robert
by McHarry, Samuel
by Edgeworth, Maria
by Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
by Edgeworth, Maria
by Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
by Miller, Edwin L. (Edwin Lillie)
by Gall, James
by Bain, Alexander
by Hyde, William De Witt
by Klein, Cora C.
by Ward, Robert DeCourcy
by Buehler, Huber Gray
by Hunter, Andrew Frederick
by Allen, E. T. (Edward Tyson)
by Googerty, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis)
by Lake, Edward J.
by Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde)
by Hunn, Charles Elias
by Wall, William E. (William Edmund)
by Wood, Thomas
by Hood, Tom
by Powers, Melvin
by Harper, Charles G. (Charles George)
by Rathbun, John B.
by Wright, F. B. (Frederic B.)
by Chew, Tobias O. (Tobias Otterbein)
by National Sheet Metal Roofing Co.
by White, W. F.
by Dall, Caroline Wells Healey
by Zakrzewska, Marie E. (Marie Elizabeth)
by Manning, Emmerson Wain
by Cuniberti, Julia Lovejoy
by Anonymous
by Howland, William
by Seymour, Alfred
by Anonymous
by Humphrey, S. D. (Samuel Dwight)
by Zerbe, James Slough
by Cleveland, H. Burdett (Henry Burdett)
by Ogden, Henry N. (Henry Neely)
by Atkinson, William Walker
by Underhill, Evelyn
by Davidson, John
by Dickson, W. E. (William Edward)
by Frank, M. (Morris), Dr.
by Paul, Alexander (Instructor in feather dyeing)
by Warthin, Aldred Scott
by Foster, Theodore
by Blaisdell, Albert F. (Albert Franklin)
by Cresee, Franklin Allison
by Neef, Frederick-Emil
by Robbins, Alfred Farthing
by Atkinson, William Walker
by Le Row, Caroline B. (Caroline Bigelow)
by Ryle, J. C. (John Charles)
by Gregory, Charles Hutton
by Beery, Ray Coppock
by Beery, Ray Coppock
by Beery, Ray Coppock
by Pratt, William Edwin
by Wood, W. H.
by Miller, Marion Mills
by Waters, Theodore
by Jacoby, Harold
by Browne, Montagu
by James, Ed.
by Burgess, James W.
by Accum, Friedrich Christian
by Fox, George Henry
by Brannt, William T. (William Theodore)
by Deite, C. (Carl)
by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics.
by Davis, Kate Buffington
by Wachtmeister, Constance
by Wilberforce, William
by Speed, Harold
by Russell, Bertrand
by Powers, Leland Todd
by Brooks, C. Harry (Cyrus Harry)
by Coué, Emile
by Lawrence, of the Resurrection, Brother
by Lawrence, of the Resurrection, Brother
by Anstie, Francis Edmund
by Lawson, H. (Henry)
by Various
by La Sizeranne, Robert de
by Paris, Marguerite
by Ruskin, John
by Dom
by Geyer, Denton Loring
by Murray, D. L. (David Leslie)
by Schiller, F. C. S. (Ferdinand Canning Scott)
by Caldwell, William
by James, William
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Murray, Charles Augustus, Sir
by Zwecker, Johann Baptist
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Stringer, Arthur
by Ward, E. F. (Edmund Franklin)
by Bindloss, Harold
by Barney, Maginel Wright
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Aimard, Gustave
by Wraxall, Lascelles, Sir
by Hendryx, James B. (James Beardsley)
by Garland, Hamlin
by Brigham, Johnson
by Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood)
by Ficke, Arthur Davison
by Garland, Hamlin
by Hough, Emerson
by Iowa Press and Authors' Club
by LeCron, Helen Cowles
by Macy, Harriet
by Orwig, Louise
by Smith, Lewis Worthington
by Wing, Francis Marion
by Brodhead, Eva Wilder
by Becher, Arthur E.
by Stringer, Arthur
by Chronic, Halka
by Chronic, John
by Hooker, William Francis
by Cue, Harold James
by Maule, Mary K. (Mary Katherine)
by Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph)
by Marcy, Randolph B. (Randolph Barnes)
by Dunn, Harvey
by Stringer, Arthur
by Gamon, Hannibal
by Erasmus, Desiderius
by Wilson, John
by Hughes, C. E. (Cecil Eldred)
by Lee, Sidney, Sir
by Vicente, Gil
by Strömberg, Sigge
by Ossiannilsson, K. G. (Karl Gustav)
by Pratt Food Company
by Bounds, Edward M. (Edward McKendree)
by Hodge, Homer W. (Homer Werle)
by Jackson, Percival
by Episcopal Church. Army and Navy Commission
by Barnes, Albert
by Thome, James A. (James Armstrong)
by Bahá'u'lláh
by Thomas, W. H. Griffith (William Henry Griffith)
by Potts, J. Manning (James Manning)
by Potts, J. Manning (James Manning)
by Stevenson, Fanny Van de Grift
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Conwell, Russell H.
by Aylward, W. J. (William James)
by Clark, Walter Appleton
by Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian)
by Paine, Ralph Delahaye
by Gardener, Helen H. (Helen Hamilton)
by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
by Stalker, James
by Bounds, Edward M. (Edward McKendree)
by Rowe, Clarence
by Seton, Ernest Thompson
by Barlow, George
by Harris, W., Rev.
by Bertram, Robert Aitkin
by Tucker, Alfred
by Fitch, Albert Parker
by Arnold, Thomas Walker, Sir
by Müller, Susannah Grace Sanger
by Bryant, William Cullen
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by A. L. O. E.
by Molière
by Lambert, George C. (George Cannon)
by Church, J. (John)
by Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich
by Peattie, Elia Wilkinson
by Scott, Evelyn
by Anonymous
by Pocock, Guy Noel
by DeCosta, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin)
by Rolland, Romain
by Davis, G. A. (Georgina A.)
by North, Leigh
by Bacon, Francis
by Calvin, Jean
by Caxton, William
by Condell, Henry
by Copernicus, Nicolaus
by Dryden, John
by Eliot, Charles William
by Fielding, Henry
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Heminge, John
by Hugo, Victor
by Johnson, Samuel
by Knox, John
by Newton, Isaac
by Raleigh, Walter
by Spenser, Edmund
by Taine, Hippolyte
by Whitman, Walt
by Wordsworth, William
by Goncourt, Edmond de
by Goncourt, Jules de
by Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d'
by Boyce, Benjamin
by Derrick, Samuel
by Manley, Mrs. (Mary de la Rivière)
by Scudéry, M. de (Georges)
by Warburton, William
by Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery
by Davies, Charles Maurice
by Ingelo, Nathaniel
by Mackenzie, George
by Barnard, John
by Echard, Lawrence
by Johnson, Samuel
by Dacier, André
by Monk, Samuel Holt
by Shaw, Bernard
by Lippmann, Walter
by Johnson, Samuel
by Kelsall, M. M. (Malcolm Miles)
by Trapp, Joseph
by Dick, Hugh G. (Hugh Gilchrist)
by Theobald, Mr. (Lewis)
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Dryfoos, Dave
by Kossin, Sandy
by McCann, Edson
by Coll y Toste, Cayetano
by Reed, Erik Kellerman
by Wormington, H. M. (Hannah Marie)
by Duckworth, W. L. H. (Wynfrid Laurence Henry)
by Wilson, Daniel, Sir
by Braidwood, Robert J. (Robert John)
by Townsend, Martin I. (Martin Ingham)
by Holmes, William Henry
by Holmes, William Henry
by Fewkes, Jesse Walter
by Allen, Emory Adams
by Flandrau, Charles Macomb
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis)
by Comer, Cornelia A. P. (Cornelia Atwood Pratt)
by Society for Pure English
by Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William)
by Somerville, Mary
by University of Pennsylvania. Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism
by Fewkes, Jesse Walter
by Collins, W. H. (William Henry)
by Coulter, John Merle
by Digital Equipment Corporation
by Bell, Sanford
by Wilson, Robert W. (Robert Warren)
by Sherman, Francis
by Saint-Saëns, Camille
by Rachmaninoff, Sergei
by Chopin, Frédéric
by Drinkwater, John
by Walpole, Hugh
by Haseltine, Robert W.
by Terry, W. E.
by Tebb, William
by Vollum, Edward Perry
by Sabia, Richard
by Dugas, Georges
by Agrippa, J.
by Méras, Albert A. (Albert Amedeé)
by Méras, B. (Baptiste)
by Canadian Kodak Company
by Caturbhujamisra, active 17th century
by Hollings, W. (William)
by Lallu Lal
by Peard, Frances Mary
by Mulford, Prentice
by Davies, Thomas, microscopist
by Demuth, Geo. S. (George S.)
by Phillips, Everett Franklin
by Ridgway, John L.
by Morgan, Sidney
by Stevens, H. P. (Henry Potter)
by Erskine, John
by Hearn, Lafcadio
by Johnston, Robert
by Castilho, Antonio Feliciano de
by Bindloss, Harold
by Dunton, W. Herbert
by Bierce, Ambrose
by Bierce, Ambrose
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Klapthor, Margaret Brown
by Huxley, Thomas Henry
by Anonymous
by Morris, William O'Connor
by Dimsdale, Thomas
by Mann, D. D. (David Dickinson)
by Franklin, James (Merchant)
by Anonymous
by Jones, Hugh
by Bond, Donald Frederic
by Boyer, Abel
by Britton, W. Earl (Webster Earl)
by Gay, John
by Suttner, Bertha von
by Auden, George A. (George Augustus)
by Auden, Harold Allden
by Rathgen, Friedrich
by Friedman, M. E.
by Kinney, W. C.
by Miller, W. J.
by Rodriguez, Carlos
by VanDemark, N. L.
by Baeta Neves, Lourenço
by Cushman, Allerton S. (Allerton Seward)
by Gardner, Henry A. (Henry Alfred)
by Hawkins, Nancy W.
by Lewis, Alfred Henry
by Díaz, Porfirio
by Kimball, Heber C. (Heber Chase)
by Lambert, George C. (George Cannon)
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Shaw, Albert
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Bartlett, D. W. (David W.)
by Cleveland, Grover
by Lebhar, Bertram
by Hedman, Valfrid
by Hope, Anthony
by Britton, Nan
by Harper, George McLean
by Wilson, Woodrow
by Sangster, Margaret E. (Margaret Elizabeth)
by Woolfall, Lila G. A.
by Shaw, Bernard
by Massart, Jean
by Hutchinson, J. R. (John Robert)
by Meem, J. C.
by Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
by Nordberg, Carl E. (Carl Edin)
by Winther, Paul
by Buchan, John
by Falkman, Charlotta
by Ainsworth, William Harrison
by Gaïl, François de
by Twain, Mark
by Service, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Molière
by Gide, André
by Miller, Alex. McVeigh, Mrs.
by Bennett, Arnold
by Libbey, Laura Jean
by Bain, R. Nisbet (Robert Nisbet)
by Jókai, Mór
by Butler, Edith F.
by Phillips, Ethel Calvert
by Finlay, Virgil
by Fontenay, Charles L.
by McGuinn, Roger
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Reinhart, Charles Stanley
by Gilbert, John
by Thompson, Isabel
by Cobb, Lyman
by Moody, Dwight Lyman
by Bonczar, Thomas P.
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Hutchinson, Woods
by Coppel, Alfred
by Houlihan, Raymond F.
by Leydenfrost, Robert J.
by Peacock, Wilbur S.
by Roberts, Morley
by Lynde, Francis
by Hart, Michael
by Miller, Alice Duer
by Bryan, William Jennings
by Pyle, Howard
by Brighouse, Harold
by Garrett, Randall
by Summers, Leo
by Bennett, Arnold
by Bennett, Arnold
by Le Queux, William
by Marchand, J. N.
by McCarter, Margaret Hill
by Glyn, Elinor
by Phillips, David Graham
by Wheatley, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin)
by A. L. O. E.
by Holgate, T. W.
by Ferguson, J. De Lancey (John De Lancey)
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Austen, Jane
by Chapman, R. W. (Robert William)
by Austen, Jane
by MacKaye, Steele, Mrs.
by Deeping, Warwick
by MacApp, C. C.
by Wood, Wallace
by Castle, Agnes
by Castle, Egerton
by Ballinger, Harry Russell
by Cornwell, Dean
by Kyne, Peter B. (Peter Bernard)
by Marcel, Adrian
by Sue, Eugène
by Bloxam, John Francis
by Mason, Stuart
by Wright, Sewell Peaslee
by Smith, Edgar Fahs
by Ward, Bernard
by Keable, Robert
by Michelet, Jules
by Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore
by Morselli, Ercole Luigi
by Castelnuovo, Enrico
by Di Giorgi, Ferdinando
by Wohlbrück, Olga
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Dobbs, Ella Victoria
by Smythe, E. Louise (Emma Louise)
by Castilho, Antonio Feliciano de
by Binyon, Laurence
by Cripps, Arthur Shearly
by Ghose, Manmohan
by Phillips, Stephen
by Nourse, Alan Edward
by Schoenherr, John
by Villeneuve, João
by Lima, S. de Magalhães (Sebastião de Magalhães)
by Leal, José da Silva Mendes
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Spender, Harold
by Trollope, Anthony
by Russell, George William Erskine
by Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry)
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Shetrone, H. C.
by Hathaway, Arthur S. (Arthur Stafford)
by Delamotte, F. (Freeman)
by Kostuch, Don
by Villari, Pasquale
by Villari, Pasquale
by Reclus, Élie
by Harrison, Jane Ellen
by Tyler, James Endell
by Tylor, Edward B. (Edward Burnett)
by Tylor, Edward B. (Edward Burnett)
by Finck, Henry T.
by Figuier, Louis
by Farrer, James Anson
by Dickins, F. Victor (Frederick Victor)
by Lawrence, Robert Means
by Fielden, F. J.
by Nilsson, Martin P. (Martin Persson)
by Queirós, Eça de
by Smee, William Ray
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Sawyer, Ruth
by Liinamaa-Pärssinen, Hilja
by Mainwaring, Cyril Lyttleton
by Mainwaring, Cyril Lyttleton
by Paine, W. L. (Walter Lionel)
by Paine, W. L. (Walter Lionel)
by Eberle, Joseph
by Wesley, Bill
by Machiavelli, Niccolò
by Machiavelli, Niccolò
by Machiavelli, Niccolò
by Marriott, W. K. (William Kenaz)
by Marriott, W. K. (William Kenaz)
by Ricci, Luigi
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Bowen, Marjorie
by Orton, Helen Fuller
by Spencer, Hugh
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Delannoy, Burford
by Scarron, Paul
by Munroe, Kirk
by Mühlbach, L. (Luise)
by Upton, George P. (George Putnam)
by Würdig, L. (Ludwig)
by Black, William
by Sinclair, Upton
by Beazley, C. Raymond (Charles Raymond)
by Hooker, Forrestine C. (Forrestine Cooper)
by Porter, James A.
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Bell, Clara
by Whistler, Charles W. (Charles Watts)
by Steel, Flora Annie Webster
by Barr, Robert
by Sullivan, Edmund J. (Edmund Joseph)
by McCutcheon, George Barr
by Wallace, Lew
by Wallace, Lew
by Cuneo, Cyrus
by Magnay, William, Sir
by Godfrey, Thomas
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
by Morey, Leo
by Williamson, Jack
by Boothby, Guy
by Grier, Sydney C.
by Ingraham, J. H. (Joseph Holt)
by Sacker, Amy M. (Amy Maria)
by Sleight, Charles Lee
by Covarrubias, Miguel
by Van Vechten, Carl
by McFall, J. V.
by Perry, Lawrence
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Browne, Gordon
by Lang, Andrew
by Lang, Andrew
by Donnelly, Eleanor C. (Eleanor Cecilia)
by Browne, Gordon
by Lang, Andrew
by Hyne, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright
by Manton, G. Grenville (George Grenville)
by Funck-Brentano, Frantz
by Maidment, George
by McClelland, M. G. (Mary Greenway)
by Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron
by Davis, Richard Harding
by MacDonald, George
by MacDonald, George
by Oakley, Violet
by Otis, James
by MacDonald, George
by MacDonald, George
by MacDonald, George
by Smith, Jessie Willcox
by Hichens, Robert
by Kossin, Sandy
by Smith, Evelyn E.
by Hambidge, Jay
by Odell, Samuel W.
by Dulac, Edmund
by Housman, Laurence
by Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine)
by Crane, Walter
by James, Henry
by James, Henry
by James, Henry
by Scott, John Reed
by La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne)
by La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne)
by Gorrell, Hendren J.
by La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne)
by Sledd, Benjamin Franklin
by La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne)
by Rostand, Edmond
by Fisher, Harrison
by MacGrath, Harold
by Yver, Colette
by Whitelaw, David
by Hays, Helen Ashe
by Black, Edith Ferguson
by Hutchinson, M. F.
by Brebner, Percy James
by Mary, Princess Royal, Countess of Harewood
by Ouida
by Ouida
by Ouida
by Doyle, Richard
by Evans, Edmund
by Lang, Andrew
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Keiple, H. W.
by Walton, Bryce
by La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne)
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Unknown
by Brazil, Angela
by Wiles, Frank
by Black, William
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by Edwards, George Wharton
by Watson, Virginia
by Brooks, Amy
by Brooks, Amy
by Brooks, Amy
by Sherwood, Margaret Pollock
by Weber, Sarah Stilwell
by Von Arnim, Elizabeth
by Winter, John Strange
by Gibson, Charles Dana
by Magruder, Julia
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Saunders, Marshall
by Danilevskii, G. P. (Grigorii Petrovich)
by Mouchanoff, Ida de
by Guipon, Leon
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by Crownfield, Gertrude
by Peck, Anne Merriman
by Beeckman, Ross
by Knight, Bert
by Williams, Jesse Lynch
by Wayne, Charles Stokes
by Bates, Arlo
by Myrick, Frank
by Putnam, Eleanor
by Shiel, M. P. (Matthew Phipps)
by Castro, Urbano de
by Claretie, Jules
by Claretie, Jules
by Claretie, Jules
by Claretie, Jules
by Cairns, John
by Snaith, J. C. (John Collis)
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Goldsmid, Edmund
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Goldsmid, Edmund
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Goldsmid, Edmund
by Hakluyt, Richard
by Snow, Charles H. (Charles Henry)
by Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain
by Helps, Arthur, Sir
by Perodi, Emma
by Michelet, Jules
by Vico, Giambattista
by Jarro
by Barbiera, Raffaello
by Moore, G. E. (George Edward)
by Cândido, António
by Cândido, António
by Fernández Bolívar, Víctor José
by Martineau, Harriet
by Patmore, Coventry
by Bose, Satyendranath
by Einstein, Albert
by Mahalanobis, P. C. (Prasanta Chandra)
by Minkowski, H. (Hermann)
by Saha, Meghnad
by Hume, W. F. (William Fraser)
by Wiley, Harvey Washington
by Wiley, Harvey Washington
by Wiley, Harvey Washington
by Austin, William E.
by Park, Roswell
by Parker, De Witt H. (De Witt Henry)
by Spencer, Herbert
by Spencer, Herbert
by Goodale, S. L. (Stephen Lincoln)
by Kamensky, George
by Lawson, T. A. (Thomas Atkinson)
by Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich
by Kamensky, George
by Lawson, T. A. (Thomas Atkinson)
by Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich
by Dresser, Christopher
by Fetter, Frank A. (Frank Albert)
by Haldeman-Julius, E. (Emanuel)
by Shipley, Maynard
by Baum, Paull F. (Paull Franklin)
by MacSwiney, Terence J. (Terence Joseph)
by Lyell, Charles, Sir
by Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche
by Wheeler, Candace
by Palmer, Harold E.
by Procter, H. R. (Henry Richardson)
by Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong)
by Mackey, Albert Gallatin
by Hoover, Herbert
by Agate, Edward
by Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay
by Shteinberg, Maksimilian
by Aitchison, George
by Ward, James
by Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of
by Gregory, John
by Trusler, John
by Perry, Arthur Latham
by Laughlin, J. Laurence (James Laurence)
by Mill, John Stuart
by Lalor, John J. (John Joseph)
by Roscher, Wilhelm
by Wolowski, L. (Louis)
by Lalor, John J. (John Joseph)
by Roscher, Wilhelm
by James, William
by James, William
by Tuttle, Thomas Dyer
by Jevons, William Stanley
by Taylor, Frederick Winslow
by Holyoake, George Jacob
by Marr, J. E. (John Edward)
by Lewes, George Henry
by Bennion, Adam S. (Adam Samuel)
by Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland)
by Ŝidlovskaja, Maria
by Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, graf
by Bates, Arlo
by Harris, Herbert
by Putnam, Eleanor
by Valkenstein, Kees
by Andriessen, P. J. (Pieter Jacob)
by Elvestad, Sven
by Varmanen, Julius
by Hagman, Tyko
by Twain, Mark
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Tuulio, Tyyni
by Doctorow, Cory
by Bigmore, E. C. (Edward Clements)
by Bouchot, Henri
by Kohn-Abrest, Frédéric
by Margueritte, Paul
by Thayer, William Makepeace
by Ford, Thomas K.
by Rouse, Parke
by Roberts, W. (William)
by Duff, E. Gordon (Edward Gordon)
by Vaughn, Samuel Jesse
by Slater, John Rothwell
by French, George
by Kleinschmidt, Edward E.
by Richter, Emil H. (Emil Heinrich)
by Carrington, Fitz Roy
by Olfers, Sibylle
by Wassermann, Jakob
by Eliasberg, Alexander
by Remizov, Aleksei
by Bacher, Julius
by Bacher, Julius
by Bacher, Julius
by Kleist, Heinrich von
by Kelly, Eleanor Mercein
by Wilford, L. F. (Louis F.)
by Moore, Frank Frankfort
by Sutcliffe, Halliwell
by Birmingham, George A.
by Hope, Anthony
by Quinby, Hosea
by Brown, Alice
by Train, Arthur Cheney
by Foote, G. W. (George William)
by Blackwood, Algernon
by Still, John
by Sinclair, Upton
by Murphy, R. A.
by Walton, Bryce
by Neufeld, Charles
by Hazelton, Harry
by Garrett, Randall
by Hope, Anthony
by Hope, Anthony
by Cholmondeley, Mary
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fogel, Seymour
by Andrews, C. (Charles)
by Kinney, Margaret West
by Kinney, Troy
by Parrish, Randall
by Barr, Amelia E.
by Beresford, J. D. (John Davys)
by Johnston, Mary
by Roussel, R. T.
by Waugh, Alec
by Campbell, Helen
by Campbell, Helen
by Abell, Francis
by Bayliss, W. D.
by McNair, John Frederick Adolphus
by Carey, Martha Ward
by Duras, Louise Henriette Charlotte Philippine (de Noailles) de Durfort, duchesse de
by Maile, John Levi
by Williamson, B. F.
by Williamson, James J.
by Finlay, Virgil
by Stuart, William W.
by Berkman, Alexander
by Proust, Marcel
by Marlowe, Stephen
by McCauley, Harold W. (Harold William)
by Freas, Kelly
by Mullen, Stanley
by Knight, Damon
by Tucker, Wilson
by McKnight, Hiram Peck
by Wheaton, Elizabeth Ryder
by Griffiths, Arthur
by Lytton, Constance, Lady
by Lynde, Francis
by Dee, John
by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard)
by Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin)
by Statham, Edward Phillips
by Marryat, Frederick
by Marryat, Frederick
by Brooke, Annie, Mrs.
by Brooke, Henry Francis
by Larpent, F. Seymour (Francis Seymour)
by Larpent, George Gerard de Hochepied
by Gibbon, Edward
by Prothero, Rowland E. (Rowland Edmund), Baron Ernle
by Sheffield, Henry North Holroyd, Earl of
by Gibbon, Edward
by Prothero, Rowland E. (Rowland Edmund), Baron Ernle
by Humphreys, Arthur Lee
by Roberts, Morley
by Johnston, Harold Whetstone
by James, Henry
by Hogg, James
by Gissing, George
by Wilberforce, Anna Maria
by Wilberforce, William
by Peat, Harold Reginald
by Armitage, Robert B.
by Campbell, R. W.
by Hardekopf, Ferdinand
by Buckrose, J. E.
by Everett, Leo, Mrs.
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Sir
by Ford, Ford Madox
by Grier, Sydney C.
by Pearse, Alfred
by Bone, Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin)
by Wright, Quincy
by Jacobs, W. W. (William Wymark)
by Owen, Will
by Conlon, Ben
by Intercollegiate Peace Association
by Weston, Stephen Francis
by Tupper, Martin Farquhar
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Trimble, Louis
by Boecker, Alexander
by Le Feuvre, Amy
by Schefer, Leopold
by Nourse, Alan Edward
by Schele de Vere, M. (Maximilian)
by Spielhagen, Friedrich
by Garratt, Arthur Paine
by Pain, Barry
by Kleemann, August Ritter von
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Orban, Paul
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Hoskins, Robert
by Futrelle, Jacques
by Russell, Bertrand
by Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson), Sir
by Murray, Gilbert
by Means, James
by Thomas, Cyrus
by Ambedkar, B. R. (Bhimrao Ramji)
by Carr, Herbert Wildon
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Francis, Dick
by Terry, W. E.
by Winterbotham, R. R. (Russell Robert)
by Williamson, Thames
by Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland)
by Elderkin, G. W. (George Wicker)
by Drake, Durant
by Reid, Whitelaw
by Bateson, William
by Warschauer, Joseph
by Russell, Bertrand
by Hobson, J. A. (John Atkinson)
by Carrington, Hereward
by Fox, Frank
by André, John
by Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa
by Rennell, James
by Various
by Various
by Ashe, E. D. (Edward David)
by Beechey, Frederick William
by Beechey, H. W. (Henry William)
by United States. National Conservation Congress
by New York State Historical Association. Meeting
by United States. National Conservation Congress
by National Conference on Workmen's Compensation for Industrial Accidents
by Michelet, Jules
by Michelet, Jules
by De los Santos, Epifanio
by Jarro
by Ciccotti, Ettore
by Barzilai, Salvatore
by Cappa, Innocenzo
by Capuana, Luigi
by Marinetti, F. T.
by Sarfatti, Cesare
by Walker, Isaac H.
by Braesch, F. (Frédéric)
by Seldes, Gilbert
by James I, King of England
by Bahá'u'lláh
by Council of the Twelve Apostles (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
by Woodruff, Wilford
by Pink, M. Alderton (Maurice Alderton)
by France, Anatole
by Wooff, Michael
by Clouston, J. Storer (Joseph Storer)
by Kester, Vaughan
by Bartlett, Frederick Orin
by Christy, Howard Chandler
by Staveley, Lilian
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Caine, Hall, Sir
by Bacheller, Irving
by Garson, Bill
by Murphy, C. A. (Cornelius Anthony)
by Silvestre, Charles
by Endlicher, Stephan
by Bancks, Gerard W.
by Swammerdam, Jan
by Alphen, Hieronymus van
by Kiddier, William
by Crane, Elliot H.
by Harness, Charles L.
by Schoenherr, John
by Thomas, Theodore L.
by Wemyss, Mary C. E.
by Bleyer, Willard Grosvenor
by Brontë, Charlotte
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Ekelund, Wilhelm
by Hertzberg, Rafaël
by Castelnuovo, Enrico
by Cummings, Lettie M.
by J. Ā. K.
by Abbot, Francis Ellingwood
by Duchess
by Duchess
by Duchess
by Cather, Willa
by Booth, Hanson
by Hastings, Wells
by Hooker, Brian
by Mann, Heinrich
by Elmslie, William Gray
by MacNicoll, A. N.
by Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson), Sir
by Quint, Howard H.
by Livingston, C. M., Mrs.
by Pansy
by Tietjens, Eunice
by Mantegazza, Paolo
by Neera
by Hill, Thomas
by Tegetmeier, W. B. (William Bernhard)
by Weir, Harrison
by Dare, Carl
by Henry Voorce Brandenburg & Co.
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
by American Bureau of Engineering, Chicago
by Sinclair, Upton
by Sinclair, Upton
by Birnbaum, Max
by Brendecke, Fr. (Friedrich)
by Koch, Robert
by Pinero, Arthur Wing
by Fernando, Aron
by Fernando, Aron
by Wyoming Valley Woman's Club (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Sharkey, Jack
by Gay, Joseph R.
by Miller, Kelly
by Marvin, Francis Sydney
by George, Henry
by Salmon, Lucy Maynard
by Bolanden, Conrad von
by Mansfield, Robert E.
by Morris, Charles E. (Charles Eugene)
by Fowler, Thomas
by Bartlett, John Russell
by Byrn, Edward W. (Edward Wright)
by Allen, Alexander V. G. (Alexander Viets Griswold)
by Caird, Edward
by Clarke, Thomas Curtis
by Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir
by Gibbons, James
by Gottheil, Richard J. H. (Richard James Horatio)
by Keen, William W. (William Williams)
by Lang, Andrew
by Lockyer, Norman, Sir
by Mahan, A. T. (Alfred Thayer)
by Mendenhall, Thomas C. (Thomas Corwin)
by Osler, William, Sir
by Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders)
by Ramsay, William
by Smith, Goldwin
by Thomson, Elihu
by Wallace, Alfred Russel
by Dieck, Herman
by Halfer, Josef
by Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred
by United States. Bureau of Education
by Apostolides, Alex
by Clifton, Mark
by Orban, Paul
by Pérez Galdós, Benito
by Pérez Galdós, Benito
by Pérez Galdós, Benito
by Hoover, Thomas
by Hoover, Thomas
by Hardley, Robert
by Project Gutenberg
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Project Gutenberg
by Various
by Widger, David
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by Widger, David
by Parker, Gilbert
by Churchill, Winston
by Project Gutenberg
by Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson)
by Logan, John Alexander
by Sheridan, Philip Henry
by Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh)
by Widger, David
by Project Gutenberg
by Erickson, Joel Amos
by Tinsley, Jim
by Hart, Michael
by Perathoner, Marcello
by Project Gutenberg
by Josephus, Flavius
by Widger, David
by Caine, Hall, Sir
by Widger, David
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Widger, David
by Conrad, Joseph
by Widger, David
by Lincoln, Joseph Crosby
by Widger, David
by Plato
by Widger, David
by Sabatini, Rafael
by Widger, David
by Widger, David
by Xenophon
by Finlay, Virgil
by Riley, Frank
by Francis, Dick
by Tenn, William
by Simak, Clifford D.
by Maag, Carl R.
by Rohrer, Steve
by Robespierre, Maximilien
by Tardif, Edmond
by Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine
by Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
by Maréchal, Sylvain
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Anonymous
by Guidetti, Corrado
by Bok, Hannes
by Hasse, Henry
by Wellhausen, Julius
by Wallace, William
by Espinosa, Ramón J.
by Richmond, Leigh
by Schoenherr, John
by Metchnikoff, Elie
by Mitchell, P. Chalmers (Peter Chalmers), Sir
by Giraudoux, Jean
by Laboureur, Jean Emile
by Sand, George
by Coppée, François
by Huneker, James
by Scott, Walter
by Scott, Walter
by Scott, Walter
by Manzoni, Alessandro
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Aeschylus
by Boutens, P. C.
by Gide, André
by Rothermere, Mary Lilian Share Harmsworth, viscountess
by Gutteling, Alex.
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
by Hendryx, James B. (James Beardsley)
by Shoghi, Effendi
by Antin, Mary
by Shaw, Catharine
by Blackwood, Algernon
by Croly, Herbert David
by Adams, John Wolcott
by Repplier, Agnes
by Universal House of Justice
by Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount
by Roberts, Morley
by ʻAbdu'l-Bahá
by Bradley, Henry
by Sargeaunt, John
by Blackie, John Stuart
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Nicholson, Meredith
by Sheckley, Robert
by Taffs, C. H. (Charles H.)
by Teall, F. Horace (Francis Horace)
by Robison, John
by Morrison, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
by Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (American Medical Association)
by Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (American Medical Association)
by Stair, John Dalrymple, Earl of
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Anonymous
by Coinneach Odhar
by Macgregor, Alexander
by Mackenzie, Alexander
by Reade, John
by Gibran, Kahlil
by Tyndale, William
by Gaebelein, Arno Clemens
by Anonymous
by Van Rensselaer, John King, Mrs.
by McGreevey, John
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Hichens, Robert
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Bland, Hubert
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Heller, Otto
by Ashworth, Henry
by Ashworth, T. R. (Thomas Ramsden)
by Humphreys, John H.
by Collyer, William Bengo'
by Hoare, Edward
by Berkeley, George
by Haines, Richard
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Blanche, Jacques-Émile
by Blanche, Jacques-Émile
by Proust, Marcel
by Murger, Henri
by Russell, Bertrand
by Irons, William J. (William Josiah)
by Western Union Telegraph Company
by Alain
by Darío, Rubén
by Halliburton, W. D. (William Dobinson)
by Richet, Charles
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Batalha Reis, Jaime
by Queirós, Eça de
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Walser, Robert
by Schoonees, P. C. (Pieter Cornelis)
by Pascarella, Cesare
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Wilson, H. H. (Horace Hayman)
by Le Gallienne, Richard
by Le Gallienne, Richard
by Kingsley, Charles
by Jenkins, Sara D. (Sara Davis)
by Scott, Walter
by Freeman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus)
by Froude, James Anthony
by Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart)
by Newman, John Henry
by Stephen, Leslie
by Lichtenstein, Alfred
by Clough, A. H., Mrs.
by Clough, Arthur Hugh
by Ruskin, John
by Ruskin, John
by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
by Gourmont, Remy de
by Keane, T.
by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Scott, Temple
by Swift, Jonathan
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
by Shepherd, Richard Herne
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
by Shepherd, Richard Herne
by Grosart, Alexander Balloch
by Wordsworth, William
by Ellis, Havelock
by Heine, Heinrich
by Slemons, J. Morris (Josiah Morris)
by Fitz-Mac
by Neill, Zella
by Warman, Cy
by Connor, Ralph
by Dillon, Diane
by Dillon, Leo
by Sheckley, Robert
by Vaughan, C. J. (Charles John)
by Matthew, Patrick
by Scots New Zealand Land Company
by Bahá'í International Community
by Macfarlane, J.
by Stooke, Eleanora H.
by Leino, Kasimir
by Ives, George Burnham
by King, Grace Elizabeth
by Mérimée, Prosper
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Chubb, George Hayter
by Coker, R. E. (Robert Ervin)
by Bindloss, Harold
by Curtis, Betsy
by Stone, David
by Harte, Bret
by Balmes, Jaime Luciano
by Balmes, Jaime Luciano
by Boulenger, Jacques
by R. H.
by Lee, Vernon
by Haeckel, Ernst
by Bogory, Natalie de
by Brasol, Boris
by Nilus, Sergiei
by Schultze, Max
by Schneidemühl, Georg
by Optic, Oliver
by Hughs, Mrs. (Mary)
by Boyce, Neith
by McCarthy, Justin H. (Justin Huntly)
by Borrow, George
by Wise, Thomas James
by Ouida
by Sacker, Amy M. (Amy Maria)
by Oddo, Henri
by La Véprie, Jean de
by Quitard, P.-M. (Pierre-Marie)
by Tupper, Martin Farquhar
by Hulme, F. Edward (Frederick Edward)
by Trench, Richard Chenevix
by Kelly, Walter K. (Walter Keating)
by Hislop, Alexander
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Clark, William
by Dickson, William P. (William Purdie)
by Kiepert, Heinrich
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Dickson, William P. (William Purdie)
by Kiepert, Heinrich
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Nicholson, Meredith
by M'Crie, Thomas
by Pascal, Blaise
by Bristowe, Sibyl
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Galt, John
by Best, Alice Mary Leveque
by Best, Arthur William
by Miller, George A. (George Amos)
by Hamilton, Edmond
by Undiano y Gastelu, Sebastian
by Lebert, Marie
by Looy, Jacobus van
by Kafka, Franz
by Brown, Arthur William
by Hueston, Ethel
by Hueston, Ethel
by Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka)
by Phillpotts, Eden
by May, Sophie
by Curtis, George William
by Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de
by Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns)
by Brown, Paul Cameron
by Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Garnett, R. S. (Robert Singleton)
by Matull, Kurt
by Wachtl, Karol
by Watts, Isaac
by Unknown
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Garrett, Randall
by Van Dongen, H. R.
by Longo, Michele
by Peterson, John Victor
by Staub, Edward S.
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore)
by Berrington, Benjamin Shepherd
by Calthrop, Dion Clayton
by Couperus, Louis
by Cramp, Walter S. (Walter Samuel)
by Molière
by Wall, Charles Heron
by Frazer, James George
by Hillis, W. B. (William Bernard)
by Rohde, Erwin
by Society of the New York Hospital
by Hill, J. Arthur (John Arthur)
by Beresford, J. D. (John Davys)
by Bennett, Edward T.
by Lodge, Oliver, Sir
by Tridon, André
by Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
by Abraham, Karl
by Ferenczi, Sándor
by Freud, Sigmund
by Jones, Ernest
by Simmel, Ernst
by Tridon, André
by Flugel, J. C. (John Carl)
by Wallin, J. E. Wallace (John Edward Wallace)
by Howells, William Dean
by Leuba, James H. (James Henry)
by Forte, John R. (John Robert)
by Kornbluth, C. M. (Cyril M.)
by Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony
by Delboeuf, Joseph-Remi-Leopold
by Le Bon, Gustave
by Ellis, Havelock
by Renterghem, A. W. van (Albert Willem)
by Le Bon, Gustave
by Le Bon, Gustave
by Ross, Ronald, Sir
by Elsenhans, Theodor
by Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav)
by Woodworth, Robert Sessions
by Hilton, Warren
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Holmes, Thomas
by Münsterberg, Hugo
by Bruce, H. Addington (Henry Addington)
by Richardson, Roy Franklin
by Dewey, John
by Münsterberg, Hugo
by Ebbinghaus, Hermann
by Meyer, Max F. (Max Friedrich)
by James, William
by Thorndike, Edward L. (Edward Lee)
by Howes, Ethel Puffer
by Gilbreth, Lillian Moller
by Partridge, G. E. (George Everett)
by Le Bon, Gustave
by Atkinson, William Walker
by Taylor, David C. (David Clark)
by Hall, Bolton
by Harper, Henry Howard
by Jones, Haydon
by Ribot, Th. (Théodule)
by Barnard, Guy Christian
by Carpenter, Edward
by Selden, G. C. (George Charles)
by Hinkle, Beatrice M.
by Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav)
by Page, Charles Grafton
by Chaddock, Charles Gilbert
by Krafft-Ebing, R. von (Richard)
by Brill, A. A. (Abraham Arden)
by Freud, Sigmund
by Grierson, Francis
by Stone, David
by Williams, Lloyd
by Münsterberg, Hugo
by Walsh, James J. (James Joseph)
by Emerson, Charles Wesley
by Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor)
by Burke, Sarah J.
by Benett, Léon
by Verne, Jules
by Ferdinandus, A.
by Jacob, P. L.
by Ashmand, J. M.
by Proclus
by Ptolemy
by Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631
by Wells, Carolyn
by Dewey, John
by Grandville, J. J.
by Stahl, P.-J.
by Thomson, J.
by Astronomical Society of the Pacific
by Mississippi Historical Society
by Riley, Franklin L. (Franklin Lafayette)
by Rowland, Dunbar
by Mississippi Historical Society
by Riley, Franklin L. (Franklin Lafayette)
by Rowland, Dunbar
by Fountainhall, John Lauder, Lord
by Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)
by Anonymous
by Boyle, James
by Newsholme, Arthur, Sir
by Fuqua, Robert
by Williams, Robert Moore
by Stephenson, Andrew
by McGilchrist, John
by Lippmann, Walter
by Pierce, Bessie Louise
by Demosthenes
by Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace, Sir
by Demosthenes
by Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace, Sir
by Hoodless, Adelaide
by Müller, Michael
by Waugh, Alec
by Farmer, John Stephen
by Stratton, Clarence
by Winter, Irvah Lester
by Comfort, Will Levington
by Various
by Mackay, Thomas
by Murray, John
by Smiles, Samuel
by Harper & Brothers
by Page, Walter Hines
by Tomlin, G. A.
by Des Roches, Catherine Fredonnoit, dame
by Jouaust, D. (Damase)
by Pasquier, Etienne
by Pereda, José María de
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Millar, H. R. (Harold Robert)
by Rackham, Arthur
by Browne, Hablot Knight
by Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. (Henry)
by Cruikshank, George
by Leech, John
by Portch, Julian
by Tenniel, John
by Browne, E. Gordon (Edgar Gordon)
by Nixon, K. (Kathleen)
by Douglas, Elizabeth
by Riley, Henry Hiram
by Krúdy, Gyula
by France, Hector
by Southwest Parks and Monuments Association
by Guthe, Carl E. (Carl Eugen)
by Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin)
by Klee, Paul
by Modigliani, Amedeo
by Picasso, Pablo
by Roesch, Kurt
by Wood, Joseph Turney
by Appleton, R. B. (Reginald Bainbridge)
by Jones, W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel)
by Romero de Terreros, Manuel, marqués de San Francisco
by Knight, Helen C. (Helen Cross)
by Miles, Henry Downes
by Miles, Henry Downes
by Miles, Henry Downes
by Demosthenes
by Snellman, Walter J.
by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
by Hidén, K. J. (Karl Julius)
by Rissanen, Santeri
by Järnefelt, Arvid
by Killinen, Kustaa
by Kiljander, Robert
by Burns, W. F.
by Mustakallio, Jooseppi
by Various
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Knox, John
by Latimer, Hugh
by Welch, John
by Sewell, Anna
by Hawkins, N. (Nehemiah)
by Hawkins, N. (Nehemiah)
by Strindberg, August
by Kare, Aito
by London, Jack
by Kivijärvi, Erkki
by Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von
by Elvestad, Sven
by Lehto, Ilmari
by London, Jack
by Kianto, Ilmari
by Kaatra, Kössi
by Cederborg, C. August (Carl August)
by Krohn, Helmi
by Soini, Lauri
by Roberts, Charles G. D., Sir
by Vihervaara, Lyyli
by Weyman, Stanley John
by Hornborg, Karl Henrik
by Soini, Lauri
by St., P. B.
by Ward, Thomas A. M.
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
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by Various
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by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
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by Various
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
by Various
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by Seaman, Owen
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
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by Seaman, Owen
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
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by Seaman, Owen
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
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by Various
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
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by Various
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
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by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
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by Seaman, Owen
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by Seaman, Owen
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by Seaman, Owen
by Various
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by Various
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by Various
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by Various
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by Various
by Various
by Seaman, Owen
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by Seaman, Owen
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley)
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Hamilton, Frederick W. (Frederick William)
by Stops, Mr.
by Harr, Lew Lysle
by Lemaire, N. E. (Nicolas Eloi)
by Lemaire, N. E. (Nicolas Eloi)
by Ruperti, Georg Alexander
by Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius
by Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius
by Adler, Felix
by Deming, Edwin Willard
by Grinnell, George Bird
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
by Cruikshank, Robert
by Westmacott, C. M. (Charles Molloy)
by Erckmann-Chatrian
by Salonen, B. F.
by Yrjö-Koskinen, Yrjö Sakari
by Järvi, K. A. (Kaarlo August)
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Tangerud, Odd
by James, Henry
by Fagan
by Dombre, Roger
by MacGrath, Harold
by Orban, Paul
by Revelle, George
by Anstey, F.
by Partridge, Bernard
by Baring, Maurice
by Cadby, Carine
by Cadby, Will
by Runciman, John F.
by Bridges, Robert
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Verne, Jules
by Hough, Emerson
by Freas, Kelly
by Rogers, B. J.
by Sandre, Thierry
by Sadlier, J., Mrs.
by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
by MacCarthy, Denis Florence
by Halme, Kaarle
by Traz, Robert de
by Barbieri, Gaetano
by Scott, Walter
by Barbieri, Gaetano
by Scott, Walter
by Barbieri, Gaetano
by Scott, Walter
by Bell, Kenneth (Kenneth Norman)
by Bell, Kenneth (Kenneth Norman)
by Winbolt, S. E. (Samuel Edward)
by Faulkner, William Thomas
by Palacio Valdés, Armando
by Bates, Arlo
by Perkins, Lucy Fitch
by Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works)
by Kailas, Uuno
by Shiel, M. P. (Matthew Phipps)
by Burgess, Gelett
by Burgess, Gelett
by Hume, Fergus
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Lewis, Jack
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Oemler, Marie Conway
by Hudson, W. H. (William Henry)
by McCutcheon, George Barr
by Freas, Kelly
by Tustin, Byron
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Rockwell, Norman
by Crofts, Freeman Wills
by McClung, Nellie L.
by Bounds, Edward M. (Edward McKendree)
by Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene
by Vaughan, John S. (John Stephen)
by Hallström, Per
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Bell, Clara
by Del Rey, Lester
by Orban, Paul
by Pfeifer, Herman
by Savile, Frank (Frank Mackenzie)
by Tozer, A. W. (Aiden Wilson)
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Newell, Peter
by Martino, Joseph Paul
by Schoenherr, John
by Dos Passos, John
by Nichols, George Herbert Fosdike
by Marden, Orison Swett
by Bester, Alfred
by Schneeman, Charles
by Tonelli, Sándor
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Babcock, Elizabeth Jones
by Cory, David
by Babcock, Elizabeth Jones
by Cory, David
by Kemp-Welch, Lucy
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Clark, Marvin R.
by Grimaldi, Alphonse Leon
by Marlowe, Diantha Horne
by Saunders, Marshall
by Chase, Rebecca
by Taggart, Marion Ames
by Bolton, Sarah Knowles
by Patteson, S. Louise (Susanna Louise)
by Nyman, Väinö
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Baksay, Sándor
by Winkler, Elemér
by Lehtonen, Joel
by Shute, A. B.
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Nuttall, Charles
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Nuttall, Charles
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Angell, Clare
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Brokaw, H. Clifford (Harry Clifford)
by Starr, Charles A. (Charles Ackerman)
by Bolles, Albert Sidney
by Carr, Edwin Hamlin
by Flemming, Louis A. (Louis Andrew)
by Dorman, Sonya
by Schelling, George
by France, Anatole
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Pride, Alexander
by Washington, Booker T.
by Casement, Roger
by Enock, C. Reginald (Charles Reginald)
by Hardenburg, W. E. (Walter Ernest)
by Reade, Charles
by Alkio, Santeri
by Ikola, Jaakko
by Kärkönen, Tapani
by Onkel Adam
by Leino, Eino
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Crastre, François
by Roujon, Henry
by Sutton, Margaret
by Scott, John
by Lang, Andrew
by Nicols, Arthur
by Waddy, Frederick
by Dawson, Mary A. A.
by Placentius, Jean-Leo
by Shaw, Bernard
by Burne-Jones, Edward Coley
by Carrington, Fitz Roy
by Morris, William
by Weinbaum, Stanley G. (Stanley Grauman)
by Haddon, Alfred C. (Alfred Cort)
by Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. (William Robert)
by Ray, Sidney Herbert
by Wollaston, A. F. R. (Alexander Frederick Richmond)
by Williamson, Jack
by Soini, Lauri
by Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
by Haapanen, Toimi
by Heidenstam, Verner von
by Siegberg, Siiri
by Undset, Sigrid
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Koskenniemi, Maija
by France, Anatole
by Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti)
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Krohn, Helmi
by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Wainio, Niilo E.
by Soini, Lauri
by Jerusalem, Else
by Willman, Elvira
by Kianto, Ilmari
by Railo, Eino
by Metcalfe, Edith
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Darling, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
by Brock, Alan St. H. (Alan St. Hill)
by Kentish, Thomas
by Abbott, Jacob
by Hunter, Mel
by Pohl, Frederik
by Pennanen, Ain'Elisabet