Books about War stories (sorted alphabetically)
guardia blanca (Spanish) Arthur Conan Doyle
Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième année (French) Louis Pergaud
guerre des mondes (French) H. G. Wells
guerre et la paix, Tome I (French) graf Leo Tolstoy
guerre et la paix, Tome II (French) graf Leo Tolstoy
guerre et la paix, Tome III (French) graf Leo Tolstoy
Haukansilmä (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper
Highest Treason Randall Garrett
historia de dos ciudades (Spanish) Charles Dickens
Hoplite Richard Sheridan
Hostage of Tomorrow Robert Abernathy
How Private George W. Peck Put Down the Rebellion George W. Peck
How The Redoubt Was Taken Prosper Mérimée
Ilmasota: Tulevaisuuden kuvaus (Finnish) H. G. Wells
Infinity's Child Charles V. De Vet
In the Track of the Troops R. M. Ballantyne
Invader From Infinity George A. Whittington
invading asteroid Manly Wade Wellman
Invisible Enemy Arnold Castle
Jet Plane Mystery Roy J. Snell
Jimmie Higgins Upton Sinclair
judging of the priestess Nelson S. Bond
Jumalat janoavat: Romaani (Finnish) Anatole France
Kaksi kaupunkia (Finnish) Charles Dickens
Kangaroo Marines R. W. Campbell