Books about War stories (sorted alphabetically)
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Airlords of Han Philip Francis Nowlan
Alice of Old Vincennes Maurice Thompson
All quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
Almost-Men Irving E. Cox
Alroy: Romani (Finnish) Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Alroy: The Prince of the Captivity Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Among the Pines; or, South in Secession Time James R. Gilmore
Armageddon—2419 A.D. Philip Francis Nowlan
Atavism Erik Fennel
Attack on the Mill, and Other Sketches of War Émile Zola
Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross L. Frank Baum
Battlefield in Black George A. Whittington
Battle for the Stars Edmond Hamilton
Battle of Dorking George Tomkyns Chesney
Bear Trap Alan Edward Nourse
Belinda of the Red Cross Robert W. Hamilton
Big Time Fritz Leiber
Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson
Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson
Border, Breed Nor Birth Mack Reynolds
Boy Scouts with Joffre; Or, In the Trenches in Belgium G. Harvey Ralphson
Boy Volunteers on the Belgian Front Kenneth Ward
Boy Volunteers with the French Airmen Kenneth Ward
Boy Volunteers with the Submarine Fleet Kenneth Ward
Bryd Noel M. Loomis
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