Books about Christian life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Dick's retriever E. M. Stooke
Diligent Dick : or, the young farmer Madeline Leslie
Doing Good Anonymous
Dwell Deep; or, Hilda Thorn's Life Story Amy Le Feuvre
Edith and Her Ayah, and Other Stories A. L. O. E.
Effie Maurice Fanny Forester
elder brother Eglanton Thorne
Ella Clinton; or, By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Martha Finley
Elsie and Her Loved Ones Martha Finley
Elsie and the Raymonds Martha Finley
Elsie at Home Martha Finley
Elsie at Ion Martha Finley
Elsie at Nantucket Martha Finley
Elsie at the World's Fair Martha Finley
Elsie at Viamede Martha Finley
Elsie Dinsmore Martha Finley
Elsie in the South Martha Finley
Elsie's Friends at Woodburn Martha Finley
Elsie's Girlhood Martha Finley
Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters Martha Finley
Elsie's Kith and Kin Martha Finley
Elsie's Motherhood Martha Finley
Elsie's New Relations Martha Finley
Elsie's Vacation and After Events Martha Finley
Elsie's Widowhood Martha Finley