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Displaying results 1–25
Josephine Daskam Bacon
Selected Poems
Robert Frost
Marie Van Vorst
Mary Aldis
Three Stories & Ten Poems
Ernest Hemingway
Greek wayfarers, and other poems
Edwina Stanton Babcock
A Boy's Will
Robert Frost
New Hampshire, A Poem; with Notes and Grace Notes
Robert Frost
Edna St. Vincent Millay
North of Boston
Robert Frost
Facts in Jingles
Winifred Sackville Stoner
Enough rope: poems
Dorothy Parker
The Path to Home
Edgar A. Guest
Some Imagist Poets: An Anthology
D. H. Lawrence, Amy Lowell, John Gould Fletcher, H. D., Richard Aldington, and F. S. Flint
Marianne Moore
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound and Bai Li
American Poetry, 1922: A Miscellany
A Book
Djuna Barnes
Ezra Pound
Ebony and Crystal: Poems in Verse and Prose
Clark Ashton Smith
Some Imagist Poets, 1916: An Annual Anthology
D. H. Lawrence, Amy Lowell, John Gould Fletcher, H. D., Richard Aldington, and F. S. Flint
Boys and Girls
James W. Foley
The New Poetry: An Anthology
Modern American Poetry
Eight Harvard Poets
Displaying results 1–25