Books about Political science (sorted alphabetically)
public and its problems John Dewey
Road Away from Revolution Woodrow Wilson
Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Edmund Burke Edmund Burke
What Does History Teach? John Stuart Blackie
Writings of Thomas Paine, Complete Thomas Paine
Writings of Thomas Paine — Volume 1 (1774-1779): The American Crisis Thomas Paine
Writings of Thomas Paine — Volume 2 (1779-1792): The Rights of Man Thomas Paine
Writings of Thomas Paine — Volume 4 (1794-1796): The Age of Reason Thomas Paine
Writings Of Thomas Paine, Volume III. Thomas Paine
Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta, eli, Valtio-oikeuden johtavat aatteet (Finnish) Jean-Jacques Rousseau