Tony, the Hero; Or, A Brave Boy's Adventures with a Tramp
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tony the Tramp; Or, Right is Might
Jr. Horatio Alger
Train Boy
Jr. Horatio Alger
True to Himself; Or, Roger Strong's Struggle for Place
Edward Stratemeyer
Turning of the Tide; Or, Radcliffe Rich and His Patients
Elijah Kellogg
Twin Ventriloquists; or, Nimble Ike and Jack the Juggler
Old Sleuth
Two Ways of Becoming a Hunter
Harry Castlemon
Under Orders: The story of a young reporter
Kirk Munroe
Under the Polar Star; or, The Young Explorers
Dwight Weldon
Unseen Hand; or, James Renfew and His Boy Helpers
Elijah Kellogg
Up the ladder; or, striving and thriving
Madeline Leslie
Ward Hill, the Senior
Everett T. Tomlinson
Sarah A. Myers
Weatherby's Inning: A Story of College Life and Baseball
Ralph Henry Barbour
Worst Boy in Town
John Habberton
Young Book Agent; or, Frank Hardy's Road to Success
Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Game-Warden
Harry Castlemon
Young Salesman
Jr. Horatio Alger