Books about English poetry -- 20th century (sorted by popularity)
Argonaut and Juggernaut Osbert Sitwell 87 downloads
Poems Clive Bell 86 downloads
Preludes 1921-1922 John Drinkwater 85 downloads
Shepherd Singing Ragtime, and Other Poems Louis Golding 81 downloads
Poems of To-Day: an Anthology Various 80 downloads
London Sonnets Humbert Wolfe 75 downloads
Poems Cushag 70 downloads
Bread and Circuses Helen Parry Eden 70 downloads
Out of the Flame Osbert Sitwell 65 downloads
The Lathe of Morpheus; or, The dream song. E. M. 58 downloads
Shylock reasons with Mr. Chesterton, and other poems Humbert Wolfe 56 downloads