Books about Literature -- History and criticism (sorted alphabetically)
Emerson and Other Essays John Jay Chapman
Ephemera Critica; Or, Plain Truths About Current Literature John Churton Collins
Essays in Little Andrew Lang
Essays in miniature Agnes Repplier
Essays in the Art of Writing Robert Louis Stevenson
Essays Literary, Critical and Historical Thomas O'Hagan
Essays of "George Eliot" George Eliot
Fame usurpate (Italian) Vittorio Imbriani
Familiar Studies of Men and Books Robert Louis Stevenson
Figures of Several Centuries Arthur Symons
Function of the Poet, and Other Essays James Russell Lowell
Handbook of Universal Literature, From the Best and Latest Authorities Anne C. Lynch Botta
Hieroglyphics Arthur Machen
history of criticism and literary taste in Europe, from the earliest texts to the present day. Volume 1 (of 3), Classical and mediæval criticism George Saintsbury
history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day. Volume 2 (of 3), From the Renaissance to the decline of eighteenth century orthodoxy George Saintsbury
history of criticism and literary taste in Europe, from the earliest texts to the present day. Volume 3 (of 3), Modern criticism George Saintsbury
Initiation into Literature Émile Faguet
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion George Santayana
Kaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset 2. Tutkimukset ja arvostelut (Finnish) Kaarlo Johan Bergbom
- Kirjoja ja kirjailijoita I (Finnish) Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
- Kirjoja ja kirjailijoita II (Finnish) Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
- Kirjoja ja kirjailijoita III (Finnish) Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
Letters on Literature Andrew Lang
Letters to Dead Authors Andrew Lang
Letters to Dead Authors Andrew Lang