Books about Christianity -- Controversial literature (sorted by popularity)
Frauds and Follies of the Fathers J. M. Wheeler 176 downloads
The Story of My Mind; Or, How I Became a Rationalist M. M. Mangasarian 171 downloads
A handbook of Freethought : containing in condensed and systematized form a vast amount of evidence against the superstitious doctrines of Christianity 168 downloads
Letters To Eugenia; Or, A Preservative Against Religious Prejudices baron d' Paul Henri Thiry Holbach 166 downloads
De la cruauté religieuse (French) baron d' Paul Henri Thiry Holbach 166 downloads
The Doubts of Infidels William Nicholson 158 downloads
Christianity in relation to Freethought, Scepticism, and Faith Charles Bradlaugh and William Connor Magee 144 downloads
Thoughts on the Christian Religion, by a Deist Anonymous 133 downloads
Christian Mystery: A Chinese Tale, Found in the Portfolio of a Portuguese Friar Anonymous 119 downloads
Antikristus: Arvostelukoe kristinopista (Finnish) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 106 downloads