Books about Castaways -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Willis the Pilot : A Sequel to the Swiss Family Robinson Adrien Paul 465 downloads
The Young Marooners on the Florida Coast F. R. Goulding 302 downloads
The Castaways Mayne Reid 283 downloads
The Nameless Island: A Story of Some Modern Robinson Crusoes Percy F. Westerman 243 downloads
Adrift in the Ice-Fields Charles Winslow Hall 234 downloads
The Wonder Island Boys: The Mysteries of the Caverns Roger T. Finlay 233 downloads
Ang Bagong Robinson (Tomo 1) (Tagalog) Joachim Heinrich Campe 228 downloads
The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen Roger T. Finlay 222 downloads
The Voyage of the "Steadfast": The Young Missionaries in the Pacific William Henry Giles Kingston 220 downloads
The Land of Fire: A Tale of Adventure Mayne Reid 219 downloads
Palm Tree Island Herbert Strang 208 downloads
Afloat in the Forest; Or, A Voyage among the Tree-Tops Mayne Reid 205 downloads
The Island Queen R. M. Ballantyne 197 downloads
The Castaways Harry Collingwood 195 downloads
The Wonder Island Boys: Adventures on Strange Islands Roger T. Finlay 189 downloads
The story of Robinson Crusoe in Latin : Adapted from Daniel Defoe's famous book [or rather, translated from J.H. Campe's "Robinson der Jüngere"] by G.F. Goffeaux. Edited, amended and rearranged by P.A. Barnett (Latin) Daniel Defoe and Joachim Heinrich Campe 187 downloads
Jarwin and Cuffy R. M. Ballantyne 186 downloads
The Young Supercargo: A Story of the Merchant Marine William Drysdale 181 downloads
My First Cruise, and Other stories William Henry Giles Kingston 180 downloads
The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island Roger T. Finlay 172 downloads
Yr Ynys Unyg; or, The lonely island : a narrative for young people Julia de Winton 172 downloads
Robinson Crusoëus (Latin) Daniel Defoe and Joachim Heinrich Campe 168 downloads
The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Islands Roger T. Finlay 165 downloads
Dick Rodney; or, The Adventures of an Eton Boy James Grant 159 downloads
Smugglers' Island and the devil fires of San Moros Clarissa A. Kneeland 158 downloads
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