Books about Cats -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Hunter Cats of Connorloa Helen Hunt Jackson
It's like this, cat Emily Neville
King of the Park Marshall Saunders
Kittyboy's Christmas Amy Ella Blanchard
Leben und Schicksale des Katers Rosaurus (German) Amalie Winter
Little Peter: A Christmas Morality for Children of any Age Lucas Malet
Magic of Oz L. Frank Baum
Magic of Oz L. Frank Baum
Mammy Tittleback and Her Family: A True Story of Seventeen Cats Helen Hunt Jackson
Millions of cats Wanda Gág
Minnie's Pet Cat Madeline Leslie
Mouser Cat's Story Amy Prentice
My twin kitties Edna Groff Deihl
Nellie's Housekeeping Joanna H. Mathews
New-Year's Bargain Susan Coolidge
Nomad of the Nine Lives A. Frances Friebe
Patchwork Girl of Oz L. Frank Baum
Patchwork Girl of Oz L. Frank Baum
Puss in Boots, Jr., and the Good Gray Horse David Cory
Puss Junior and Robinson Crusoe David Cory
Pussy and Doggy Tales E. Nesbit
Pussy Black-Face; Or, The Story of a Kitten and Her Friends Marshall Saunders
Pussy-Cat Town Marion Ames Taggart
Pussy Meow : The autobiography of a cat S. Louise Patteson
Soffrona and Her Cat Muff Mary Martha Sherwood