Books about Voyages and travels -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles Godfrey Sweven 196 downloads
The Brassbounder: A Tale of the Sea David W. Bone 196 downloads
Vijf weken in een luchtballon (Dutch) Jules Verne 195 downloads
Peck's bad boy abroad : Being a humorous description of the bad boy and his dad in their journeys through foreign lands George W. Peck 190 downloads
The Cruise of The Violetta Arthur Colton 189 downloads
The Lady of the Aroostook William Dean Howells 188 downloads
A Prisoner in Fairyland (The Book That 'Uncle Paul' Wrote) Algernon Blackwood 188 downloads
Five Weeks in a Balloon Jules Verne 187 downloads
In Search of the Castaways Jules Verne 181 downloads
A Dream of the North Sea James Runciman 180 downloads
The Mission Of Mr. Eustace Greyne Robert Hichens 178 downloads
Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen Jules Verne 177 downloads
Lady Betty Across the Water C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson 177 downloads
La Jangada: Huit cent lieues sur l'Amazone (French) Jules Verne 176 downloads
Lord Stranleigh Abroad Robert Barr 175 downloads
Dialstone Lane, Part 2. W. W. Jacobs 173 downloads
De verrezen Gulliver; (Dutch) Rudolf Erich Raspe 172 downloads
Pomona's Travels Frank R. Stockton 169 downloads
Anthony the Absolute Samuel Merwin 168 downloads
A Voyage of Consolation Sara Jeannette Duncan 167 downloads
A tight squeeze : or, The adventures of a gentleman, who, on a wager of ten thousand dollars, undertook to go from New York to New Orleans in three weeks without money, as a professional tramp. William Staats 166 downloads
The adventures of Hatim Taï, a romance 166 downloads
Kaptajnen paa 15 Aar (I Slavelænker) (Danish) Jules Verne 166 downloads
De kinderen van Kapitein Grant, derde deel (van 3) (Dutch) Jules Verne 164 downloads
Das Naturforscherschiff (German) S. Wörishöffer 163 downloads