Books about Authors -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Platero y yo (Spanish) Juan Ramón Jiménez
Poor Relations Compton MacKenzie
pretender: A story of the Latin Quarter Robert W. Service
Rebellious Heroine John Kendrick Bangs
Rim of the Desert Ada Woodruff Anderson
She Buildeth Her House Will Levington Comfort
Silver Poppy Arthur Stringer
Sir Dominick Ferrand Henry James
Stories of the Three Burglars Frank R. Stockton
Sult (Norwegian) Knut Hamsun
Tales from a Rolltop Desk Christopher Morley
Three Fates F. Marion Crawford
To-morrow? Victoria Cross
Unruly Sprite: A Partial Fairy Tale Henry Van Dyke
Where the Path Breaks C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
Wind of destiny Sara Lindsay Coleman Porter
Xingu Edith Wharton