Books about Humorous stories (sorted by popularity)
À se tordre: Histoires chatnoiresques (French) Alphonse Allais 253 downloads
Make Mine Homogenized Rick Raphael 250 downloads
Uneasy Money P. G. Wodehouse 250 downloads
Jill the Reckless P. G. Wodehouse 250 downloads
The Woggle-Bug Book L. Frank Baum 250 downloads
Half-Hours with the Idiot John Kendrick Bangs 248 downloads
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Chapters 36 to the Last Mark Twain 248 downloads
Coffee and Repartee John Kendrick Bangs 247 downloads
Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2 Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol 244 downloads
Les Aventures De Tom Sawyer (Catalan) Mark Twain 244 downloads
Hadrian the Seventh Frederick Rolfe 244 downloads
Three Men and a Maid P. G. Wodehouse 243 downloads
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 243 downloads
Torchy, Private Sec. Sewell Ford 243 downloads
The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson Anthony Trollope 242 downloads
"The curse of drink" W. C. Tuttle 241 downloads
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Part 3. Mark Twain 241 downloads
Three little Trippertrots on their travels : The wonderful things they saw and the wonderful things they did Howard Roger Garis 241 downloads
Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel P. G. Wodehouse and H. W. Westbrook 240 downloads
Galusha the Magnificent Joseph Crosby Lincoln 239 downloads
Sämmtliche Werke 1: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen I (German) Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol 238 downloads
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, v. 1 (of 2) Charles Dickens 238 downloads
The Prince and Betty P. G. Wodehouse 237 downloads
Aventures de Baron de Münchausen (French) Rudolf Erich Raspe and Gottfried August Bürger 234 downloads
The Chronicles of the Imp: A Romance Jeffery Farnol 234 downloads