Books about Poor -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Poor Folk Fyodor Dostoyevsky 975 downloads
The Dawn of a To-morrow Frances Hodgson Burnett 323 downloads
Children of the Dead End: The Autobiography of an Irish Navvy Patrick MacGill 323 downloads
All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible Story Walter Besant 316 downloads
Sämtliche Werke 14 : Arme Leute; Der Doppelgänger : Zwei Romane (German) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 284 downloads
The Nether World George Gissing 270 downloads
Sixpenny Pieces A. Neil Lyons 236 downloads
Rose O'Paradise Grace Miller White 225 downloads
The Miracle Man Frank L. Packard 206 downloads
Gloria and Treeless Street Annie Hamilton Donnell 196 downloads
Os Pobres (Portuguese) Raul Brandão 183 downloads
Poor Jack Frederick Marryat 169 downloads
The Lost Child François Coppée 166 downloads
A Son of the State W. Pett Ridge 151 downloads
Gaslight Sonatas Fannie Hurst 148 downloads
Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley Belle Kanaris Maniates 138 downloads
Jack Rustig (Dutch) Frederick Marryat 137 downloads
Shipping Clerk Joseph Samachson 134 downloads
Poor Jack Frederick Marryat 115 downloads
Old Lady Number 31 Louise Forsslund 111 downloads
Rachel Gray: A Tale Founded on Fact Julia Kavanagh 103 downloads
The Island of Faith Margaret E. Sangster 98 downloads
The Poors Harry Lorayne 97 downloads
Bessie Costrell Mrs. Humphry Ward 97 downloads
Rämeissä: Kuvaus yhteiskunnan pohjakerroksesta (Finnish) Väinö Pietilä 94 downloads
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