Books about Ethics (sorted alphabetically)
Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good Victor Cousin
Life and destiny Felix Adler
Manual of Moral Philosophy Andrew P. Peabody
Meditations Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
Metaphysical Elements of Ethics Immanuel Kant
Methods of Ethics Henry Sidgwick
Moral Economy Ralph Barton Perry
morale de Nietzsche (French) Pierre Lasserre
Morality as a Religion W. R. Washington Sullivan
Morality Without God M. M. Mangasarian
Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law Joseph Rickaby
Moral Science; a Compendium of Ethics Alexander Bain
Moral social : apreciación de Hostos (Spanish) Eugenio María de Hostos
Nature of Goodness George Herbert Palmer
On the Ethics of Naturalism W. R. Sorley
origin and development of the moral ideas Edward Westermarck
Origin of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong Franz Brentano
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics John Dewey
Parallel Paths: A Study in Biology, Ethics, and Art T. W. Rolleston
Philosophy of the Moral Feelings John Abercrombie
Philosophy of the Practical: Economic and Ethic Benedetto Croce
Practical Ethics William De Witt Hyde
Principia Ethica G. E. Moore
Problems of Conduct: An Introductory Survey of Ethics Durant Drake