The Thirteen Names of the First Patriarchs, Considered as Figurative of the Progressive Influence of the Spirit.
J. Church
Consolation in Life and Death, Derived from the Life of Christ
J. Church
The Speedy Appearance of Christ Desired by the Church
J. Church
A Sermon Preached in York Minister, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Friday, August 24, 1877
Edward Hoare
The Sacrifice of Life Slain by the Twenty-nine Instruments of Death
J. Church
Beside the Still Waters
Charles Beard
A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington, on May 1, 1859
William Wright
The Coming Night
Edward Hoare
"He was buried." A Sermon for Easter Even
Thomas Macgill
Spiritual Victories Through the Light of Salvation
J. Church
Sermons for the Day
Edward Hoare
The Descent of the Branch into the Waters of Sorrow, to Bring up the Election of Grace
J. Church