Books about Human-alien encounters -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The crystal planetoids Stanton A. Coblentz 2120 downloads
The Lani People Jesse F. Bone 2049 downloads
The colour out of space H. P. Lovecraft 752 downloads
Triplanetary E. E. Smith 707 downloads
Little Fuzzy H. Beam Piper 688 downloads
Youth Isaac Asimov 642 downloads
The Martian: A Novel George Du Maurier 604 downloads
Zero Hour Ray Bradbury 480 downloads
First Lensman E. E. Smith 460 downloads
Piper in the Woods Philip K. Dick 440 downloads
Planet of the Damned Harry Harrison 334 downloads
The Native Soil Alan Edward Nourse 319 downloads
Triplanetary E. E. Smith 309 downloads
The Moon Maid Edgar Rice Burroughs 269 downloads
The Jameson Satellite Neil R. Jones 257 downloads
The Winds of Time James H. Schmitz 253 downloads
Inside John Barth William W. Stuart 247 downloads
Naudsonce H. Beam Piper 247 downloads
Helpfully Yours Evelyn E. Smith 240 downloads
If You Was a Moklin Murray Leinster 239 downloads
Cosmic striptease Harlan Ellison 239 downloads
The World That Couldn't Be Clifford D. Simak 235 downloads
My Fair Planet Evelyn E. Smith 232 downloads
The Aab Edward W. Ludwig 230 downloads
Cry from a Far Planet Tom Godwin 227 downloads
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