Books about Canadian poetry (sorted by popularity)
Fires of Driftwood Isabel Ecclestone Mackay 149 downloads
Hephaestus, Persephone at Enna, and Sappho in Leucadia Arthur Stringer 148 downloads
His Lady of the Sonnets Robert Winkworth Norwood 140 downloads
Newfoundland Verse E. J. Pratt 138 downloads
Spun-yarn and Spindrift Norah M. Holland 137 downloads
Carry On! Virna Sheard 134 downloads
The Cornflower, and Other Poems Jean Blewett 134 downloads
Mascara-Viscera Paul Cameron Brown 131 downloads
A Canadian Calendar: XII Lyrics Francis Sherman 129 downloads
Hours of childhood, and other poems Anonymous 128 downloads
The Long Necked Bottle Paul Cameron Brown 128 downloads
The Miracle, and Other Poems Virna Sheard 120 downloads
Ballads of Lost Haven: A Book of the Sea Bliss Carman 119 downloads
The Rake's Progress Paul Cameron Brown 118 downloads
Prussian Blue Paul Cameron Brown 118 downloads
Songs of the Prairie Robert J. C. Stead 116 downloads
The Song of the Exile—A Canadian Epic Wilfred S. Skeats 116 downloads
Song-waves Theodore H. Rand 107 downloads
Sonnets and Other Verse William M. MacKeracher 107 downloads
The White Canoe, and Other Verse Alan Sullivan 99 downloads
Indian and Other Tales M. L. Hope 97 downloads
Canada and Other Poems T. F. Young 97 downloads
Thoughts, Moods and Ideals: Crimes of Leisure W. D. Lighthall 95 downloads
By Trench and Trail in Song and Story Angus Mackay 94 downloads
Tasting the Earth Mona Gould 93 downloads