Books about Indians of North America -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Little Metacomet : or, The Indian playmate Hezekiah Butterworth 639 downloads
With Wolfe in Canada: The Winning of a Continent G. A. Henty 267 downloads
The War Trail: The Hunt of the Wild Horse Mayne Reid 262 downloads
Fort Desolation: Red Indians and Fur Traders of Rupert's Land R. M. Ballantyne 252 downloads
The American family Robinson : or, The adventures of a family lost in the great desert of the West. D. W. Belisle 251 downloads
Digging for Gold: Adventures in California R. M. Ballantyne 243 downloads
The Boy Hunters Mayne Reid 240 downloads
Snowflakes and Sunbeams; Or, The Young Fur-traders: A Tale of the Far North R. M. Ballantyne 235 downloads
The Prairie Chief R. M. Ballantyne 234 downloads
Lost in the Cañon A. R. Calhoun 225 downloads
The Wild Man of the West: A Tale of the Rocky Mountains R. M. Ballantyne 221 downloads
The Lost Mountain: A Tale of Sonora Mayne Reid 214 downloads
The Red Mustang William O. Stoddard 210 downloads
Away in the Wilderness R. M. Ballantyne 209 downloads
Afar in the Forest William Henry Giles Kingston 206 downloads
Cattle-Ranch to College: The True Tales of a Boy's Adventures in the Far West Russell Doubleday 206 downloads
Red Hunters and the Animal People Charles A. Eastman 205 downloads
Mass' George: A Boy's Adventures in the Old Savannah George Manville Fenn 204 downloads
Footprints in the Forest Edward Sylvester Ellis 203 downloads
Trumpeter Fred: A Story of the Plains Charles King 203 downloads
Kullankaivajat ja indiaanit: Kertomus Pohjois-Meksikosta (Finnish) Mayne Reid 202 downloads
The Search for the Silver City: A Tale of Adventure in Yucatan James Otis 201 downloads
Boys of The Fort; Or, A Young Captain's Pluck Edward Stratemeyer 197 downloads
Three Boys in the Wild North Land Egerton Ryerson Young 189 downloads
The Young Trail Hunters Samuel Woodworth Cozzens 186 downloads
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