Auf dem Mississippi; Nach dem fernen Westen (German)
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 4.
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 7.
Mark Twain
Roughing It, Part 5.
Mark Twain
What I Saw in California
Edwin Bryant
Life in the Far West
George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
Sinners and Saints
Phil Robinson
Im Gold- und Silberland (German)
Mark Twain
From North Carolina to Southern California Without a Ticket and How I Did It
John Peele
The New Eldorado: A Summer Journey to Alaska
Maturin M. Ballou
The Western Echo
George W. Romspert
Une année au désert : Scènes et récits du Far-West américain (French)
Auguste Nicaise
Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska
Charles Warren Stoddard
The Backwoodsman; Or, Life on the Indian Frontier
The West from a car window
Richard Harding Davis
James's Account of S. H. Long's Expedition, 1819-1820, part 4
Stephen H. Long, Thomas Say, and Edwin James
James's Account of S. H. Long's Expedition, 1819-1820, part 2
Stephen H. Long, Thomas Say, and Edwin James
The Cruise of a Schooner
Albert W. Harris
Seeing the West: Suggestions for the Westbound Traveller
K. E. M. Dumbell
Tramping With a Poet in the Rockies
Vachel Lindsay and Stephen Graham
In the Old West
George Frederick Augustus Ruxton
Roughing It, Part 2.
Mark Twain
Voyage aux montagnes Rocheuses
Pierre-Jean de Smet
Pattie's Personal Narrative, 1824-1830; Willard's Inland Trade with New Mexico, 1825, and Downfall of the Fredonian Republic; and Malte-Brun's Account of Mexico
Dr. Willard, James O. Pattie, and Conrad Malte-Brun
Roughing It, Part 6.
Mark Twain