Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Ice Planet Carl Selwyn
Ideal Stanley G. Weinbaum
Identity George O. Smith
Identity Zoë Blade
időgép (Hungarian) H. G. Wells
I, Executioner Terry Carr and Ted White
If at First You Don't... John Brudy
If You're Smart— Malcolm Jameson
If You Was a Moklin Murray Leinster
I, gardener Allen Kim Lang
Ignatz Ron Goulart
Ignoble Savages Evelyn E. Smith
île à hélice (French) Jules Verne
île mystérieuse (French) Jules Verne
I Like Martian Music Charles E. Fritch
I'll dream of you Henry Farrell
I'll Kill You Tomorrow Helen Huber
I'll See You in My Dreams William Campbell Gault
Ilmasota: Tulevaisuuden kuvaus (Finnish) H. G. Wells
Ilmojen valloittaja (Finnish) Jules Verne
Image and the Likeness John Scott Campbell
Image of Splendor Lu Kella
Image of the Gods Alan Edward Nourse
I'm a Stranger Here Myself Mack Reynolds
Imitation of death Lester Del Rey