Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
History of a World of Immortals without a God
History Repeats George O. Smith
Hitch Hikers Vernon L. McCain
Hitch in Space Fritz Leiber
Hohokam Dig Theodore Pratt
Hoiman and the Solar Circuit G. Gordon Dewey
Hold Back Tomorrow Kris Neville
Hold Onto Your Body! Richard O. Lewis
Holes and John Smith Edward W. Ludwig
Holes Around Mars Jerome Bixby
Holes, Incorporated L. Major Reynolds
Home Again, Home Again Cory Doctorow
Homecoming Miguel Hidalgo
Homecoming Horde Robert Silverberg
Home is the Spaceman George O. Smith
Home is Where You Left It Stephen Marlowe
Homesick Lyn Venable
homme à l'oreille cassée (French) Edmond About
Homo Inferior Mari Wolf
Honeymoon in bedlam Nelson S. Bond
Honeymoon in Space George Chetwynd Griffith
Honored Prophet William E. Bentley
Hoofer Walter M. Miller
Hoplite Richard Sheridan
Hop O' My Thumb Joseph Samachson