Books about Hunting stories (sorted by popularity)
Around the Camp-fire Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 131 downloads
Lair of the Dragonbird Robert Silverberg 131 downloads
Le chasseur d'ours (French) Charles Buet 128 downloads
Bart Keene's Hunting Days; or, The Darewell Chums in a Winter Camp Allen Chapman 125 downloads
When Whirlybirds Call Frank Banta 121 downloads
The Romance of the Woods Frederick Whishaw 121 downloads
Rocky Mountain Boys; Or, Camping in the Big Game Country St. George Rathborne 120 downloads
Never Gut-Shoot a Wampus Winston K. Marks 117 downloads
Saloilta ja vesiltä: Metsästys- ja pyyntiretkiä (Finnish) Onni Wetterhoff 112 downloads
Danger at Mormon Crossing Robert Leckie 110 downloads
We Run From the Hunted! Stephen Marlowe 103 downloads
Les aventures de M. Colin-Tampon (French) Jules Girardin 98 downloads
Hunt the Hog of Joe Robert E. Gilbert 94 downloads
Tom Fairfield's Hunting Trip; or, Lost in the Wilderness Allen Chapman 94 downloads
The Flying Tuskers of K'niik-K'naak Jack Sharkey 93 downloads
The Spring of a Lion H. Rider Haggard 91 downloads
Phil Bradley's Snow-shoe Trail; Or, The Mountain Boys in the Canada Wilds Silas K. Boone 87 downloads
The Gun Club boys of Lakeport : or, The island camp Edward Stratemeyer 87 downloads
La chasse à l'oppossum (French) 68 downloads
- The Story of Gombi H. De Vere Stacpoole 31 downloads