Books about Religion and science (sorted alphabetically)
Necessity of Atheism David Marshall Brooks
Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation J. M. Woodman
Old Riddle and the Newest Answer John Gerard
Origin of the World According to Revelation and Science Sir John William Dawson
Philosophy of Natural Theology William Jackson
Relations Between Religion and Science Frederick Temple
Relations of Science and Religion Henry Calderwood
Religion and Science from Galileo to Bergson J. C. Hardwick
Religion of Geology and Its Connected Sciences Edward Hitchcock
Riddle of the Universe at the close of the nineteenth century Ernst Haeckel
Science and Morals and Other Essays Sir Bertram Coghill Alan Windle
Science and the Infinite; or, Through a Window in the Blank Wall Sydney T. Klein
Story of Creation as Told By Theology and By Science T. S. Ackland
Substance of Faith Allied with Science (6th Ed.) Sir Oliver Lodge
Testimony of the Rocks Hugh Miller
Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Rudolf Schmid
Thoughts on Religion George John Romanes
unseen universe : or, physical speculations on a future state Balfour Stewart and Peter Guthrie Tait
Uskonto ja tiede (Finnish) Harald Høffding
Warfare of Science Andrew Dickson White
Welträtsel: Gemeinverständliche Studien über Monistische Philosophie (German) Ernst Haeckel
Where Science and Religion Meet William Scott Palmer