Books about Psychic ability -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Pioneer Irving E. Cox
Planet of Creation Chester S. Geier
Project Hi-Psi Frank Riley
Psichopath Randall Garrett
Psilent Partner John Victor Peterson and Edward S. Staub
Psychotennis, Anyone? Lloyd Williams
Putnam Tradition Sonya Dorman
Right Time John Berryman
Rogue psi James H. Schmitz
Run, Little Monster! Chester S. Geier
Second Sight Alan Edward Nourse
Sense from Thought Divide Mark Clifton
shrine Walter J. Sheldon
Sight Gag Laurence M. Janifer
Simple psiman F. L. Wallace
Sonny Rick Raphael
Sordman the Protector Tom Purdom
Sound of Silence Barbara Constant
Star, Bright Mark Clifton
Star of Panadur Henry Hasse and Albert dePina
Stopover William Gerken
Summer Snow Storm Stephen Marlowe
Supermind Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer
Telempathy Vance Simonds
They Were Different Neil J. Kenney