Books about Christian fiction (sorted alphabetically)
John Wesley, Jr. Dan B. Brummitt
Julião e a Biblia (Portuguese) Emilio Martínez
Kentucky Ranger Edward T. Curnick
Kreivi ja karhuntanssittaja (Finnish) Franz Hoffmann
Kristityn vaellus: Tästä maailmasta siihen kun tuleva on (Finnish) John Bunyan
Kristus inkvisitorin edessä (Finnish) Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Lady Paramount Henry Harland
Laicus; Or, the Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish. Lyman Abbott
Life and Death of Mr. Badman John Bunyan
Look on the sunny side : and other sketches Ruth Lamb
Loss and Gain: The Story of a Convert John Henry Newman
Malcolm George MacDonald
Man from Glengarry: A Tale of the Ottawa Ralph Connor
Mansion Henry Van Dyke
Mansion Henry Van Dyke
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1 Walter Pater
Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2 Walter Pater
Mark of the Beast Sydney Watson
Marquis of Lossie George MacDonald
martyr of the catacombs : a tale of ancient Rome James De Mille
Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle Edgar Saltus
Mary Marston George MacDonald
Mary: The Queen of the House of David and Mother of Jesus A. Stewart Walsh
Master-Christian Marie Corelli
Monk of Fife Andrew Lang