Books about Classical literature (sorted alphabetically)
Phaedrus Plato
Philebus Plato
Pidot (Symposion) (Finnish) Plato
Platons Gastmahl (German) Plato
Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians Xenophon
Protagoras Plato
Republic Plato
Sophist Plato
Sportsman: On Hunting, a Sportsman's Manual, Commonly Called Cynegeticus Xenophon
Statesman Plato
Symposium Xenophon
Symposium Plato
Theaetetus Plato
Timaeus Plato
Über die Dichtkunst beim Aristoteles (German) Aristotle
Ευθύφρων (Modern Greek (1453-)) Plato