Books about Children's stories, American (sorted alphabetically)
Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories Thornton W. Burgess
No talent, and Phil's pansies Lucy Ellen Guernsey
Not Quite Eighteen Susan Coolidge
old house, and other stories Blanche Sellers Ortman
Old Mother West Wind Thornton W. Burgess
Po-No-Kah: An Indian Tale of Long Ago Mary Mapes Dodge
Queer little people Harriet Beecher Stowe
Raggedy Andy Stories Johnny Gruelle
Raggedy Ann Stories Johnny Gruelle
Railroad building, and other stories Pansy
Rootabaga pigeons Carl Sandburg
Rootabaga Stories Carl Sandburg
school-girls' treasury : or, Stories for thoughtful girls. Lucy Ellen Guernsey
Stories for children: A book for all little girls and boys
Stories for Helen Eliza Leslie
Story of Live Dolls Josephine Scribner Gates
summer holidays : a story for children Amerel
Tale of Kiddie Katydid Arthur Scott Bailey
Tale of the The Muley Cow Arthur Scott Bailey
Tangled Threads Eleanor H. Porter
Uncle Wiggily's Story Book Howard Roger Garis
Violet: A Fairy Story C. S. Guild