Books about Time travel -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Time Machine H. G. Wells 8655 downloads
Anthem Ayn Rand 4339 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 3166 downloads
Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 Edward Bellamy 1231 downloads
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain 1082 downloads
The Sleeper Awakes H. G. Wells 552 downloads
The Skull Philip K. Dick 426 downloads
El anacronópete; Viaje a China; Metempsicosis (Spanish) Enrique Gaspar 346 downloads
When the Sleeper Wakes H. G. Wells 342 downloads
The hounds of Tindalos Frank Belknap Long 310 downloads
Anthem Ayn Rand 296 downloads
The Time Traders Andre Norton 285 downloads
The Day of the Boomer Dukes Frederik Pohl 283 downloads
Gods of the jungle Nelson S. Bond 260 downloads
When freemen shall stand Nelson S. Bond 250 downloads
Tales of the Unexpected H. G. Wells 232 downloads
Key Out of Time Andre Norton 219 downloads
The unseen blushers Alfred Bester 201 downloads
The Time Machine H. G. Wells 200 downloads
Anthem Ayn Rand 190 downloads
Horsesense Hank in the parallel worlds Nelson S. Bond 187 downloads
The scientific pioneer returns Nelson S. Bond 186 downloads
The Defiant Agents Andre Norton 183 downloads
The eternal savage Edgar Rice Burroughs 180 downloads
The Big Time Fritz Leiber 179 downloads
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