Books about Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Atlantis Gerhart Hauptmann
At Last: A Novel Marion Harland
Atlasz-család (Hungarian) Gergely Csiky
At the Crossroads Harriet T. Comstock
At the Villa Rose A. E. W. Mason
At War with Society; or, Tales of the Outcasts James M'Levy
Audrey Craven May Sinclair
Aunt Rachel David Christie Murray
Auringon noustessa (Finnish) Tekla Roschier
Aurora the Magnificent Gertrude Hall Brownell
Aus der Jugendzeit; Historie von der schönen Lau (German) Eduard Mörike
Aus tiefem Schacht (German) Fedor von Zobeltitz
Australia Revenged Boomerang
Autobiography of a Slander Edna Lyall
Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran, Deuxième partie (French) Alfred Assollant
Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran, Première Partie (French) Alfred Assollant
Average Jones Samuel Hopkins Adams
Avojalka (Finnish) Berthold Auerbach
Avondstonden (Dutch) Hendrik Conscience
Aylwin Theodore Watts-Dunton
baanwachter (Dutch) Hendrik Conscience
Bachelors: A Novel William Dana Orcutt
Bachelor's Dream Duchess
Bad Hugh Mary Jane Holmes
Bad Man: A Novel Porter Emerson Browne and Charles Hanson Towne