Books about Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Destiny Charles Neville Buck
Desultory Man G. P. R. James
Detective's Clew: Or, The Tragedy of Elm Grove O. S. Adams
Devil's Garden W. B. Maxwell
Devota Augusta J. Evans
Dew of Their Youth S. R. Crockett
Diamond Master Jacques Futrelle
Diamond Pin Carolyn Wells
diavolo nell'ampolla (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
Dick Leslie's Luck: A Story of Shipwreck and Adventure Harry Collingwood
Diesseits: Erzählungen (German) Hermann Hesse
Dilemmas of Pride, (Vol 1 of 3) Mrs. Loudon
Dilemmas of Pride, (Vol 2 of 3) Mrs. Loudon
Dilemmas of Pride, (Vol 3 of 3) Mrs. Loudon
Disentanglers Andrew Lang
disfatta (Italian) Alfredo Oriani
Dissolving Views: Romanfragmente von Leo Wolfram. (German) Ferdinand Prantner
Divorciada (Portuguese) José Augusto Vieira
Dixie Hart Will N. Harben
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance Nathaniel Hawthorne
Doctor, his Wife, and the Clock Anna Katharine Green
Doctor Luttrell's First Patient Rosa Nouchette Carey
Doctor's Daughter Vera
Doctor's Dilemma Hesba Stretton
Doctor's Family Mrs. Oliphant