Books about Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Crock of Gold: A Rural Novel Martin Farquhar Tupper
Cromptons Mary Jane Holmes
Crónicas de Marianela (Spanish) Angélica Palma
Cruel Barbara Allen David Christie Murray
Cuckoo in the Nest, v. 1/2 Mrs. Oliphant
Cuckoo in the Nest, v. 2/2 Mrs. Oliphant
cuerda del ahorcado (Spanish) Ponson du Terrail
culotte du brigadier (French) Florian Pharaon
Cupid's Middleman Edward B. Lent
Curse of Pocahontas Wenona Gilman
Curved Blades Carolyn Wells
cycle patibulaire (French) Georges Eekhoud
Cynthia Wakeham's Money Anna Katharine Green
Dada (German) Adolf Knoblauch
Dagdrömmar (Swedish) Gustaf Hellström
Dagen (Dutch) Stijn Streuvels
Daireen. Complete Frank Frankfort Moore
Daireen. Volume 1 of 2 Frank Frankfort Moore
Daireen. Volume 2 of 2 Frank Frankfort Moore
Daisy Ashford: Her Book Daisy Ashford and Angela Ashford
Daisy Brooks; Or, A Perilous Love Laura Jean Libbey
Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Daisy Thornton Mary Jane Holmes
Dal primo piano alla soffitta (Italian) Enrico Castelnuovo
Damiano: Storia di una povera famiglia (Italian) Giulio Carcano