Books about Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Bibliothek meines Oheims: Eine Genfer Novelle (German) Rodolphe Töpffer
Biezenstekker (Dutch) Cyriel Buysse
bihari remete, és egyéb történetek (Hungarian) Aurél Kárpáti
Bijou (French) Gyp
Bijou Gyp
Bird of Paradise Ada Leverson
Birds of Prey M. E. Braddon
Bittermeads Mystery E. R. Punshon
Black Sheep: A Novel Edmund Yates
Blacksheep! Blacksheep! Meredith Nicholson
Blackthorn Farm Arthur Applin
Blade-O'-Grass. Golden Grain. and Bread and Cheese and Kisses. B. L. Farjeon
Bland ödebygder och skär: Berättelser från Finland (Swedish) Ina Lange
Blind Mother, and The Last Confession Sir Hall Caine
Blindskär (Swedish) Minna Canth
Blot on the Scutcheon Mabel Winifred Knowles
Blower of Bubbles Beverley Baxter
Blue Flower Henry Van Dyke
Blut: Eine Erzählung (German) Waldemar Bonsels
Bohemian Days: Three American Tales George Alfred Townsend
Book-Bills of Narcissus Richard Le Gallienne
Book o' Nine Tales. Arlo Bates
Boresko kaunotar y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) Mór Jókai and Antonio de Trueba
Born Again Alfred W. Lawson
Boy Scout and Other Stories for Boys Richard Harding Davis