Books about Humorous poetry, English (sorted by popularity)
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Nonsense Books Edward Lear 1772 downloads
Verse and Worse Harry Graham 1045 downloads
The Book of Nonsense Edward Lear 927 downloads
A Book of Nonsense Edward Lear 544 downloads
The Modern Traveller Hilaire Belloc 540 downloads
The Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels Thomas Ingoldsby 504 downloads
More Nonsense Edward Lear 458 downloads
Laughable Lyrics Edward Lear 391 downloads
The Diverting History of John Gilpin William Cowper 334 downloads
Departmental ditties and Ballads and Barrack-room ballads Rudyard Kipling 330 downloads
The True History of Tom & Jerry Pierce Egan, Charles Hindley, and W. T. Moncrieff 321 downloads
The Book of Humorous Verse 302 downloads
Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes Harry Graham 299 downloads
The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 01 (of 11) Thomas Hood 293 downloads
Nonsense Songs Edward Lear 276 downloads
Nonsense Drolleries Edward Lear 262 downloads
Songs of a Savoyard W. S. Gilbert 233 downloads
The Humorous Poetry of the English Language; from Chaucer to Saxe 231 downloads
The Motley Muse (Rhymes for the Times) Harry Graham 229 downloads
The Casual Ward: Academic and Other Oddments A. D. Godley 206 downloads
Fifty "Bab" Ballads: Much Sound and Little Sense W. S. Gilbert 198 downloads
The Bab Ballads W. S. Gilbert 197 downloads
Familiar Faces Harry Graham 195 downloads
More Bab Ballads W. S. Gilbert 189 downloads
Absurd Ditties G. E. Farrow 189 downloads
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