Books about Social sciences (sorted alphabetically)
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Displaying results 1–15
African and European Addresses Theodore Roosevelt
Aristocracy & Evolution W. H. Mallock
Democracy and Social Ethics Jane Addams
Forgotten Man, and Other Essays William Graham Sumner
Kernpunkte der sozialen Frage in den Lebensnotwendigkeiten der Gegenwart und Zukunft (German) Rudolf Steiner
Mankind in the Making H. G. Wells
Mankind in the Making H. G. Wells
Non-religion of the Future: A Sociological Study Jean-Marie Guyau
Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government Victoria C. Woodhull
Ploughshare and Pruning-Hook: Ten Lectures on Social Subjects Laurence Housman
Social Civics William Bennett Munro and Charles Eugene Ozanne
Square Deal Theodore Roosevelt
thread of life Infanta of Spain Eulalia
Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne John Ruskin
Yhteiskunnallisen kysymyksen ydinkohdat (Finnish) Rudolf Steiner
Displaying results 1–15