Books about English wit and humor (sorted alphabetically)
Mr. Punch with Rod and Gun: The Humours of Fishing and Shooting
Mr. Punch with the Children
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures Douglas William Jerrold
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures Douglas William Jerrold
naplopó tünődései (Hungarian) Jerome K. Jerome
Nonsense Books Edward Lear
Nonsense Drolleries Edward Lear
Nonsense Songs Edward Lear
Nurserymatograph G. A. T. Allan
Odd Volume; Or, Book of Variety
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 28, 1914 Various
Punster's Pocket-book C. M. Westmacott
Puppets at Large: Scenes and Subjects from Mr Punch's Show F. Anstey
School-Room Humour T. J. Macnamara
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jerome K. Jerome
Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) and Two Other Reminiscences H. G. Wells
Songs of a Savoyard W. S. Gilbert
Stage-Land Jerome K. Jerome
Stories of Comedy
Terribly Intimate Portraits Noel Coward
Travelling Companions: A Story in Scenes F. Anstey
True History of Tom & Jerry Pierce Egan, Charles Hindley, and W. T. Moncrieff
Unparliamentary papers and other diversions Reginald Berkeley
Voces Populi F. Anstey
William Tell Told Again P. G. Wodehouse