Books about English wit and humor (sorted by popularity)
Bab Ballads and Savoy Songs W. S. Gilbert 124 downloads
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures Douglas William Jerrold 124 downloads
Mr. Punch's After-Dinner Stories 123 downloads
Mr. Punch with Rod and Gun: The Humours of Fishing and Shooting 123 downloads
In a Canadian Canoe; The Nine Muses Minus One, and Other Stories Barry Pain 122 downloads
The Bab Ballads, with Which Are Included Songs of a Savoyard W. S. Gilbert 120 downloads
The Nurserymatograph G. A. T. Allan 120 downloads
Mr. Punch on the Warpath: Humours of the Army, the Navy and the Reserve Forces 120 downloads
Lancashire Humour Thomas Newbigging 120 downloads
Fancy free Eden Phillpotts 120 downloads
The book of Martha Mrs. Dowdall 119 downloads
Faces and Places Sir Henry W. Lucy 119 downloads
Mr. Punch at the Play: Humours of Music and the Drama 119 downloads
Mr. Punch in the Hunting Field 119 downloads
Wisdom while you wait : Being a foretaste of the glories of the 'Insidecompletuar Britanniaware' ... E. V. Lucas and Charles L. Graves 119 downloads
Mirth and metre Frank E. Smedley and Edmund Yates 118 downloads
"Mr. Punch's" Book of Arms Edward Tennyson Reed 116 downloads
The day's play A. A. Milne 114 downloads
Mr. Punch with the Children 113 downloads
English Jests and Anecdotes, Collected from Various Sources Various 113 downloads
Mr. Punch's Irish Humour in Picture and Story 112 downloads
Fifty "Bab" Ballads: Much Sound and Little Sense W. S. Gilbert 108 downloads
The Bab Ballads W. S. Gilbert 107 downloads
Ever Heard This? Over Three Hundred Good Stories F. W. Chambers 95 downloads
Joe Miller's Jests, or The Wits Vade-Mecum 94 downloads