Books about Revenge -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
A Son of the Sahara Louise Gerard 163 downloads
Le Bossu: Aventures de Cape et d'Épée. Volume 6 (French) Paul Féval 156 downloads
He swallows gold H. Bedford-Jones 152 downloads
Le Bossu: Aventures de Cape et d'Épée. Volume 5 (French) Paul Féval 149 downloads
Victory: An Island Tale Joseph Conrad 144 downloads
Star Performer Robert Shea 143 downloads
The prey of the strongest Morley Roberts 142 downloads
A jest and a vengeance E. Hoffmann Price 142 downloads
Spacerogue Robert Silverberg 141 downloads
Centauri Vengeance Stephen Marlowe 138 downloads
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 12 Robert Louis Stevenson 138 downloads
Monte-Criston kreivi (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet 133 downloads
A time to die Harold Calin 132 downloads
Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night Algis Budrys 130 downloads
A Dreadful Temptation; or, A Young Wife's Ambition Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 126 downloads
The Indian's Hand Lorimer Stoddard 124 downloads
Face au drapeau (French) Jules Verne 124 downloads
Le Bossu: Aventures de Cape et d'Épée. Volume 1 (French) Paul Féval 124 downloads
Jacquou le Croquant (French) Eugène Le Roy 121 downloads
Death-Dealer, the Shawnee Scourge; or The Wizard of the Cliffs Arthur L. Meserve 118 downloads
The Lion and the Mouse; a Story of an American Life Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow 118 downloads
The Green Dream Bryce Walton 114 downloads
Cloomber Hallin salaisuus (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle 112 downloads
Revenge of the Vera Henry Hasse 109 downloads
Veljekset: Talvinen tarina (Finnish) Robert Louis Stevenson 108 downloads