Books about Europe -- Description and travel (sorted alphabetically)
Ride on Horseback to Florence Through France and Switzerland. Vol. 1 of 2 Augusta Macgregor Holmes
Ride on Horseback to Florence Through France and Switzerland. Vol. 2 of 2 Augusta Macgregor Holmes
Roundabout to Moscow: An Epicurean Journey John Bell Bouton
Saunterings Charles Dudley Warner
Savolainen neekeri muilla mailla : Pikku juttuja matkalta Helsingistä Napoliin (Finnish) Heikki Välisalmi
Schöne Aussicht: A Journal of Our Trip Abroad Louise Spilker
Souvenirs de voyage (French) Mercier-Thoinnet
Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1 Harriet Beecher Stowe
Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, Volume 2 Harriet Beecher Stowe
Thistle and the Cedar of Lebanon Habeeb Risk Allah
Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe John MacGregor
Tierras Solares (Spanish) Rubén Darío
Tokio - Berlin: Von der japanischen zur deutschen Kaiserstadt (German) Jintaro Omura
To Nuremberg and Back: A Girl's Holiday Amy Neally
Touring in 1600: A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of Education E. S. Bates
tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium, during the summer and autumn of 1814 Richard Boyle Bernard
Traveler at Forty Theodore Dreiser
Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817 C. R. Cockerell
Trip to the Sunny South" in March, 1885 L. S. D.
Twenty Years in Europe S. H. M. Byers
Vacation Rambles Thomas Hughes
Viajes de un Colombiano en Europa, primera serie (Spanish) José María Samper
Viajes de un Colombiano en Europa, segunda serie (Spanish) José María Samper
Viajes por Europa y América (Spanish) Gorgonio Petano y Mazariegos
Vierzig Jahre aus dem Leben eines Toten. Band 1 (German) Johann Konrad Friederich