Books about World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives (sorted alphabetically)
Over the Front in an Aeroplane, and Scenes Inside the French and Flemish Trenches Ralph Pulitzer
Over the Top," by an American Soldier Who Went Arthur Guy Empey
Paris War Days: Diary of an American Charles Inman Barnard
Paths of Glory: Impressions of War Written at and Near the Front Irvin S. Cobb
Ravished Armenia Aurora Mardiganian
Red Glutton: With the German Army at the Front Irvin S. Cobb
Red Watch": With the First Canadian Division in Flanders John Allister Currie
Reise zur deutschen Front, 1915 (German) Ludwig Ganghofer
Russian Campaign, April to August, 1915 Stanley Washburn
Six months on the Italian front Julius M. Price
Six Women and the Invasion Gabrielle Yerta and Marguerite-Yerta Méléra
Sketches of the East Africa Campaign Robert Valentine Dolbey
Soldier of the Legion Edward Morlae
Soldier silhouettes on our front William L. Stidger
Soldiers of the Legion, Trench-Etched John Bowe
Some War Impressions Jeffery Farnol
Soul of the War Philip Gibbs
stählerne Mauer: Reise zur deutschen Front, 1915, Zweiter Teil (German) Ludwig Ganghofer
Surgeon in Belgium Henry Sessions Souttar
Ten months in a German raider : a prisoner of war aboard the Wolf John Stanley Cameron
Towards the Goal Mrs. Humphry Ward
Trapped in 'Black Russia': Letters June-November 1915 Ruth Pierce
Traveller in War-Time Winston Churchill
True Stories of the Great War, Volume 1 (of 6)
True Stories of the Great War, Volume 2 (of 6)