Books about World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives (sorted alphabetically)
Letters of Lt.-Col. George Brenton Laurie G. B. Laurie
Liége on the line of march : an American girl's experiences when the Germans came through Belgium Glenna Lindsley Bigelow
Log of a Noncombatant Horace Green
Luck of Thirteen: Wanderings and Flight through Montenegro and Serbia Jan Gordon and Cora Gordon
Many Fronts Lewis R. Freeman
Martial Adventures of Henry and Me William Allen White
Meine Erinnerungen aus Ostafrika (German) Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck
Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur; or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of War Benjamin Muse
Minstrel in France Sir Harry Lauder
Mud and Khaki: Sketches from Flanders and France Vernon Bartlett
My Diary in Serbia: April 1, 1915-Nov. 1, 1915 Monica M. Stanley
My four weeks in France Ring Lardner
My Home in the Field of Honor Frances Wilson Huard
My Second Year of the War Frederick Palmer
My Secret Service: Vienna, Sophia, Constantinople, Nish, Belgrade, Asia Minor, etc. Man who dined with the Kaiser
My Year of the Great War Frederick Palmer
My Year of the War Frederick Palmer
Night Bombing with the Bedouins Robert Henry Reece
Norman Prince : A volunteer who died for the cause he loved George Franklin Babbitt
Note-Book of an Attaché: Seven Months in the War Zone Eric Fisher Wood
Notes of a Camp-Follower on the Western Front E. W. Hornung
Onlooker in France 1917-1919 Sir William Orpen
On the Edge of the War Zone Mildred Aldrich
Our Part in the Great War Arthur Gleason
Over Periscope Pond Esther Sayles Root and Marjorie Crocker