Books about English literature -- History and criticism (sorted by popularity)
Books and Habits, from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn Lafcadio Hearn 139 downloads
Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise (Volume 3 de 5) (French) Hippolyte Taine 136 downloads
The foreign debt of English literature T. G. Tucker 134 downloads
Bibliographic Notes on One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature Henry Watson Kent 130 downloads
Hours in a Library, Volume 2 Leslie Stephen 129 downloads
English Literature: Modern G. H. Mair 127 downloads
Hours in a Library, Volume 1 Leslie Stephen 125 downloads
Idle Hours in a Library William Henry Hudson 124 downloads
Gossip in a Library Edmund Gosse 118 downloads
English Lands, Letters and Kings, vol. 2: From Elizabeth to Anne Donald Grant Mitchell 117 downloads
English Lands, Letters and Kings, vol. 4: The Later Georges to Victoria Donald Grant Mitchell 115 downloads
Reginald Bateman, Teacher and Soldier Reginald Bateman 107 downloads
Dialogue Anthony Hope 83 downloads