Books about American fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Poker Jim, Gentleman, and Other Tales and Sketches G. Frank Lydston
Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill Winston Churchill
red-hot dollar, and other stories from the Black Cat H. D. Umbstaetter
Shadowy Third, and Other Stories Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
Sharper's Downfall; Or, Into the Net Nicholas Carter
Stolen Brain; Or, A Wonderful Crime Nicholas Carter
Tarn of Eternity Frank Tymon
Third Circle Frank Norris
Tioba, and Other Tales Arthur Colton
True, and Other Stories George Parsons Lathrop
Vestigia. Vol. I. George Fleming
Vestigia. Vol. II. George Fleming
Waifs and strays [part 1] O. Henry
White Magic: A Novel David Graham Phillips