Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Cathay Ezra Pound and Bai Li 744 downloads
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 1. Poetry Baron George Gordon Byron Byron 732 downloads
A Dream within a Dream Edgar Allan Poe 730 downloads
The Tiger William Blake 729 downloads
The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table Oliver Wendell Holmes 718 downloads
The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2 Robert Herrick 691 downloads
Cathay Ezra Pound and Bai Li 686 downloads
Poems Ralph Waldo Emerson 664 downloads
Poet To His Love Maxwell Bodenheim 649 downloads
Milton's Comus John Milton 647 downloads
The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 Jonathan Swift 647 downloads
The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 2 Jonathan Swift 640 downloads
Sea Garden H. D. 626 downloads
Men and Women Robert Browning 592 downloads
Kipling Stories and Poems Every Child Should Know, Book II Rudyard Kipling 584 downloads
My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale Thomas Woolner 573 downloads
Христо Ботев, Стихотворения (Bulgarian) Khristo Botev 528 downloads
Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven W. B. Yeats 527 downloads
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins 510 downloads
Poems William Ernest Henley 502 downloads
Красавице (Russian) Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 468 downloads
Poems 1918-21, Including Three Portraits and Four Cantos Ezra Pound 465 downloads
The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Thomas Moore 459 downloads
Rhymes of a Rolling Stone Robert W. Service 456 downloads
Impresiones, Poesías (Spanish) José Campo Arana 452 downloads