Books about Short stories, American (sorted alphabetically)
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$30,000 Bequest, and Other Stories Mark Twain
$30,000 Bequest, and Other Stories Mark Twain
achievements of Luther Trant William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
All the Sad Young Men F. Scott Fitzgerald
Americans All
American short stories : Selected and edited with an introductory essay on the short story by Charles Sears Baldwin
Amouretta landscape, and other stories Adeline Adams
Ann Arbor Tales Karl Edwin Harriman
Apes and Angels Richard Edward Connell
Apple-Tree Table, and Other Sketches Herman Melville
Araminta and the Automobile Charles Battell Loomis
Are Parents People? Alice Duer Miller
Argonaut stories
At Close Range Francis Hopkinson Smith
At Start and Finish William Lindsey
Automaton Ear, and Other Sketches Florence McLandburgh
Autumnal leaves: tales and sketches in prose and rhyme Lydia Maria Child
Autumn Leaves: Original Pieces in Prose and Verse
Back Home: Being the Narrative of Judge Priest and His People Irvin S. Cobb
Back to God's Country and Other Stories James Oliver Curwood
Balaam and His Master, and Other Sketches and Stories Joel Chandler Harris
Bayou Folk Kate Chopin
Bellman Book of Fiction, 1906-1919
Best American Humorous Short Stories
Best laid schemes Meredith Nicholson
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