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Theodore Roosevelt
Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Edmund Burke
Edmund Burke
Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales
Robt. L. Taylor
Oscar Wilde
Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
Rede, gehalten bei der Eröffnung der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in Berlin, am 18. September 1828 (German)
Alexander von Humboldt
Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
Homer and Classical Philology
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Model Speeches for Practise
Grenville Kleiser
Early Double Monasteries
Constance Stoney
Memories and Studies
William James
Day of Infamy Speech: Given before the US Congress December 8 1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt
History of the Confederate Powder Works
George Washington Rains
Wit, humor, reason, rhetoric, prose, poetry and story woven into eight popular lectures
George W. Bain
The Principal Speeches and Addresses of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort
Queen of Great Britain consort of Victoria Prince Consort Albert
Wit and Wisdom of Lord Tredegar
Godfrey Charles Morgan
Address of President Roosevelt on the Occasion of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Pilgrim Memorial Monument, Provincetown, Massachusetts, August 20, 1907
Theodore Roosevelt
Toasts and Forms of Public Address for Those Who Wish to Say the Right Thing in the Right Way
William Pittenger
Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses
Duke of John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Argyll
An Deutschlands Jugend (German)
Walther Rathenau
Lectures Delivered in America in 1874
Charles Kingsley
Fifty years with the Revere Copper Co.
S. T. Snow
Die Organisation der Rohstoffversorgung (German)
Walther Rathenau
Address of President Roosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907
Theodore Roosevelt
Rede zum Schuljahresabschluß am 29. September 1809 (German)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Displaying results 1–25