Books about Inventions -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Parking, unlimited Noel M. Loomis 95 downloads
Mirage for Planet X Stanley Mullen 94 downloads
Problem in solid George O. Smith 93 downloads
Rat Race George O. Smith 91 downloads
Sales Talk H. F. Cente 91 downloads
Seven-Day Terror R. A. Lafferty 90 downloads
Don't Look Now Leonard Rubin 89 downloads
The Super Opener Michael Zuroy 89 downloads
Two worlds for one George O. Smith 84 downloads
Dark Reality Robert Moore Williams 84 downloads
Remember the 4th! Noel M. Loomis 82 downloads
The Cosmic Courtship Julian Hawthorne 76 downloads
Forever is Not So Long F. Anton Reeds 72 downloads
Miracle by Price Irving E. Cox 63 downloads